
교수, 원장, 이사장



1980-03~1986-02 고려대학교 의학과 대졸
1988-03~1990-02 고려대학교 일반외과학 대학원졸(석사)
1991-09~1993-08 고려대학교 일반외과학 대학원졸(박사)


1986-03~1991-02 고려대학교 부속 혜화병원 인턴, 레지던트
1991-03~1993-12 고려대학교 부속 안암병원 임상강사
1994-01~1995-01 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Post-doctoral fellow
1995-03~2000-10 고려대학교 의과대학 외과 전임강사, 조교수
1998-03~2000-04 Robert Lurie Cancer Center Northwestern University 교환조교수
2000-12~2006-07 국립암센터 유방암센터 센터장
2001-05~2008-08 국립암센터 유방내분비암연구과 과장
2006-08~2007-03 국립암센터 암예방검진센터 센터장
2007-12~2008-08 국립암센터 암예방검진센터 센터장
2008-09~2011-11 고려대학교 의과대학/ 고려대학교 안암병원 유방내분비외과 교수
2011-12~2012-01 국립암센터 분자영상치료연구과 책임연구원
2011-12~현재 국립암센터 유방암센터 전문의
2011-12~2014-09 국립암센터 융합기술연구부 부장
2012-01~2016-03 국립암센터 NExT연구과 책임연구원
2012-01~현재 국립암센터 외과 전문의
2012-09~2014-09 국립암센터 유방암센터 센터장
2014-03~2017-02 국제암대학원대학교 시스템종양생물학과 겸임교수
2014-10~2016-06 국립암센터 연구소 연구소장
2015-10~2018-10 한국보건의료연구원 위원
2016-03~2016-06 국립암센터 정밀의학연구과 책임연구원
2016-06~2017-11 국립암센터 면역세포치료사업단 단장
2017-03~2017-11 국립암센터 면역치료연구과 책임연구원
2017-03~2017-11 국립암센터국제암대학원대학교 암의생명과학과 겸임교수
2017-11~2020-11 국립암센터 원장
2017-11~2020-11 국립암센터국제암대학원대학교 총장
2017-11~2020-11 국립암센터발전기금 이사장
2020-11~현재 국립암센터 융합기술연구부 교수
2020-11~현재 국립암센터국제암대학원대학교 암의생명과학과 교수


주요논문 (전체: 195 SCI: 93 SCI-E: 93 기타: 7 SSCI: 2 SCI+SCI-E+SSCI: 0 )

2021 SCI-E Effectiveness of the Korean National Cancer Screening Program in reducing breast cancer mortality: NPJ BREAST CANCER. :~ (6)

2021 SCI-E ELOVL2: a novel tumor suppressor attenuating tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH. 11(6):2568~2589 (6.166)

2021 SCI-E Nutrient intakes from supplement and factors associated with supplement use among breast cancer survivors: A cross-sectional study: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE. :e13447~ (2.52)

2021 SCI-E Guidelines for Cancer Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 53(2):323~329 (4.679)

2021 SCI-E Analysis of the tumor characteristics in young age breast cancer patients using collaborative stage data of the Korea Central Cancer Registry: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 187(3):785~792 (3.831)

2021 SCI-E Survival in untreated hepatocellular carcinoma: A national cohort study: PLOS ONE. 16(2):e0246143~ (3.24)

2021 SCI-E Criteria for identifying residual tumours after neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancers: a magnetic resonance imaging study: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 11(1):634~ (4.379)

2020 SCI-E Exon splicing analysis of intronic variants in multigene cancer panel testing for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer: CANCER SCIENCE. 111(10):3912~3925 (4.966)

2020 기타 Comparison of clinical outcomes between sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary lymph node dissection in a single-center Z0011-eligible breast cancer cohort: Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology. 16(1):18~24 (0)

2020 SCI-E Efficacy of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy compared with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in pre-menopausal patients with oestrogen receptor-positive and HER2-negative, lymph node-positive breast cancer: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH. 22(1):54~ (4.988)

2020 SCI-E Efficacy of health coaching and a Web-based program on physical activity, weight, and distress management among cancer survivors: a multi-centered randomised controlled trial: PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. Online:Published (3.006)

2020 SCI-E Role of aldehyde dehydrogenases, alcohol dehydrogenase 1B genotype, alcohol consumption, and their combination in breast cancer in East-Asian women: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 10(1):6564~ (3.998)

2020 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2020: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 52(2):351~358 (3.761)

2020 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2017: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 52(2):335~350 (3.761)

2020 SCI-E Identification of novel breast cancer susceptibility loci in meta-analyses conducted among Asian and European descendants: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 11(1):1217~ (12.121)

2020 SCI-E Comparing the Characteristics and Outcomes of Male and Female Breast Cancer Patients in Korea: Korea Central Cancer Registry: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 52(3):739~746 (3.761)

2020 SCI-E Reliability and Validity of the Korean Language Version of the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Patient-Reported Outcomes Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events: JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT. 59(5):1082~1088 (3.077)

2020 SCI-E Detection of Germline Mutations in Breast Cancer Patients with Clinical Features of Hereditary Cancer Syndrome Using a Multi-Gene Panel Test: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 52(3):679~713 (3.761)

2020 SCI-E Use of Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced Liver MRI and Mortality in More than 30?000 Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Nationwide Analysis: RADIOLOGY. 295(1):114~124 (7.931)

2020 SCI-E Views on Precision Medicine among Health Professionals in Korea: A Mixed Methods Study: YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL. 61(2):192~197 (1.914)

2019 Profiles of depressive symptoms and the association with anxiety and quality of life in breast cancer survivors: a latent profile analysis: Quakity of Life Reseach. : (2.39)

2019 SCI-E Adherence to the American Cancer Society Guidelines for Cancer Survivors and Health-Related Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors: NUTRIENTS. 11(12):E2924~E2924 (4.171)

2019 SCI Genomic characteristics of triple-negative breast cancer nominate molecular subtypes that predict chemotherapy response: Molecular Cancer Research. 18(2):253~263 (4.484)

2019 SCI Adding ovarian Suppression to Tamoxifen for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Ransdomized Phase 3 Trial: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. Online:Published (28.349)

2019 SCI-E Outcomes of Pregnancy after Breast Cancer in Korean Women: A Large Cohort Study: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 52(2):426~437 (3.363)

2019 SCI-E Night-shift work and risk of breast cancer in Korean women: Clinical Epidemiology. 11:743~751 (3.178)

2019 SCI-E Dietary Inflammatory Index and Risk of Breast Cancer Based on Hormone Receptor Status: A Case-Control Study in Korea: NUTRIENTS. Online:Published (4.171)

2019 SCI The Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Using Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Plus Radioisotope Method Compared With the Radioisotope-Only Method for Breast Cancer Patients After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Prospective, Randomized, Open-Label, Single-Center Phase 2 Trial: ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. 26(8):2409~2416 (3.681)

2019 SCI Night-shift work, circadian and melatonin pathway related genes and their interaction on breast cancer risk: evidence from a case-control study in Korean women: Scientific Reports. 9(1):10982~10982 (4.011)

2019 SCI Different Patterns of Conditional Survival of Breast Cancer Patients by Age and Histologic types: Evidence from the Korean Nationwide Registry: CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY, BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION. 28(7):1169~1176 (5.057)

2019 SCI-E Clinical Significance of Lymph-Node Ratio in Determining Supraclavicular Lymph-Node Radiation Therapy in pN1 Breast Cancer Patients Who Received Breast-Conserving Treatment (KROG 14-18): A Multicenter Study: CANCERS. 11(5):E680~E680 (6.162)

2019 SCI Integrative molecular profiling identifies a novel cluster of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in very young women: cancer science. 110(5):1760~1770 (4.751)

2019 SCI Effect of Antihypertensive Medications on Sepsis-Related Outcomes: A Population-Based Cohort Study: Critical Care Medicine. 47(5):e386~e393 (6.971)

2019 SCI-E Integrative In Vivo Drug Testing Using Gene Expression Signature and Patient-Derived Xenografts from Treatment-Refractory HER2 Positive and Triple-Negative Subtypes of Breast Cancer: CANCERS. 11(4):E574~E574 (6.162)

2019 SCI-E Prognostic Value of Post-Diagnosis Health-Related Quality of Life for Overall Survival in Breast Cancer: Findings from a 10-Year Prospective Cohort in Korea: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.363)

2019 SCI-E Delayed IL-21 treatment preferentially expands peptide-specific CD8+ T cells by reducing bystander activation of T cells: IMMUNOTHERAPY. 11(6):497~513 (3.028)

2019 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2016: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(2):417~430 (3.363)

2019 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2019: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(2):431~437 (3.363)

2019 SCI-E Interaction Effect Between Breast Density and Reproductive Factors on Breast Cancer Risk in Korean Population: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 24(1):26~32 (2.33)

2019 SCI Retrospectively validating the results of the ACOSOG Z0011trial in alarge Asian Z0011-eligible cohort: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.471)

2019 SCI-E Prediagnosis obesity and secondary primary cancer risk in female cancer survivors: A national cohort study: CANCER MEDICINE. 8(2):824~838 (3.357)

2019 기타 Parity Differently Affects the Breast Cancer Specific Survival from Ductal Carcinoma In Situ to Invasive Cancer: A Registry-Based Retrospective Study from Korea: Breast Cancer : Basic and Clinical Research. 13:1~8 (0)

2019 SCI-E Direct isolation and characterization of circulating exosomes from biological samples using magnetic nanowires: Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 17(1):1~1 (5.345)

2019 SCI-E Clinical Implication of subcategorizing T2 category into T2a and T2b in TNM staging of breast cancer: CANCER MEDICINE. 11:5514~5524 (3.357)


2018 유방암 경험자 건강관리 가이드(유방암 경험자용) 국립암센터
2011 유방암 한국유방암학회
2008 유방암100문100답 - 유방암에 대해 알고 싶은 모든 것 국립암센터
2007 누구나 알고 싶은 암예방과 조기검진 국립암센터
2006 암과 음식 국립암센터
2002 유방암의 진단과 치료의 실제 의학문화사


국립암센터, 파견용역 근로자 정규직 전환 자축 행사 열어

[인터뷰│이은숙 국립암센터 원장] "암치료·예방에서 사회복귀 지지로 확장"

[아주초대석]이은숙 국립암센터 원장 “희귀암 정복 집중, ‘젊은 암센터’ 만들겠다”

이은숙 원장이 가져올 국립암센터의 변화


포스팅 내용이 없습니다.


[건강365]유방암 발병요인과 자가검진,정기검진의 중요성!유방암 병기외 전이위험,치료까지!

[건강한 요일의 앨리스] [암요앎요] 유방암에 좋은 음식, 먹으면 안되는 음식 - 국립암센터 이은숙 원장님

[건강한 요일의 앨리스] [닥터마마 Live 오픈 클리닉] 원활한 소통방법 - 국립암센터 닥터마마 이은숙 교수
1강_ 똑 소리 나는 암 환우의 진료실 대화법 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nkplJEp4EM
2강_ 치료효과를 높일 수 있는 현명한 소통법 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfavehkRiSE
3강_ 의사에게 힘든 환자 있다? 없다?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO3TCMZzF4A

[건강한 요일의 앨리스] [닥터마마 Live 오픈 클리닉] 유방암 솔루션 - 국립암센터 닥터마마 이은숙 교수
1강_ 30대 유방암 조기발견과 예방법 소개! ! 가족에 유방암 환자가 있다면? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGabWrTeE-Y
2강_ 유방암 환자 치료 후 임신 계획부터 가족이 함께 해야 할일. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDrODC4Al8A
3강_ 가슴 성형하면 암 위험이 커질까? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsD9lYOViLA


2011-02-23 출원 Apparatus and Method for muliple Immunoassays on a chip 13/060,402 2011-02-23

2008-08-29 출원 칩기반의 다중면역반응 검사 장치 및 방법 10-2008-0085152 2008-08-29

2008-10-26 출원 허셉틴을 이용한 유방암 진단 키트, 조성물 및 이들을 이용하여 허셉틴 민감성 HER2 과발현 세포를 검출하는 방법 (PCT/출원) PCT/KR2008/006127 2008-10-26

2008-08-29 출원 Apparatus and Method for muliple Immunoassays on a chip PCT/KR2008/005088 2008-08-29

2007-10-19 출원 허셉틴을 이용한 유방암 진단 키트, 조성물 및 이들을 이용하여 허셉틴 민감성 HER 2 과발현 세포를 검출하는 방법 10-2007-0105736 2007-10-19
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