



1981.3 ~ 1987.2 : 영남의대 의학사
1989.3 ~ 1991.2 : 영남의대 외과학 의학석사
1991.3 ~ 1997.8 : 영남의대 외과학 의학박사


1987.3 ~ 1988.2 : 영남대학교병원 인턴
1988.3 ~ 1992.2 : 영남대학교병원 전공의
1992.2 ~ 1995.4 : 국방부 군의관
1996.3 ~ 현재 : 영남대학교병원 교수
2007.3 ~ 2009.2 : 영남남대학교 의료공학 연구소장
2010.4 ~ 2010.8 : 영남대학교병원 홍보협력실장
2010.9 ~ 2012.1 : 영남대학교병원 진료협력실장
2011.2 ~ 2015.1 : 영남대학교병원 외과 과장
2014.8 ~ 2017.1 : 영남대학교병원 임상시험센터장
2017.2 ~ 2019.1 : 영남대학교병원 병원장
2019.2 ~ 현재 : 영남대학교 의과대학 학장


1. Lee SC, Yun SS, Suh BY, Kwun KB : Noninvasive uation of chronic venous insufficiency. The journal of Korean Vascular Society 5(1), 97-103, 1989

2. Chung YW, Lee SC, Yun SS, Kim WD, Park DI, Lee SJ, Shim MC, Kwun KB : Effects of drugs on angiogenesis. The Journal of Korean Cancer Association 22(2), 267-273, 1990

3. Lee SC, Yun SS, Chung YW, Kim HJ, Kwun KB : Changes of fat bolism after massive hepatectomy. The Journal of Korean Surgical Society 38(4), 428-434, 1990

4. Lee SJ, Lee SI, Yun SS, Kim HJ, Suh BY, Shim MC, Kwun KB : Changes in estrogen and progesterome receptors of the breast cancer tissue according to the surgical devascularization. The Journal of Korean Surgical 39(2), 181-188, 1990

5. Yun SS, Shin MJ, Song SK, Kim HJ, Shim MC, Kwun KB : Renal protection for ishemic and reperfusional injury in rats. The Journal of Korean Surgical Society 41(5), 628-634, 1991

6. Shin MJ, Yun SS, Kim SW, Kim JH, Huh YS, Shim MC, Kwun KB : Anal pressures in hemorrhoids and posthemorrhoidectomy with lateral internal sphincterotomy. K.C.P.S. 7(2), 135-140, 1991

7. Kim HJ, Yun SS, Doh BS, Suh WS, Song SK, Shim MC, Kwun KB : Significance of arterial Ketone Body Ratio(AKBR) in hepatic resection. The Journal of Korean Surgical Society 43(6), 1992

8. Park DY, Yun SS, Suh, BY, Kwun KB : Clinical experience on 100 cases of living-donor renal transplantation. The Journal of the Korean Transplantation Society 8(1), 45-53, 1994

9. Chai SC, Do BS, Yun SS, Lee WJ, Huh YS, Suh BY, Sung EK : The effect of autogenous endothelial cell seeding for inhibition of intimal hyperplasia to anastomotic site. The Journal of Korean Vascular Society 10(1), 9-14, 1994

10. Chai, SC, Yun SS, Lee WJ, Suh BY, Kwun KB : A case report of carotid atrery occlusive disease with amaurosis fugax. The Journal of Korean Vascular Society 10(1), 1994

11. Kim HJ, Yun SS, Kwun KB, Chang JC : Significance of hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoam presecting with bile duct tumor thrombosis. Proceeding of 2nd World Congress of the International H-B-P Association, 297-301, 1996

12. Kim HJ, Yun SS, Jeon YS, Shim MC, Kwun KB : Changes of serum IL-1 , IL-6 and TNF- after hepatectomy. The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology 29(2), 1997

13. Doh HS, Kim HJ, Yun SS, Sim MC, Kwun KB : Changes of the serum hepatocyte growth factor levels after hepatectomy. The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology 30(4), 1997

14. Kwun KB, Kim SW, Song IH, Yun SS, Choi JH : The effect of GM-CSF on the survival and the changes in the liver and lung in septic mice. The Journal of the Korenal Surgical Society 53(2), 1997

15. Kim GW, Yun SS, Kim DS, Kim SU, Kim HJ, Su BY, Kwun KB : The results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis. The Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 55(4), 1998

16. Kim HJ, Yun SS, Im MK, Ko JW, Kwun KB, Lee TY : LOH(loss of heterozygosity) of the P16 gene and its clinicopathological relationship in hepatocellular carcinoma. The Journal of Korean Association of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 2(2), 1998

17. Yun SS, Kim HJ, Choi JH : Aggressive surgical treatment of rintrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and prognostic factors. . The Journal of Korean Association of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery

18. Kim HJ, Yun SS, Jung KH, Kwun WH, Choi JH : Aggressive surgical treatment for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. The Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery,

19. Yun SS, Kim DS, Kim CJ, Kim SW, Kim JW, Suh BY, Shim MC, Kwun KB, Sung UK : Effects of preoperative chemoradiotherapy on the healing of colonic anastomosis with the lapse of operation time in the rat. K.C.P.S

20. Yun SS, Kim SW, Lee KY, Kim HJ, Huh YS, Suh BY, Kwun KB : The effect of granulocyte colony stimulating factor, glutamine and antibiotic on the bacterial translocation in the endotoxemic rats. The Journal of Korean Surgical Society


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[대구MBC] 가장 포악한 암, 췌장암 - 영남대학교병원 간담췌외과 윤성수 교수 - 2

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