
  #중증 아토피피부염#식품알레르기#천식#만성 호흡기질환#폐이식#중증 아토피피부염#식품알레르기#비염


2005 .03 ~ 2007 .02서울대학교 의학 박사
2000 .03 ~ 2005 .02서울대학교 의학 석사
1989 .03 ~ 1995 .02서울대학교 의학 학사


2016 .04 ~ 현재울산의대 서울아산병원 교수
2010 .04 ~ 2016 .03울산의대 서울아산병원 부교수
2007 .03 ~ 2010 .03울산의대 서울아산병원 조교수
2005 .04 ~ 2007 .02동국대일산병원 조교수
2003 .05 ~ 2005 .02서울대병원 소아 호흡기알레르기과 전임의
1996 .03 ~ 2000 .02서울대병원 소아과 전공의
1995 .03 ~ 1996 .02서울대병원 인턴


Respiratory reactance in children aged 3-5 years with post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans is higher than in those with asthma.

Prevalence and clinical manifestations of macrolide resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in Korean children.

Respiratory reactance in children aged three to five years with postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans is higher than in those with asthma.

The Different Clinical Aspects of Pediatric Primary Airway Tumors in the Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi

The First Successful Lung Transplantation in a Korean Child with Cystic Fibrosis.

A Multicenter Retrospective Case Study of Anaphylaxis Triggers by Age in Korean Children.

Association of symptom control with changes in lung function, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and exhaled nitric oxide after inhaled corticosteroid treatment in children with asthma.

Local Immune Responses in Children and Adults with Allergic and Nonallergic Rhinitis.

The Interaction Between Prenatal Exposure to Home Renovation and Reactive Oxygen Species Genes in Cord Blood IgE Response is Modified by Maternal Atopy.

Exhaled nitric oxide and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in atopic asthmatic children with and without allergic rhinitis.


소아과학 11판
소아알레르기호흡기학 2판
천식과 알레르기질환
Color Atlas of Pediatrics


"성인 호흡기질환 영향 큰 '소아천식' 국가차원 연구 필요"

깔끔해서 병 걸린다는 '위생 가설'… 폐기 주장 나와

알레르기비염 진단 중고생 10년새 11%p↑…아토피도 늘어

[건강을 읽다]아토피 해법…"기록의 과학을 믿어라"

“투석환자 감염시 큰 위험… 코로나19 백신 접종 우선순위 둬야”


Neoplasms of the Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi in Children: A 15-Year Institutional Experience at a Single Children’s Hospitale
Environment-environment interaction between bronchiolitis and PM10 exposure could be modified by IL-13 polymorphism in the development of childhood asthma
Development of respiratory tract infection could be modified by the interactions between maternal diet during pregnancy and offspring’s CD14 (rs#2569190) polymorphisms
Factors Affecting Adherence to Inhaled Corticosteroids among Asthmatic Children


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