

  #노인정신의학#기억력장애#치매 #수원 행복정신건강센터장 #아주대 첨단의학연구원부원장 #경도인지장애 #노인성우울 #치매통합관리시스템 #뇌노화방지 #중앙자살예방센터장 #EBS명의 #금메달사업 #헬스조선명의


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연세대 노화과학연구소 연구교수
세브란스병원 정신과 전임의
아주대 의과대학 정신건강의학과 부교수
아주대 의과대학 정신건강의학과 교수
아주대의료원 첨단의학연구원부원장

수원시 행복정신건강센터장
경기도 정신보건사업지원단 자문위원
광주시 정신보건센터 자문위원

2013년 치매 예방 프로그램 ‘금메달 사업’ 개발


WT Jeon*, CHHong, CHLee. DKKim, MYHan, SKMin Correlation between traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder among North Korean defectors in South Korea. Journal of Traumatic Stress 2005;18(2):147-154

Im EK, HongCH, Han YS, Back JH, Chung JH*. Functional identification of an 8-oxoguanine specific endonuclease from Thermotoga maritima. Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 2005;38:676-682

Im EK, HongCH, Back JH, Han YS, Jang Y, Chung JH*. Characterization of a non-canonical purine dNTP pyrophosphatase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 2006;16(7):1144-1148

KS Lee, JH Chung, BH Oh, CHHong* Increased plasma levels of heat shock protein 70 in patients with vascular mild cognitive impairment Neuroscience Letters 2008;436(2):223-6

KS Lee. HS Cho, CHHong, DG Kim, BH Oh* Differences in neuropsychiatric symptoms according to mild cognitive impairment subtypes in the community Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2008;26:212-217

KR Kim, KS Lee,EA Kim, HK Cheong, BH Oh, CHHong* The effect of the ApoE genotype on the association between head circumference and cognition American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2008;16:819-825

KS Lee. EA Kim, CHHong, DW Lee, BH Oh. HK Cheong* Clock drawing test in mild cognitive impairment: Quantitative analysis of four scoring methods and qualitative analysis Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2008:26:483-489

KS Lee, JH Chungc, KH Lee, MJ Shin, BH Oh, CHHong* Bioplex analysis of plasma cytokines in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment Immunology Letters 2008:121(2):105-109

KS Lee, HK Cheong, EA Kim, KR Kim, BH Oh, CHHong* Nutritional risk and cognitive impairment in the elderly Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2009;48(1):95-99

KR Kim, KS Lee,HK Cheong, JS Eom, BH Oh, CHHong* Characteristic profiles of instrumental activities of daily living in different mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subtypes Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2009;27:278-285

KS Lee, JH Chung, KH Lee, MJ Shin, BH Oh, SH, Lee, CHHong* Plasma levels of monocyte chemotactic protein 3 and beta-nerve growth factor increase with amnestic mild cognitive impairment Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2009;6(2):143-147

KS Lee, JH Chung, KH Lee, MJ Shin, BH Oh, SH, Lee, CHHong* Simultaneous measurement of 23 plasma cytokines in late-life depression patients Neurological Sciences 2009;30:435-438

KS Lee, HK Cheong, BH Oh, DL .Na, CHHong* Working criteria of mild cognitive impairment in community: findings from Gwangju dementia and mild cognitive impairment study (GDEMCIS) Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 2009;1:15-22

KS Lee, CHHong*, HK Cheong, BH Oh Difference in nutritional risk between mild cognitive impairment group and normal cognitive function elderly group Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2009;49:49-53

KS Lee, YS Jang, YK Chung, JHChung, BHOh, CHHong* Relationship between diagnostic components of metabolic syndrome and cognition by ApoE genotype in the elderly Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2010;50(1):69-72

KS Lee, JS Eom,HK Cheong,, B H Oh, CHHong* Effects of head circumference and metabolic syndrome on cognitive decline Gerontology 2010;56(1):32-38.

KS Lee, HK Cheong, JS Eom, BH Oh, CHHong* Cognitive decline is associated with nutritional risk in subjects with small head circumference Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2010;51(1):105-109

Lee Y*, Back JH, Kim J, Kim SH, Na DL, Cheong HK, HongCH, Kim YG. Systematic review of health behavioral risks and cognitive health in older adults International Psychogeriatrics 2010;22(2):174-187

HJ Kim, KS Lee, JS Eom, KY Lim, K W Lee, CHHong* Relation between nutritional risk and the metabolic syndrome in the elderly Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics [Epub ahead of print]

HJ Kim, KS Lee, HK Cheong, YH Lee, KY Lim, YK Chung, BH Oh, CHHong* Application of health concern and activity model on cognition in the elderly Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics [Epub ahead of print]


월컴투 코리아-북조선 사람들의 남한살이(공저자), 2005 발행처: 한양대학교 출판부

노인성치매, 우울증의 성공적 치료(공저자), 2007 발행처: 하나출판사

치매 정신행동문제 개입전략(공저자), 2008 발행처: 중앙문화사

대사증후군(공저자), 2009 발행처: 진기획


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[KBS 무엇이든 물어보세요] 깜빡깜빡~ 불안한 노년 치매와 두뇌 건강법

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