



1996-2002 건국대학교 의학사 졸업
2007-2009 건국대학교 의학석사 졸업
2012.3-2015 연세대학교 의학박사 졸업


2007.5-2011.2 건국대학교병원 피부과 레지던트 수료
2011.3-2015.2 연세의대 피부과학교실 강사, 임상조교수, 임상연구조교수
2015.3-2017.10 계명의대 피부과학교실 조교수, 과장, 주임교수
2016.5-2017.2 미국 스탠퍼드 대학 (Stanford University), Biomedical optics lab. 방문교수
2018. 3.1- 연세의대 피부과학교실 임상부교수


2021 Initial topical monotherapy may increase the risk of recurrence in patients with extramammary Paget's disease JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY

2021 Checkmark rotation flap for nasal tip reconstruction in Asian patients JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENT

2021 설문지를 이용한 난치성 사마귀 환자의 병력과 임상적 특성 조사를 위한 예비 연구 Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지)

2020 Advantages of A Hairline Incision for the Excision of Forehead Lipomas DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY

2020 Male sex and Breslow thickness are important risk factors for recurrence of localized melanoma in Korean populations JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY

2020 Cidofovir Intralesional Injection for Recalcitrant Common Warts: A Comparison with Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate Intralesional Injection ANNALS OF DERMATOLOGY

2020 Clinical Outcomes of Immune Checkpoint Blocker Therapy for Malignant Melanoma in Korean Patients: Potential Clinical Implications for a Combination Strategy Involving Radiotherapy CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT

2020 Artificial Intelligence in Cutaneous Oncology FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE

2020 Moxifloxacin Labeling-Based Multiphoton Microscopy of Skin Cancers in Asians LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE

2020 High-speed combined reflectance confocal and moxifloxacin based two-photon microscopy BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS

2020 Augmented decision-making for acral lentiginous melanoma detection using deep convolutional neural networks JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY

2020 Treatment of Pincer Nail with Topical Hydrating Nail Solution Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지)

2020 삼중 유방외 Paget병 1예 Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지)

2019 Application of secondary intention for the restoration of the apical triangle after Mohs micrographic surgery JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENT

2019 Skin Imaging Using Ultrasound Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography, Confocal Microscopy, and Two-Photon Microscopy in Cutaneous Oncology Frontiers in Medicine

2019 Effect of Radiotherapy Combined With Pembrolizumab on Local Tumor Control in Mucosal Melanoma Patients Frontiers in Oncology


2018 Mohs micrographic surgery for dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: comparison of frozen and paraffin techniques JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY

2018 Genetic Alterations among Korean Melanoma Patients Showing Tumor Heterogeneity: A Comparison between Primary Tumors and Corresponding Metastatic Lesions. CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT

2018 Acral melanoma detection using a convolutional neural network for dermoscopy images PLOS ONE

2018 Error rate of automated calculation for wound surface area using a digital photography SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY

2017 Dermoscopy guided dark-field multi-functional optical coherence tomography BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS

2016 Reconstruction of large wounds using a combination of negative pressure wound therapy and punch grafting after excision of acral lentiginous melanoma on the foot JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY

2015 말단흑색점흑색종 판별을 위한 전처리 과정 Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research (의공학회지)

2015 Treatment of Nodular Fasciitis Occurring on the Face ANNALS OF DERMATOLOGY

2015 Delayed Reconstruction for the Non-Amputative Treatment of Subungual Melanoma ANNALS OF DERMATOLOGY

2015 Metastatic melanomas of unknown primary show better prognosis than those of known primary: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY

2015 양성피부종양 환자 846명의 수술적 치료경험 Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지)

외 24여 편


한국인의 피부암 (공저자, 2013)

미용피부외과학 2판 (공저자, 2013)

Sequential Change of Wound Calculated by Image Analysis Using a Color Patch Method during a Secondary Intention Healing. PloS one. 2016;11(9):e0163092.

Pre-Processing for Determining Acral Lentiginous Melanoma (ALM). Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research. 2015;36(1):22-30.

Skin characteristics after fractional photothermolysis. Annals of dermatology. 2011;23(4):448-54.

Epidemiologic Study of Malassezia Yeasts in Seborrheic Dermatitis Patients by the Analysis of 26S rDNA PCR-RFLP. Annals of dermatology. 2010;22(2):149-55.

The relation between the amount of sunscreen applied and the sun protection factor in Asian skin. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2010;62(2):218-22.

Drug Therapy of Dermatophytosis. J Korean Med Assoc. 2009;52(11):1109-14.

Low-dose Ultraviolet A1 Phototherapy for Treating Pityriasis Rosea. Annals of dermatology. 2009;21(3):230-6.

The Investigation on the Distribution of Malassezia Yeasts on the Normal Korean Skin by 26S rDNA PCR-RFLP. Annals of dermatology. 2009;21(1):18-26.

Questionnaire Investigation of Preferences and Satisfaction about Topical Modalities for the Treatment of Scalp Psoriasis. Journal of the Korean Society for Psoriasis. 2008;5(1):39-42.

Questionnaire Investigation of Preferences and Satisfaction about Topical Calcipotriol Ointment. Journal of the Korean Society for Psoriasis. 2008;5(1):34-8.

Isolation of 19 strains of Malassezia dermatis from healthy human skin in Korea. The Journal of dermatology. 2008;35(12):772-7.


[백세건강-여름철 피부질환] 오병호 교수 “가족 위해 무좀 적극 치료해야”

[건강 팁] 악성 흑색종은 빠르게 전이...갑자기 생긴 점 암 의심을

[피부암]피부 현미경으로 암 진단한다…재발환자는 수술

[칼럼] 피부를 개선시키는 LED 광선요법, 그 원리는?

[피부암]자외선의 역습…평범한 점으로 알았는데 암이라고?

노화로 인한 냄새 이렇게 없애야… 몸·입·발, 내가 악취의 근원?


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[KBS 생로병사의 비밀] 점일까? 암일까? 피부암의 역습

[세브란스] 파고드는 발톱의 이유와 치료법은?

[베스트닥터Q&A] 패티큐어, 발톱에 해가 된다?

[베스트닥터Q&A] 발톱이 빠지는 이유는?

[건강의학전문채널 하이닥] 몸에 점이 생겼어요 피부암일 수도 있습니다!

[건강의학전문채널 하이닥] 혹시 이거.. 피부암..? 피부암의 증상과 종류

[건강의학전문채널 하이닥] 사마귀가 생기는 이유

[TBC스마트교육원] [닥터리포트]피부암/TBC

[퀸TV] 피부암 예방? 자외선 차단제가 답이다 | ‘피부암 명의’ 오병호 세브란스 피부과 교수


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정기양 (KEE YANG CHUNG) 피부과학교실 / 오병호 (Byung Ho Oh) 피부과학교실 /
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