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? Neovaginoplasty using labial and vestibular advancement flap in patients with Mullerian agenesis * 미국생식내분비학회(ASRM) 채택 2015.10.17(토)~10.21(수), Baltimore

? High pregnancy rate after microsurgical tubal reanastomosis by temporary loose parallel 4-quadrant sutures technique: a long long-term follow-up report on 961 cases. Human Reproduction 2012 Jun;27(6):1657-62.

? Efficacy of bleeding control using a large amount of highly diluted vasopressin in laparoscopic treatment for interstitial pregnancy. Am. J Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2010;203(1):30.e4-6.

? Use of Tuohy needle for intraamniotic methotrexate injection through the cervical canal in a cervical pregnancy after failure of systemic methotrexate treatment. Fertility and Sterility.2010;93(2):442-6.

? Serum estradiol levels during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation influence the pregnancy outcome of in vitro fertilization in a concentration-dependent manner. Fertility and Sterility,2010;93(2):442-6.

? Decreased amniotic fluid leptin levels in the second trimester in Down's syndrome. Fetal Diagn Ther.2009;26(4):195-9.

? The outcomes of pregnancy following laparoscopic cornuotomy for interstitial pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility.2009;92(2):e24;

? Short coasting of one or two days by withholding both gonadotropins and GnRH agonist prevents ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome without compromising the outcome. Fertility and Sterility.2008;90(6):2172-8.

? Parasitic leiomyoma in the abdominal wall after laparoscopic myomectomy. Fertility and Sterility.2008;90:1201.e1-e2.

? Treatment with piroxicam before embryo transfer increases the pregnancy rate after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Fertility and Sterility.2004;82:816-820.

? Simple suturing and tying methods applied on successful 5,000 cases of endoscopic operations. AAGL. Video Journal. Technique part. * Prize Winning Videos: Top 10 videos from 32th AAGL Annual Meeting


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