2018 Biological age as a health index for mortality and major age-related disease incidence in Koreans: National Health Insurance Service ? Health screening 11-year follow-up study. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2018:13(공동저자)
2017 Ascending aortic diameter is associated with hypertension in Korean men. Clin Invest Med ? Vol 40, no 4, August 2017
2016.07 Association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and serum total cholesterol with depressive symptoms in Korean adults: the Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V, 2010?2012). Public Health Nutrition.(공동저자)
2015.03 Clinical associations between metabolic syndrome and the development of microalbuminuria in Korean men. Diabetes research and Clinical practice(공동저자)
2015.05 Epicardial fat thickness is associated to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Korean men: a cross-sectional study. Cardiovascular Diabetology(공동저자)
Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging. Book chapter.2016
기능의학(Functional medicine) book chapter.2017 | 대한기능의학회(KIFM)
가정의학(Family medicine) book chapter. 2019 | 대한가정의학회(KAFM)