


2013 .03 ~ 2015 .02울산대학교 의학 박사
2010 .03 ~ 2012 .02단국대학교 의학 석사
1999 .03 ~ 2007 .02연세대학교(원주) 의학 학사


2018 .03 ~ 현재서울아산병원 건강의학과(비뇨의학과) 임상전임강사
2013 .03 ~ 2018 .02서울아산병원 건강의학과(비뇨의학과) 건진교수
2012 .03 ~ 2013 .02서울아산병원 비뇨기과 임상강사
2008 .03 ~ 2012 .02단국대학교병원 전공의
2007 .03 ~ 2008 .02연세대학교 강남 세브란스 인턴


Reply by the Authors.

Changes in Weight and Metabolic Syndrome Are Associated With Prostate Growth Rate Over a 5-Year Period.

Changes in Weight and Metabolic Syndrome Are Associated with Prostate Growth Rate Over a 5-Year Period: Reply.

Three-Dimensional Printing: Basic Principles and Applications in Medicine and Radiology.

Urinary uroplakin expression in cyclophosphamide-induced rat cystitis model.

The type of nephrectomy has little effect on overall survival or cardiac events in patients of 70 years and older with localized clinical t1 stage renal masses.

Clinical Experience with Limited Lymph Node Dissection for Prostate Cancer in Korea: Single Center Comparison of 247 Open and 354 Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Series


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이유 없이 눈물…밤새 뒤척…남녀 모두 피할수 없는 '갱년기'

“남성 갱년기도 호르몬 투여? 신체검사 필수”


Application of simulated patient-specific 3D printed kidney model fabricated by color multi-material 3D printer from volumetric CT to aid renal caricinoma surgery

Changes in weight and metabolic syndrome are associated with prostate growth rate over a 5 year period.

Is There A Role for Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Tumors Regarding Overall Survival in Patients Older than 70 year?

Oncological Outcome after Open Versus Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy for Stage cT2a Renal Cell Carcinoma

Renal cell carcinoma in End-stage renal disease patients on dialysis


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