윤천재 의료원장
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연세대학교 대학원 의학과 석/박사
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신촌세브란스병원 응급의학과 연구강사
연세대학교 의과대학 응급의학과 외래 교수
(재)베스티안 서울병원 화상센터장
서울소방학교 화상응급처치 교육 강의
베스티안 부천병원 병원장
한국인체조직기증지원본부 공헌사업 자문위원
(재)베스티안 병원 의료원장
(현재) 대한화상학회 부회장
신촌세브란스병원 응급의학과 연구강사
연세대학교 의과대학 응급의학과 외래 교수
(재)베스티안 서울병원 화상센터장
서울소방학교 화상응급처치 교육 강의
베스티안 부천병원 병원장
한국인체조직기증지원본부 공헌사업 자문위원
(재)베스티안 병원 의료원장
(현재) 대한화상학회 부회장
An open-label, nonrandomized pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of a bovine cartilage-based wound dressing powder for the management of deep and subdermal pediatric burns.ㅣCosmetic dermatology, 2008;21:444-448
Relationship between healing time and mean perfusion unit of laser Doppler imaging (LDI) in pediatric burns.ㅣBURNS, 2009;35:818-823
The impact of laser Doppler imaging on the early decision-making process for surgical intervention in adults with indeterminate burns.ㅣBURNS, 2013;39:655-661
Factors affecting the depth of burns occurring in medical institutions.ㅣBURNS, 2014;41(3):604-608
Comparison between cryopreserved and glycerol-preserved allografts in a partial-thickness porcine wound mode.ㅣCell Tissue Bank, 2015 Jul
Epidemiology of burns caused by moxibustion in Korea.ㅣBURNS, 2016;43(7):1588-1592
Rapid preparation of a noncultured skin cell suspension that promote wound healing.ㅣCell and Tissue Banking,2017 DOI 10.1007/s10561-017-9615-8
Correlation between Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin and Burn Severity : A Pilot Study.ㅣJournal of Biosciences and Medicines, 2017
Antimicrobial Effect of Skin for Allograft and Management in Burn Wond.ㅣOpen Journal of Organ Transplant Surgery, 2017;7(1)
Relationship between healing time and mean perfusion unit of laser Doppler imaging (LDI) in pediatric burns.ㅣBURNS, 2009;35:818-823
The impact of laser Doppler imaging on the early decision-making process for surgical intervention in adults with indeterminate burns.ㅣBURNS, 2013;39:655-661
Factors affecting the depth of burns occurring in medical institutions.ㅣBURNS, 2014;41(3):604-608
Comparison between cryopreserved and glycerol-preserved allografts in a partial-thickness porcine wound mode.ㅣCell Tissue Bank, 2015 Jul
Epidemiology of burns caused by moxibustion in Korea.ㅣBURNS, 2016;43(7):1588-1592
Rapid preparation of a noncultured skin cell suspension that promote wound healing.ㅣCell and Tissue Banking,2017 DOI 10.1007/s10561-017-9615-8
Correlation between Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin and Burn Severity : A Pilot Study.ㅣJournal of Biosciences and Medicines, 2017
Antimicrobial Effect of Skin for Allograft and Management in Burn Wond.ㅣOpen Journal of Organ Transplant Surgery, 2017;7(1)
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베스티안재단, 화상환자 가려움 해소 제품 개발 나선다
“뼈ㆍ피부 등 수입 이식재, 30~50%나 비싸도 없어서 못써”
[경찰팀 리포트] '피부 이식재' 모자라 돼지피부까지 사용…속 타는 火傷환자들
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