


1986 ~ 1992 : 고려대학교 의학과
1995 ~ 1997 : 고려대학교 재활의학과 석사
2000 ~ 2003 : 고려대학교 재활의학과 박사


2011 .03 ~ : 고려대학교 재활의학과 교수 (과장)
2004 .03 ~ 2011 .02 : 고려대학교 재활의학과 부교수
2016 .01 ~ : 고려대학교 의학전문대학원 구로부학장


[SCI] (Sonoanatomical Change of Phrenic Nerve According to Posture During Ultrasound-Guided Stellate Ganglion Block)

[SCI] (The approach for needle insertion into the tibialis posterior: an ultrasonography study)

[SCI] (Sonographic features of peripheral nerves at multiple sites in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy)

[SCI] (Effect of finger motion on transverse median nerve movement in the carpal tunnel)

[SCI] (Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Nerve Root Block: Does Volume Affect the Spreading Pattern?)

[SCI] (Ultrasound-Guided Lower Cervical Nerve Root Injectate Volumes Associated with Dorsal Root Ganglion and Epidural Spread)

[SCI] (Effect of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on the Ulnar Nerve at the Wrist Sonographic and Electrophysiologic Studies)

[국내논문] (Shoulder Manipulation After Distention Arthrography: Does Audible Cracking Affect Improvement in Adhesive Capsulitis? A Preliminary Study)

[SCI] (Phase-Contrast Radiography Enables Detection of Early Changes in Articular Cartilage in a Mouse Model of Osteoarthritis)

[SCI] (Ultrasound-Guided Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Conduction Study)

[SCI] (Ultrasonographic Cross-Sectional Area of Spinal Nerve Roots in Cervical Radiculopathy: A Pilot Study)

[SCI] (Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) for measurement of muscle stiffness of the shoulder: feasibility with a 3?T MRI system)

[국외논문] (Carpal tunnel syndrome: Clinical, electrophysiological and ultrasonographic ratio after surgery.)

[국외논문] (Ultrasonographic evaluation of needle electromyography insertion into the tibialis posterior using a posterior approach.)

[국외논문] (Avoiding false-negative nerve conduction study in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow.)

[국외논문] (Median nerve changes following steroid injection for carpal tunnel syndrome.)

[국외논문] (Diagnostic ultrasound for traumatic radial neuropathy)

[국외논문] (Median Nerve Changes Following Steroid Injection for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.)

[국외논문] (Application of 3-dimensional ultrasonography in assessing carpal tunnel syndrome.)

[국외논문] (Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a tetraplegic patient, 11 years after a spinal cord injury: A case report.)

[국외논문] (Ulnar Neuropathy With Normal Electrodiagnosis and Abnormal Nerve Ultrasound.)

[국외논문] (Comparison of growth factor and cytokine expression in patients with degenerated disc disease and herniated nucleus pulposus.)

[국외논문] (Feasibility of phase contrast radiography in cat normal spinal cord.)

[국외논문] (Ultrasonographic Swelling Ratio in the Diagnosis of Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow.)

[국외논문] (Ulnar nerve and cubital tunnel ultrasound in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow.)

[국외논문] (Identification of proteolipid protein 1 gene duplication by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification: first report of genetically confirmed family of pelizaeus-merzbacher disease in Korea.)

[국외논문] (Cross-sectional area reference values for nerve ultrasonography.)

[국외논문] (Pearls & Oy-sters: false positives in short-segment nerve conduction studies due to ulnar nerve dislocation.)

[국내논문] (기능성 압박의류 착용이 셀룰라이트 환자의 신체둘레, 피하지방두께 및 체구성에 미치는 효과.)

[국내논문] 미세전류발생기 착용이 슬관절 골관절염 환자의 통증 및 보행기능에 미치는 효과.

[국내논문] (Usefulness of Ultrasonography to Predict Response to Injection Therapy in Carpal)

[국내논문] 어깨 통증의 일차적 진단, 치료

[국내논문] 수근관 증후군에서 임상양상척도 및 신경전기진단 결과와 정중신경 초음파 소견의 상관관계.

뇌간 출혈 후 안구-구개진전을 동반한 양측 비후성 올리브핵 퇴행성 변화-증례 보고.(Bilateral Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration with Oculopalatal Tremor after Brainstem Hemorrhage -A case report-)

[국내논문] 한국인의 수근관 증후군에서 정중신경 단면적 비의 유용성(Feasibility of Ultrasonographic Area Ratio of Median Nerve in the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Korea)

[국내논문] 3차원 전기측각 보행분석기를 이용한 파킨슨씨병 환자의임상 양상에 따른 보행 분석.

[국내논문] 척골동맥에 의한 정중신경압박병증:증례 보고(Unusual Proximal Median Neuropathy Due to Compression by Pulsating Ulnar Artery - A Case Report)

[국내논문] 말초 신경 초음파 소견

[국외논문] 비만지수군에 따른 천골 열공 위치와 골반 크기의 차이(The Effect of Body Mass Index on Sacral Hiatus Location and Size of Pelvis)


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