KOA 2022; 57: 178 ? 182 척추 병병의 대안적인 골 생검 주사침으로서 추체 성형술용 주사침의 유용성 JKOA 2020; 55: 540-544 골반환 손상과 동반된 고환 탈구 CIOS 2021; 13:71-75 Pavolov’s ratio of the cervical spine in a Korean population : A comparative study by age in patients with minor trauma without neurologic symptoms Asian spine journal 2021; 15(2): 1319-142 Effect of congenital C4-5 synostosis on adjacent mobile segments: Radiographic assessment Journal of musculoskeletal reserch 2020; 23: 2050022 Body mass index of orthopaedic surgical patients in jeju ? Does it reflect the Koreans’ nutritional status