



1994. 02. 전남대학교 의과대학 졸업(의학사)
1997. 02. 전남대학교 대학원 의학과(석사)
2003. 08. 전남대학교 대학원 의학과(박사)


1994. 03.- 1995 .02. 전남대병원 인턴
1995. 03.- 1999.02. 전남대병원 안과 레지던트
1999. 03. 안과전문의 취득
1999. 07. - 2002. 04. 목포중앙병원 안과 과장
2002. 05. - 2003. 04. 전남대병원 안과 전임의사(fellow)
2003. 05. - 2004. 02. 전남대병원 안과 임상전임강사
2004. 02. - 2006. 03. 전남대학교 의과대학 전임강사
2010. 04. - 2015. 03. 전남대학교 의과대학 부교수
2010. 09. - 현재 전남대병원 안과 과장, 안은행장
2012. 04. - 현재 전남의대 안과학교실 주임교수
2013. 05. - 현재 전남대병원 광의료융복합사업단장
2014. 05. - 현재 전남대병원 홍보실장
2015. 04. - 현재 전남대학교 의과대학 교수
2016.09.- 현재 전남대학교 의과대학 노인의학센터 소장
2018.04.- 현재 전남대병원 의료질관리실장

2015. 01. - 현재 질병관리본부 시각, 안질환분과 자문위원
2015. 01. - 현재 식품의약품안전처 의료기기위원회 위원
2015. 01. - 현재 통계청 한국표준질병 사인분류 자문위원
2016.01.- 현재 보건복지부 의사상자심사위원회 자문위원
2016.02.-현재 한국실명예방재단 이사
2017.01.- 현재 건강보험심사평가위원회 심사위원
2017.03.- 현재 광주지방검찰청 광주전남범죄피해자지원센터 의료지원위원회 위원장

2009. - 현재 마르퀴스 후스후 등 세계인명사전 등재


2014. Ji YS, Yoon KC. A rare case of peripheral keratitis associated with Behcet’s disease. Int Ophthalmology 2014;34:979-981.
2014. Lee H, Oh HJ, Yoon KC, Tae G, Kim YH. Fast in situ enzymatic gelation of PPO-PEO block copolymer for injectabel intraocular lens in vivo. J Biomater Appl 2014;28:1247-1263.
2014. Sung MS, Yoon KC. Evaluation of graft-host interface after penetrating keratoplasty using anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2014;58:282-289.
2014. Oh HJ, Li Z, Park SH, Yoon KC. Effect of hypotonic 0.18% sodium hyaluronate eyedrops on inflammation of the ocular surface in experimental dry eye. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2014;30:533-542.
2014. Li Z, Choi JH, Oh HJ, Park SH, Lee JB, Yoon KC. Effects of eye drops containing a mixture of omega-3 essential fatty acids and hyaluronic acid on the ocular surface in desiccating stress-induced murine dry eye. Curr Eye Res 2014;39:871-878.
2014. Lee HS, Ji YS, Yoon KC. Efficacy of hypotonic 0.18% sodium hyaluronate eye drops in patients with dry eye disease. Cornea 2014;33:946-951.
2014. Lee JB, Kim SH, Lee SC, Kim HG, Ahn HG, Li Z, Yoon KC. Blue light-induced oxidative stress in human corneal epithelial cells: protective effects of ethanol extracts of various medicinal plant mixtures. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2014;55:4119-4127.
2015. Choi W, Kim GE, Park SH, Shin SE, Park JH, Yoon KC. First report of external ophthalmomyiasis caused by Lucilia sericata Meigen in a healthy patient without predisposing risk factors. Parasitol Int 2015;64:281-283.
2015. Yang JM, Yoon KC, Ji YS. Transscleral fixation of single-piece foldable acrylic lens with eyelets at the optic-haptic junction. Can J Ophthalmol 2015;50(5):367-372.
2015. Yang JM, Choi W, Kim N, Yoon KC. Comparison of topical cyclosporine and diquafosol treatment in dry eye. Optom Vis Sci 2015;92:e296-302.
2015. Kim DH, Yoon KC, Seo KY, Lee HS, Yoon SC, Sotozono U, Ueta M, Kim MK. The role of systemic immunomodulatory treatment and prognostic factors on chronic ocular complications in Stevens-Johonson syndrome. Ophthalmology 2015;122:254-264.
2015. Sung MS, Li Z, Cui L, Choi JS, Choi W, Park MJ, Park SH, Yoon KC. Effect of topical 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-d-Ribofuranoside in a mouse model of experimental dry eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015;56:3149-3158.
2015. Choi W, Kim JC, Kim WS, Oh HJ, Yang JM, Lee JB, Yoon KC. Clinical effect of antioxidant glasses containing extracts of medicinal plants in patients with dry eye disease: a multi-center, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. PLoS One 2015;10:e0139761.
2016. Choi W, Lian C, Ying L, Kim GE, You IC, Park SH, Yoon KC. Expression of lipid peroxidation markers in the tear film and ocular surface of patients with non-Sjogren syndrome: Potential biomarkers for dry eye disease. Curr Eye Res 2016; in press.
2016. Lee TH, Choi W, Ji YS, Yoon KC. Comparison of ketorolac 0.45% versus diclofenac 0.1% for macular thickness and volume after uncomplicated cataract surgery. Acta Ophthalmologica 2016;in press.
2016. Lee HS, Ueta M, Kim MK, Seo KY, Sotozono C, Kinoshita S, Yoon KC. Analysis of ocular manifestation and genetic association of allopurinol-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in South Korea. Cornea. 2016;35:199-204.

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