



연세대학교 의과대학 의학과 학사 (2005)
연세대학교 대학원 이비인후과학 석사 (2007)
연세대학교 대학원 약리학 박사(2015)


2005.3-2006.2 신촌세브란스병원 인턴
2006.3-2010.2 신촌세브란스병원 이비인후과 전공의 수료
2012.3-2015.2 Physician-Scientist 과정 수료 (전문연구요원 복무)
2015.3-2016.2 연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 임상강사
2016.3-2017.2 연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 임상조교수
2017.3-현재 연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 조교수


1. Jung J, Suh MJ, Kim SH. Discrepancies between video head impulse and caloric tests in patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct. Laryngoscope (2016.5.7 Accepted / IF: 2.272)
2. Lee JD, Kim HJ, Jung J, Kim SH, Kim BG, Kim KS. Is dehydration test using isosorbide usefull in Meniere’s disease? Acta otolaryngol. 2016 Jun 27:1-3. (2016.6.27 Epub / IF: 1.127)
3. Jung J, Park S, Kim SH, Moon IS, Hwang KR, Lee JM, Bang MY, Choi JY. Ventilation tube insertion is not effective to the treatment of hearing impairment in pediatric patients with Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Am J Otolaryngol. 2016 May-Jun;37(3):231-5. (2016.5.1 / IF: 0.984)
4. Jung J, Kim J, Roh SH, Jun I, Sampson DR, Gee HY, Choi JY, Lee MG. The HSP70 co-chaperone DNAJC14 targets misfolded pendrin for unconventional protein secretion. Nat Commun. 2016 Apr 25;8:11386. (2016.4.25 / IF: 11.470)
5. Kim BG, Yoo TH, Yoo JE, Seo YJ, Jung J, Choi JY. Resistance to hypertension and high Cl- excretion in humans with SLC26A4 mutations. Clin Genet. 2016 Apr 19. doi: 10.1111/cge.12789. (2016.4.19 Epub / IF: 4.210)
6. Jung J, Seo YW, Choi JY, Kim SH. Vestibular function is associated with residual low-frequency hearing loss in patients with bi-allelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene. Hear Res. 2016 Feb 17;335:33-39 (2016.2.17 / IF: 2.968)
7. Jung J, Roh KJ, Moon IS, Kim SH, Hwang KR, Lee JM, Hou JH, Choi JY. Audiologic limitations of Vibrant Soundbridge device: Is the contralateral hearing aid fitting indispensable? Laryngoscope. 2016 Jan 17. doi: 10.1002/lary.25856. (2016.1.17 Epub / IF: 2.144)
8. Jun I, Cheng MH, Sim E, Jung J, Suh BL, Kim Y, Son H, Park K, Kim CH, Yoon JH, Whitcomb DC, Bahar I, Lee MG. Pore dilation increases the bicarbonate permeability of CFTR, ANO1, and glycine receptor anion channels. J Physiol. 2015 Dec 11. doi: 10.1113/JP271311. (2015.12.11 Epub / IF: 5.037)
9. Kim SH, Kim BG, Kim JY, Roh KJ, Suh MJ, Jung J, Moon IS, Moon SK, Choi JY. Electrogenic transport and K+ ion channel expression by the human endolymphatic sac epithelium. Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 14;5:18110. doi: 10.1038/srep18110. (2015.12.14 / IF: 5.578)
10. Jung J*, Kim HS*, Lee MG, Yang EJ, Choi JY. Novel COCH p.V123E Mutation, Causative of DFNA9 Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Vestibular Disorder, Shows Impaired Cochlin Post-Translational Cleavage and Secretion. Hum Mutat. 2015 Dec;36(12):1168-75. (*equal contribution) (2015.12.1 / IF: 5.340)
11. Kim J*, Jung J*, Lee MG, Choi JY, Lee KA. Non-syndromic hearing loss caused by the dominant cis mutation R75Q with the recessive mutation V37I of the GJB2 (Connexin 26) gene. Exp Mol Med. 2015 Jun 19;47. (*equal contribution) (2015.6.1 / IF: 3.446)
12. Lee JM, Kim MJ, Jung J, Kim HJ, Seo YJ, Kim SH. Genetic aspects and clinical characteristics of familial meniere’s disease in a South Korean population. Laryngoscope. 2015 Sep;125(9):2175-80. (2015.9.1 / IF: 2.144)
13. Kim HJ, Jun I, Yoon JS, Jung J, Kim YK, Kim WK, Kim BJ, Song J, Kim SJ, Nam JH, Lee MG. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors facilitate ANO6 (TMEM16F) current activation and phosphatidylserine exposure. Pflugers Arch. 2015 Nov;467(11):2243-56. (2015.11.1 / IF: 4.101)
14. Jung J, Lee MG. Does calmodulin regulate the bicarbonate permeability of ANO1/TMEM16A or not? J Gen Physiol.2015 Jan;145(1);75-7. (2015.1.1 / IF: 4.788)
15. Jang JH, Jung J, Kim AR, Cho YM, Kim MY, Lee SY, Choi JY, Lee JH, Choi BY. Identification of Novel Functional Null Allele of SLC26A4 Associated with Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct and Its Possible Implication. Audiol Neurotol. Oct 2014 24;19(5):319-326. (2014.10.24 / IF: 1.705)
16. LaRusch J*, Jung J*, General IJ*, et al. Mechanisms of CFTR functional variants that impair regulated bicarbonate permeation and increase risk for pancreatitis but not for cystic fibrosis. PLoS Genet. Jul 2014;10(7):e1004376. (* equal contribution) (2014.7.24 / IF: 8.167)
17. Jung J, Lee MG. Role of calcium signaling in epithelial bicarbonate secret
Evaluation of quality of life after intratympanic streptomycin injection in patients with M⊙ni?re's disease
Otology & Neurotology 29/6 :816-823,2008
Statistical Analysis of Pure Tone Audiometry and Caloric Test in Herpes Zoster Oticus
Clinical And Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 1/1 :15-19,2008
Clinical presentation and management of Jugular foramen paraganglioma
Clinical And Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 2/1 :28-32,2009
Significant invasion depth of early oral tongue cancer originated from the lateral border to predict regional metastases and prognosis
International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 38/6 :653-660,2009
중이내에 발병한 반전성 유두종 1예
대한이비인후과학회지-두경부외과학 52/9 :781-783,2009
경구강 로봇을 이용해 시행한 근치적 하인두암 이상와 절제술 1례
대한두경부종양학회지 25/1 :47-51,2009
The oncologic safety and functional preservation of supraglottic partial laryngectomy
American Journal Of Otolaryngology 31/4 :246-251,2010
Feasiblity of transoral robotic hypopharyngectomy for early-stage hypopharyngeal carcinoma
Oral Oncology 46/8 :597-602,2010
Dynamic modulation of ANO1/TMEM16A HCO3- permeability by Ca2+/calmodulin
Shank2 mutant mice display a hypersecretory response to cholera toxin
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 592/8 :1809-1821,2014
Role of calcium signaling in epithelial bicarbonate secretion
CELL CALCIUM 55/6 :376-384,2014
Mechanisms of CFTR Functional Variants That Impair Regulated Bicarbonate Permeation and Increase Risk for Pancreatitis but Not for Cystic Fibrosis
PLOS GENETICS 10/7 :e1004376-,2014
Correlation between genotype and phenotype in patients with bi-allelic SLC26A4 mutations
CLINICAL GENETICS 86/ :270-275,2014
Does calmodulin regulate the bicarbonate permeability of ANO1/TMEM16A or not?
Identification of Novel Functional Null Allele of SLC26A4 Associated with Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct and Its Possible Implication
Non-syndromic hearing loss caused by the dominant cis mutation R75Q with the recessive mutation V37I of the GJB2 (Connexin 26) gene
EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE (Korean journal of biochemistry) 47/ :1-7,2015
Genetic aspects and clinical characteristics of familial meniere's disease in a South Korean population
LARYNGOSCOPE 125/9 :2175-2180,2015
Novel COCH p.V123E Mutation, Causative of DFNA9 Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Vestibular Disorder, Shows Impaired Cochlin Post-Translational Cleavage and Secretion
HUMAN MUTATION 36/12 :1168-1175,2015
Electrogenic transport and K+ ion channel expression by the human endolymphatic sac epithelium.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5/- :18110-,2015
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors facilitate ANO6 (TMEM16F) current activation and phosphatidylserine exposure
The HSP70 co-chaperone DNAJC14 targets misfolded pendrin for unconventional protein secretion
Pore dilatation increases the bicarbonate permeability of CFTR, ANO1 and glycine receptor anion channels
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 594/11 :2929-2955,2016
Ventilation tube insertion is not effective to the treatment of hearing impairment in pediatric patients with Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Audiologic limitations of Vibrant Soundbridge device: Is the contralateral hearing aid fitting indispensable?
LARYNGOSCOPE 126/9 :2,116-2,123,2016
Vestibular function is associated with residual low-frequency hearing loss in patients with bi-allelic mutations in the SLC26A4 gene
HEARING RESEARCH 335/ :33-39,2016
Is dehydration test using isosorbide useful in Meniere's disease?
ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA 136/11 :1,107-1,109,2016
β1- and β2-adrenergic stimulation-induced electrogenic transport by human endolymphatic sac epithelium and its clinical implications.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6/7 :42,217-,2017
Resistance to hypertension and high Cl? excretion in humans with SLC26A4 mutations
CLINICAL GENETICS 91/3 :448-452,2017
Genetic Predisposition to Sporadic Congenital Hearing Loss in a Pediatric Population
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7/ :45973-,2017
Benefits of active middle ear implants in mixed hearing loss: Stapes versus round window
LARYNGOSCOPE 127/6 :1435-1441,2017
Discrepancies between video head impulse and caloric tests in patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct.
LARYNGOSCOPE 127/4 :921-926,2017
Effects of Saccular Function on Recovery of Subjective Dizziness After Vestibular Rehabilitation.
OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 38/7 :1,017-1,023,2017
Evaluation of Maximal Speech Intelligibility With Vibrant Soundbridge in Patients With Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 38/9 :1,246-1,250,2017
Audiologic Gain of Incus Short Process Vibroplasty With Conventional Incus Long Process Vibroplasty: A Retrospective Analysis of 36 Patients.
OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 38/8 :1,063-1,070,2017
Hearing Preservation During Cochlear Implantation and Electroacoustic Stimulation in Patients With SLC26A4 Mutations
OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 38/9 :1,262-1,267,2017
ANO9/TMEM16J promotes tumourigenesis via EGFR and is a novel therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 117/12 :1,798-1,809,2017
Whole-exome sequencing identified a missense mutation in WFS1 causing low-frequency hearing loss: A case report
Vibrant Soundbridge can improve the most comfortable listening level in sensorineural hearing loss: Our experience with 61 patients
Benefits of Bimodal Hearing with Cochlear and Middle Ear Implants: Preliminary Results in Four Patients
OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY 39/6 :e422-e428,2018
Whole-exome sequencing identifies two novel mutations in KCNQ4 in individuals with nonsyndromic hearing loss
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8/1 :16,659-16,669,2018
A novel early truncation mutation in OTOG causes prelingual mild hearing loss without vestibular dysfunction
A recurrent mutation in KCNQ4 in Korean families with nonsyndromic hearing loss and rescue of the channel activity by KCNQ activators
HUMAN MUTATION 40/3 :335-346,2019
전정신경염 환자에서 비디오두부충동검사 및 칼로릭검사의 장기추적결과의 분석
대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 62/1 :23-27,2019
Systematic evaluation of gene variants linked to hearing loss based on allele frequency threshold and filtering allele frequency
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9/1 :4583-,2019
Cleaved Cochlin Sequesters Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Activates Innate Immunity in the Inner Ear
CELL HOST & MICROBE 25/4 :513-525,2019
The TECTA mutation R1890C is identified as one of the causes of genetic hearing loss: a case report
BMC MEDICAL GENETICS 20/1 :57-57,2019
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