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연세대 신촌 세브란스병원 이비인후과 임상강사
미국 테네시 주립대학 Environmental carcinogenesis Lab 교환교수
아주대 의과대학 이비인후과 조교수, 부교수, 교수
아주대 의과대학 이비인후과 주임교수 겸 임상과장
아주대의료원 첨단의학연구원부원장
아주대병원 두경부암센터장


Lee BS, Cha HY, Shin YS, Kim YS, Kim CH. AY4, an agonistic anti-death receptor 4 monoclonal antibody, induces apoptotic cell death in anaplastic thyroid cancer cells via down-regulation of Bcl-xL with reactive oxygen species generation. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2013 [Epub]

Chang JW, Shin YS, Hong J, Kim CH. Temporary Closure of Congenital Tracheo- Yoo Seob Shin, Jin Seok Lee, Jae Won Choi, Byoung-Hyun Min, Jae Won Chang, Jae-Yol Lim, Chul-Ho Kim esophageal Fistula with Fogarty Catheter. Laryngoscope. 2013 [Epub]

Shin YS, Song SJ, Kang SU, Hwang HS, Choi JW, Lee BH, Jung YS, Kim CH. A novel synthetic compound, 3-amino-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1H-quinoline-2,4-dione, inhibits cisplatin-induced hearing loss by the suppression of reactive oxygen species: In vitro and in vivo study. Neuroscience. 2012 14;232C:1-12.

Shin YS, Song SJ, Kang S, Hwang HS, Jung YS, Kim CH.Novel synthetic protective compound, KR-22335, against cisplatin-induced auditory cell death. J Appl Toxicol. 2013 [Epub]

Kim CH, Chang JW, Choi EC, Shin YS, Koh YW. Robotically assisted selective neck dissection in parotid gland cancer: Preliminary Report. Laryngoscope. 2012 [Epub]

Yoo Seob Shin, Dae Kim, Jae Won Chang, Eun Chang Choi, Chul-Ho Kim, Yoon Woo Koh Robotic-Assisted Neck Dissection in Submandubular Gland Cancer: Preliminary Report. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [Epub]

Kang SU, Shin YS, Hwang HS, Baek SJ, Lee SH, Kim CH. Tolfenamic Acid Induces Apoptosis and Growth Inhibition in Head and Neck Cancer: Involvement of NAG-1 Expression. PLoSONE 7(4): e34988.

Sung Un Kang, M.S.; Bok-Soon Lee, Ph.D.; Seong-Ho Lee, Ph.D.; Seung Joon Baek, Ph.D.; Yoo Seob Shin, Chul-Ho Kim. Expression of NSAID activated gene-1 by EGCG in head and neck cancer: Involvement of ATM-dependent p53 expression J Nutr Biochem. 2012 (12)00196-9

Lee BS, Kang SU, Hwang HS, Kim YS, Sung ES, Shin YS, Lim YC, Kim CH. An agonistic antibody to human death receptor 4 induces apoptotic cell death in head and neck cancer cells through mitochondrial ROS generation. Cancer Lett. 2012 1;322(1):45-57

Hyun Jun Hong, MD, Jin Seok Lee, Jae Won Choi, Byoung-Hyun Min, Han-Bin Lee, Chul-Ho Kim. Transplantation of Autologous Chondrocytes Seeded on a Fibrin/Hyaluronic acid Composite Gel into Vocal Fold in Rabbits: Preliminary results. Aritificial Organ. 2012 ;36(11):998-1006

Yoo Seob Shin, Jin Seok Lee, Jae Won Choi, Byoung-Hyun Min, Jae Won Chang, Jae-Yol Lim, Chul-Ho Kim. Transplantation of Autologous Chondrocytes Seeded on a Fibrin/Hyaluronan Composite Gel Into Tracheal Cartilage Defects in Rabbits.. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 9:4: 203-208 (2012)

Hun Yi Park, Mi Hye Lee, Sung Un Kang, Hye Sook Hwang, Keehyun Park, Yun-Hoon Choung, Chul-Ho Kim. Nitric Oxide Mediates TNF-a?-Induced Apoptosis in the Auditory Cell Line. Laryngoscope. 2012;122(10):2256-64

Young Chang Lim, Jae Ho Han, Hyun Jung Kang, Young Sook Kim, Yoon Kyung Park, Bum Hei Lee, Chul-Ho Kim. Overexpression of c-Met Promotes Invasion and Metastasis of Small Oral Tongue Carcinoma Oral Oncol. 2012;48(11):1114-9.

Koh YW, Choi EC, Kang SU, Hwang HS, Lee MH, Pyun JH, Park RH, Lee YD, Kim CH. Green tea (?)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits HGF-induced progression in oral cavity cancer through suppression of HGF/c-Met. J Nutr Biochem 2010 [Epub ahead of print]

Lee JS, Kang SU, Hwang HS, Pyun JH, Choung YH, Kim CH. Epicatechin protects the auditory organ by attenuating cisplatin-induced ototoxicity through inhibition of ERK. Toxicology Letters 2010 199:3:308-16.

Kim CH, Bahn JH, Lee SH, Kim GY, Jun SI, Lee K, Baek SJ. Induction of cell growth arrest by atmospheric non-thermal plasma in colorectal cancer cells. J Biotechnol. 150:4:530-8.

Lim YC, Cho KW, Kwon HC, Kang SU, Pyun JH, Lee MH, Hwang HS, Kim JH, Lee HN, Choi EC, Kim CH. Growth Inhibition and Apoptosis with H31 Metabolites from Marine Bacillus SW31 in Head and Neck Cancer Cells. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol 2010 3:4:1-9

Kim CH, Koh YW, Han JH, Kim JW, Lee JS, Baek SJ, Hwang HS, Choi EC. c-Met expression as an indicator of survival outcome in patients with oral tongue carcinoma. Head Neck. 2010 32:12:1655-64.

Kim CH, Kwon S, Bahn JH, Lee K, Jun SI, Rack PD, Baek SJ. Effects of atmospheric nonthermal plasma on invasion of colorectal cancer cells. Appl Phys Lett. 2010 Jun 14;96(24):243701.

Kim CH, Ahn JH, Kang SU, Hwang HS, Lee MH, Pyun JH, Kang HY. Imiquimod induces apoptosis of human melanocytes. Arch Dermatol Res. 2010 May;302(4):301-6. Epub 2009 Dec 23.

Kim DY, Pyun J, Choi JW, Kim JH, Lee JS, Shin HA, Kim HJ, Lee HN, Min BH, Cha HE, Kim CH. Tissue-engineered allograft tracheal cartilage using fibrin/hyaluronan composite gel and its in vivo implantation. Laryngoscope. 2010;120(1):30-38.

Chul-Ho Kim, Sung Un Kang, JungHee Pyun, Mi Hye Lee, Hye sook Hwang, HaNeul Lee. Epicatechin protects auditory cells against cisplatin-induced death. Apoptosis. 2008, 13:1184-1194

Young Chang Lim, Hun Yi Park, Hye Sook Hwang, Sung Un Kang, Jung Hee Pyun, Mi Hye Lee, Eun Chang Chil. Chul-Ho Kim. (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) inhibits HGF-induced invasion and metastasis in hypopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Cancer Letters 271 (2008) 140?152

Kim CH, Lee JS, Kang SO, Bae JH, Hong SP, Kahng H. Serum hepatocyte growth factor as a marker of tumor activity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncol. 2007 Nov;43(10):1021-5.

Kim CH, Kim J, Kahng H, Choi EC. Change of E-cadherin by hepatocyte growth factor and effects on the prognosis of hypopharyngeal carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2007 May;14(5):1565-74.

Oh JH, Kim Y, Kim CH. Parapharyngeal abscess: comprehensive management protocol. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2007;69(1):37-42.

KIM CH, MOON SK, BAE JH, LEE JH, HAN JH, KIM KB, CHOI EC. Expression of hepatocyte growth factor and c-Met in hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2005; 125:1004-1009.

Kim CH, Lim YC, Kim KB, Kim YH, Choi HS, Kim KM, Choi EC. Vocal analysis after vertical partial laryngectomy. Yonsei Med J 44:1034-1039, 2003


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