



1990 연세대학교 의과대학 학사
1994 연세대학교 의과대학 석사
1997 연세대학교 의과대학 박사
1998 미국 의사 자격 획득


1990.03-1991.02 세브란스 병원 인턴
1991.03-1995.02 세브란스 병원 내과 전공의(내과 전문의)
1995.03-1998.07 연세대 의대 내과학교실, 암센터 전임의 (혈액종양내과 전문의)
1998.08-2000.07 미국 텍사스 주립대학 부속 의과대학 암센터(Cancer Therapy and Research Center)의 전임의 (clinical and research fellow)
2001.03-2006.02 연세대학교 의과대학 암전이연구센터 조교수
2006.03-2007.02 연세대학교 의과대학 암전이연구센터 부교수
2008.03-2011.02 연세대학교 의과대학 종양내과 부교수
2009.03-2010.06 암전이연구센터 중개연구실장
2009.03-2013.02 연세의료원 암센터 종양내과 과장
2009.06-현 재 세브란스병원 피험자보호센터 소장
2009.03-현 재 대한 항암요법 연구회 비뇨/부인암 분과장
2011.03-현 재 연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 종양내과 교수


2021 Stable Symptom Clusters and Evolving Symptom Networks in Relation to Chemotherapy Cycles JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT

2021 Comparative efficacy and tolerability of third-line treatments for advanced gastric cancer: A systematic review with Bayesian network meta-analysis EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER

2021 Antibody-Based Targeting of Interferon-Beta-1a Mutein in HER2-Positive Cancer Enhances Antitumor Effects Through Immune Responses and Direct Cell Killing FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY

2021 p16 methylation is a potential predictive marker for abemaciclib sensitivity in gastric cancer BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY

2020 Transcriptome analysis of iBET-151, a BET inhibitor alone and in combination with paclitaxel in gastric cancer cells Genomics & Informatics

2020 Cross-species chromatin interactions drive transcriptional rewiring in Epstein-Barr virus-positive gastric adenocarcinoma NATURE GENETICS

2020 Scale-Up Evaluation of a Composite Tumor Marker Assay for the Early Detection of Renal Cell Carcinoma DIAGNOSTICS

2020 Gene Expression Profiling Identifies Akt as a Target for Radiosensitization in Gastric Cancer Cells FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY

2020 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy Targeting ICAM-1 in Gastric Cancer MOLECULAR THERAPY-ONCOLYTICS

2020 Phase I Escalation and Expansion Study of Bemarituzumab (FPA144) in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors and FGFR2b-Selected Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY

2020 Synergistic Antitumor Effects of Combined Treatment with HSP90 Inhibitor and PI3K/mTOR Dual Inhibitor in Cisplatin-Resistant Human Bladder Cancer Cells YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2020 Development and evaluation of the Cancer Symptom Management System: Symptom Management Improves your LifE (SMILE)-a randomized controlled trial SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER

2020 Unmet needs in the physical and daily living domain mediates the influence of symptom experience on the quality of life of gastric cancer patients SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER

2019 Cytoreductive Nephrectomy in Metastatic Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma: Results from the International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium EUROPEAN UROLOGY ONCOLOGY

2019 Lenvatinib plus everolimus or pembrolizumab versus sunitinib in advanced renal cell carcinoma: study design and rationale FUTURE ONCOLOGY

2019 Tumor microenvironment dictates regulatory T cell phenotype: Upregulated immune checkpoints reinforce suppressive function JOURNAL FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY OF CANCER

2019 Mesothelin Expression Is a Predictive Factor for Peritoneal Recurrence in Curatively Resected Stage III Gastric Cancer ONCOLOGIST

2019 Stability of symptom clusters and sentinel symptoms during the first two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER

2019 A phase I/II study of poziotinib combined with paclitaxel and trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive advanced gastric cancer GASTRIC CANCER

2019 EORTC-1203-GITCG - the "INNOVATION"-trial: Effect of chemotherapy alone versus chemotherapy plus trastuzumab, versus chemotherapy plus trastuzumab plus pertuzumab, in the perioperative treatment of HER2 positive, gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma on pathologic response rate: a randomized phase II-intergroup trial of the EORTC-Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer Group, Korean Cancer Study Group and Dutch Upper GI-Cancer group BMC CANCER

2019 Significance of Metabolic Tumor Volume and Total Lesion Glycolysis Measured Using ¹?F-FDG PET/CT in Locally Advanced and Metastatic Gallbladder Carcinoma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2019 Randomised phase II trial comparing four front-line doublets in Asian patients with metastatic gastric cancer EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER

2019 Inhibiting casein kinase 2 overcomes paclitaxel resistance in gastric cancer GASTRIC CANCER

2019 Comprehensive immune profiling and immune-monitoring using body fluid of patients with metastatic gastric cancer Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer

2019 Characteristics and Treatment Patterns of Patients with Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Korea CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT

2019 Temsirolimus in Asian Metastatic/Recurrent Non-clear Cell Renal Carcinoma CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT

2019 Behaviors and Attitudes toward the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Korean Cancer Patients Cancer Research and Treatment

2019 Differences in the Efficacies of Pazopanib and Gemcitabine/Docetaxel as Second-Line Treatments for Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcoma Oncology

2019 Immunohistochemistry Biomarkers Predict Survival in Stage II/III Gastric Cancer Patients: From a Prospective Clinical Trial Cancer Research and Treatment

2019 Landscape of Actionable Genetic Alterations Profiled from 1,071 Tumor Samples in Korean Cancer Patients Cancer Research and Treatment

2019 Phase II trial of preoperative sequential chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy for high-risk gastric cancer RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY

2019 Avelumab (anti-PD-L1) as first-line switch-maintenance or second-line therapy in patients with advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer: phase 1b results from the JAVELIN Solid Tumor trial JOURNAL FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY OF CANCER

2019 The clinical implications of FDG-PET/CT differ according to histology in advanced gastric cancer. GASTRIC CANCER

2019 S-1 Based Doublet as an Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Curatively Resected Stage III Gastric Cancer: Results from the Randomized Phase III POST Trial CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT

2018 Renal Cell Carcinoma Is Abrogated by p53 Stabilization through Transglutaminase 2 Inhibition CANCERS

2018 Outcomes based on prior therapy in the phase 3 METEOR trial of cabozantinib versus everolimus in advanced renal cell carcinoma BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER

2018 Multidisciplinary treatment for patients with stage IV gastric cancer: the role of conversion surgery following chemotherapy BMC CANCER

2018 Regulation of proliferation and invasion by the IGF signalling pathway in Epstein-Barr virus-positive gastric cancer JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE

2018 Casein Kinase 2 Inhibitor, CX-4945, as a Potential Targeted Anticancer Agent in Gastric Cancer ANTICANCER RESEARCH

2018 Real-Time Tumor Gene Expression Profiling to Direct Gastric Cancer Chemotherapy: Proof-of-Concept "3G" Trial CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH

2018 CpG Island Methylator Phenotype and Methylation of Wnt Pathway Genes Together Predict Survival in Patients with Colorectal Cancer YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2018 BGJ398, A Pan-FGFR Inhibitor, Overcomes Paclitaxel Resistance in Urothelial Carcinoma with FGFR1 Overexpression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES

2018 Reconsideration of sample size and power calculation for overall survival in cancer clinical trials CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL TRIALS COMMUNICATIONS

2018 MET in gastric cancer with liver metastasis: The relationship between MET amplification and Met overexpression in primary stomach tumors and liver metastasis. JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY

2018 Genetic Alterations among Korean Melanoma Patients Showing Tumor Heterogeneity: A Comparison between Primary Tumors and Corresponding Metastatic Lesions. CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT

2018 Efficacy and tolerability of ramucirumab monotherapy or in combination with paclitaxel in gastric cancer patients from the Expanded Access Program Cohort by the Korean Cancer Study Group (KCSG) GASTRIC CANCER

2018 Marked Loss of Muscle, Visceral Fat, or Subcutaneous Fat After Gastrectomy Predicts Poor Survival in Advanced Gastric Cancer: Single-Center Study from the CLASSIC Trial ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY

2018 A Prediction Model of Tumor Progression and Survival in HER2-Positive Metastatic Gastric Cancer Patients Treated with Trastuzumab and Chemotherapy AAPS JOURNAL

2018 The prognostic value of volume-based parameters using18F-FDG PET/CT in gastric cancer according to HER2 status GASTRIC CANCER

2018 Retrospective analysis of palliative chemotherapy for the patients with bladder adenocarcinoma: Korean Cancer Study Group Genitourinary and Gynecology Cancer Committee. KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE

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