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2000 임신성 융모성 질환에서의 cyclin E의 발현 Thesis

2015 과체중 및 비만 성인들의 안정시 심박수와 복부 피하지방 및 내장지방과의 관계 Korean Journal of Physical Eduaction (한국체육학회지)

2016 Ambulatory heart rate of professional taxi drivers while driving without their typical psychosocial work stressors: a pilot study ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE

2012 Non-high-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol is a good indicator of Pulse Wave Velocity rather than Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in asymptomatic individuals Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

2013 프로바이오틱스, 프리바이오틱스의 임상적 적용 Korean Journal of Family Medicine (가정의학회지)

2011 Associations between combinations of body mass index plus non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes mellitus among Korean adults ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION

2011 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 is related to metabolic syndrome and homocysteine in subjects without clinically significant atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL & LABORATORY INVESTIGATION

2011 Serum carcinoembryonic antigen is associated with metabolic syndrome in female Korean non-smokers. CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA

2012 동맥경직도와 QTc 간격과의 관계 Korean Journal of Family Practice (가정의학)

2006 청소년 남자에서 인슐린 저항성과 동맥 경직도의 관련성 Thesis

2012 직장 내 식당을 이용한 3주간의 식이 중재 프로그램 ? 중재 전후 비교 예비 연구 Korean Journal of Health Promotion

2012 한국 대학생들의 체력과 체질량지수 및 대사증후군 위험요인과의 관계: 심폐체력과 근지구력을 중심으로 Journal of Korean Society for the Study of Obesity (대한비만학회지)

2012 Kambin triangle versus the supraneural approach for the treatment of lumbar radicular pain AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION

2018 Physical fitness and body fatness are associated with mental health in Korean young adults: a cross sectional study International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

2015 Supplementation with two probiotic strains, Lactobacillus curvatus HY7601 and Lactobacillus plantarum KY1032, reduced body adiposity and Lp-PLA2 activity in overweight subjects OBESITY SURGERY

2010 Increased γ-glutamyltransferase and decreased total bilirubin are associated with metabolic syndrome in Korean postmenopausal women CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE

2010 Serum osteocalcin is related to abdominal obesity in Korean obese and overweight men CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA

2019 Relationship between inflammatory markers and visceral obesity in obese and overweight Korean adults: An observational study MEDICINE

2013 EGT022 accelerates pressure ulcer wound healing Dissertation

2020 장애인의 만성질환, 건강행태 및 사망위험: 국민건강보험공단 건강검진자료 분석 Health and Social Welfare Review (보건사회연구)


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