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아주대학교 의과대학 졸업
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아주대학교 의과대학 소아청소년과 진료조교수
아주대학교 의학석사
아주대학교 의과대학 소아청소년과 진료조교수
아주대학교 의과대학 소아청소년과 임상강사
現 아주대학교 의과대학 소아청소년과 진료조교수
現 아주대학교 의과대학 소아청소년과 진료조교수
Jeong K, Lee SY, Ahn K, Kim J, Lee HR, Suh DI, Pyun BY, Min TK, Kwon JW, Kim KE, Kim KW, Sohn MH, Kim YH, Song TW, Kwon JH, Jeon YH, Kim HY, Kim JH, Ahn YM, Lee S. A multicenter study on anaphylaxis caused by peanut, tree nuts, and seeds in children and adolescents. Allergy. 2017 Mar;72(3):507-510.
Park KH, Son YW, Lee SC, Jeong K, Sim da W, Park HJ, Lee S, Lee JH, Park JW. Clinical Significance of Component Allergens in Fagales Pollen-Sensitized Peanut Allergy in Korea. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2016 Nov;8(6):505-11.
Park K, Jeong K, Lee S. Clinical and laboratory findings of childhood buckwheat allergy in a single tertiary hospital. Korean J Pediatr. 2016 Oct;59(10):402-407.
Yoon J, Jeong K, Lee S. Usefulness of specific IgE antibody levels to wheat, gluten and ω-5 gliadin for wheat allergy in Korean children. Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2016 Mar;4(2):119-125.
Lim JH, Jeong K, Lee JM, Lee KE, Lee S. Usefulness of casein specific IgE and IgG antibodies to immediate type cow’s milk allergy. Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2015 Mar;3(2):139-144.
Jeong K, Lee HS, Hwang JS. Effects of short-term potassium iodide treatment for thyrotoxicosis due to Graves disease in children and adolescents. Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Dec;19(4):197-201.
Gil L, Jeong K, Kim HG, Lee HD, Cho JH, Lee S. Septic pulmonary embolism resulting from soft tissue infection in a 5-year-old child. Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2017 Jan;5(1):56-60.
Park KH, Son YW, Lee SC, Jeong K, Sim da W, Park HJ, Lee S, Lee JH, Park JW. Clinical Significance of Component Allergens in Fagales Pollen-Sensitized Peanut Allergy in Korea. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2016 Nov;8(6):505-11.
Park K, Jeong K, Lee S. Clinical and laboratory findings of childhood buckwheat allergy in a single tertiary hospital. Korean J Pediatr. 2016 Oct;59(10):402-407.
Yoon J, Jeong K, Lee S. Usefulness of specific IgE antibody levels to wheat, gluten and ω-5 gliadin for wheat allergy in Korean children. Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2016 Mar;4(2):119-125.
Lim JH, Jeong K, Lee JM, Lee KE, Lee S. Usefulness of casein specific IgE and IgG antibodies to immediate type cow’s milk allergy. Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2015 Mar;3(2):139-144.
Jeong K, Lee HS, Hwang JS. Effects of short-term potassium iodide treatment for thyrotoxicosis due to Graves disease in children and adolescents. Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Dec;19(4):197-201.
Gil L, Jeong K, Kim HG, Lee HD, Cho JH, Lee S. Septic pulmonary embolism resulting from soft tissue infection in a 5-year-old child. Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2017 Jan;5(1):56-60.
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