



~ 1990 .02 : 고려대학교 의과대학 졸업 학사
~ 1994 .02 : 고려대학교의과대학원 석사
~ 2002 .02 : 고려대학교의과대학원 박사


2014 .02 ~ : 안과과장
2013 .12 ~ : 안과학교실 주임교수


[SCI] (The clinical effectiveness of transcanalicular diode laser-assisted revision surgery for failed endoscopic endonasal dacryocytorhinostomy)
[SCI] (Castleman’s disease in the orbit)
[SCI] (Kimura Disease Presenting as an eyelid mass in a young asian male)
[국내논문] (Clinical Effectiveness of the Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure)
[SCI] (Epidemiology of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgeries Performed by a Single Specialist with Fifteen Years' Experience at a Tertiary Center)
[SCI] (Benign mixed tumor of lacrimal sac)
[SCI] (Analysis of lid contour in thyroid eye disease with upper and lower eyelid retraction using multiple radial midpupil lid distances)
[SCI] (Effectiveness of Synthetic Polyurethane Foam(Nasopore??) as a Nasal Packing Material in Endoscopic EndonasalDacryocystorhinostomy)
[SCI] (Long term outcomes of endoscopic endonasalconjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with Jones tube placement:a thirteen-year experience)
[SCI] (The Functional and Histopathologic Change in the Levator Palpebrae Superioris and Muller Muscle After Subconjunctival Injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide)
[SCI] (A patient with rapidly growing primary malignant hemangiopericytoma in the orbit)
[SCI] (Clinical effectiveness of monocanalicular silicone intubation for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction under nasal endoscopic visualization of the terminal end of the obstructed nasolacrimal duct in East Asian patients)
[SCI] (The clinical characteristics and new classification of sticky eyelid syndrome in East Asian patients)
[국내논문] (Anatomic location and distribution of supraorbital notch and foramen evaluated with facial 3D computed tomography)
[국내논문] (Orbital morphology for decompression surgery in Thyroid eye disease using 2-D CT and 4 Parameters)
[국내논문] (Clinical effectiveness of the lateral tarsal strip procedure)
[국내논문] (Optic Canal Location using Computed Tomography(CT))
[SCI] (Clinical characteristics and effectiveness of the lateral tarsal strip and medial spindle procedure)
[SCI] (The effect and applications of Acellular Dermal Allograft (AlloDerm??) in ophthalmic plastic surgery for Korean patients)
[SCI] (Primary Diffuse Large B-cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Paranasal Sinuses Presenting as Cavernous Sinus Syndrome)
[SCI] (The characteristics of eyelid nevi in Korean patients)
[SCI] (Analysis of Lid Contour Change with Aging in Asians To Make a Standard For the Lid Surgery)
[SCI] (The Effectiveness of a Simultaneous Medial SpindleProcedure for Involutional Punctal Ectropion With Lid Laxity in Patients Who Require Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy Instead of External Dacryocystorhinostomy to Prevent Pump Failure)
[SCI] (Functional and Histologic Changes in the LacrimalGland After Botulinum Toxin Injection)
[국내논문] 24개월 이상 선천 코눈물관막힘 환아의 단계적 탐침술을 동반한 단, 상하누소관 실리콘관 효과
[SCI] (Osteotomy Tract Necrosis by MRSA Infection after Endoscopic Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with Jones Tube Placement)
[SCI] (Analysis of lower eyelid aging in an Asian population for Customized lower eyelid blepharoplasty)
[SCI] (The Effectiveness of Simultaneous Medial Spindle and/or Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure in Patients Who Need Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy in East Asians)
[SCI] (What Causes Increased Contrast Sensitivity and Improved Functional Visual Acuity After Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty?)
[SCI] (The effect of perforated punctal plugs in the management of acquired punctal stenosis)
[SCI] (The characteristics and second intension healing after shave excision of nevi on the lid margin in East Asians)
[SCI] (Amblyopia Risk Factors in Infants with Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction in East Asia)
[SCI] (Association of Facial Asymmetry and Nasal Septal Deviation in Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction in East Asians)
[SCI] (Central serous chorioretinopathy after surgical repair of a blowout fracture)
[SCI] (Long-term outcomes of unilateral orbital fat decompression for thyroid eye disease)
[SCI] (Orbital glomus tumor in an Asian patient.)
[SCI] (The effectiveness of a simultaneous medial spindle procedure for involutional punctal ectropion with lid laxity in patients who require endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy instead of external dacryocystorhinostomy to prevent pump failure)
[SCI] (The Effectiveness of Simultaneous Lateral Tarsal Strip with Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy for the Treatment of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction and Lower Lid Laxity)
[국내논문] (Punctoplasty Using a Radiofrequency Surgical Unit for Punctal Stenosis)
[SCI] (Correlation between orbital volume, body mass index, and eyeball position in healthy East Asians)
[SCI] (Measurement of Fracture Size Using the Picture Archiving Communication System (PCAS) in an Outpatient Clinic for Factors that Influence Postoperative Enophthalmos in Adult Inferior Orbital Wall Fractures)
[SCI] (CT Dimensions of the Lacrimal Gland in Healthy Orbits of East Asians)
[국내논문] (Analysis of Upper Eyelid Fat Pad Changes with Aging and Body Mass Index in Korean)
[국내논문] (Clinical Efficacy of Blepharotomy for Upper Eyelid Retraction Associated with Thyroid Eye Disease)
[SCI] (Subconjunctival Injection of Triamcinolone in The Treatment of Upper Lid Retraction Associated with Thyroid Eye Disease)
[SCI] (Anti-adhesive Effect of the Mixed Solution of Sodium Hyaluronate and Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose after Blow-out Fracture Repair)
[국내논문] (Significant Intraocular Sequelae in Orbital Blunt Trauma And Its Association with Blowout Fracture)
[SCI] (Effectiveness of Primary Monocanalicularnasal Intubation with Monoka Tubes and Nasal Endoscopic Findings for Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction with Enlarged Lacrimal Sac and Chronic Dacryocystitis)
[SCI] (Clinical Characteristics and Treatment of Blow-out Fracture accompanied by Canalicular Laceration)
[SCI] (Early Fibrovascular Proliferation in Orbital Floor Fracture Reconstruction (Non-absorbable porous polyethylene implant (Medpor??) vs.Absorbable copolymer implant( Macropore??)))
[SCI] (A 3D-CT Measurement of the Location of Infraorbital Foramen in East Asians)
[SCI] (Clinical Effectiveness Between Monocanalicular and Bicanalicular Silicone Intubation for Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction)
[SCI] (A new lacrimal bypass tube fixation method to prevent tube displacement in conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy(CDCR))
[SCI] (Second Intention Healing after Shave Excision of Benign Tumors on the Lid Margin)
[국내논문] (Medial and lateral canthal ligament laxity in involutional entropion and epiphora in Korean)
[국내논문] (A Statistical Observation of Ocular Injuries and Visual Predictive Value of Ocular Trauma Score)
[SCI] (Anatomic and Morphometric Study of the Bony Nasolacrimal Canal Using Computed Tomography)
[SCI] (Change in Brow Position after Upper Blepharoplasty or Levator Advancement in East Asians)
[SCI] (Measurement of Width and Distance of the Posterior Border of the Deep Lateral Orbital Wall Using Computed Tomography)
[SCI] (Postoperative pain assessment for upper lid blepharoplasty in Asians)
[SCI] (Comparison of surgical techniques and results of upper blepharoplasty between Asian male and female)
[SCI] (Comparison of the Outcomes of Non-Trapdoor-Type Blowout Fracture Repair According to the Time of Surgery)
[SCI] (Evisceration With Four Anterior Relaxing Incisions and Circumferential Posterior, Sclerotomies with Porous Polyethylene Orbital Implants: An 8-Year Study)
[SCI] (The Volumetric Change of Orbital Fat with Age in Asians)
[국내논문] (Clinical outcomes of initial and repeated nasolacrimal duct office probing for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction)
[SCI] (Lash Ptosis and Associated Factors in Asians)
[SCI] (Multiple Arterial Embolization Following Illicit Intra-Nasal Injection of Collagenous Material)
[SCI] (Surgical Correction of Epiblepharon Using Thermal Cauterization of the Orbital, Septum and Lash-Rotating Sutures)
[SCI] (An Analysis of 733 Surgically Treated Blowout Fractures)
[SCI] (Endoscopic - Assisted Repair of Pediatric Trapdoor Fractures of the Orbital, Floor:Characterization and Management)
[SCI] (Effectiveness of canalicular laceration repair using monocanalcular intubation with Monoka tube)
[SCI] (Histopathologic Finding of the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle in aging of upper eyelid in Asians - Total excision or minimal excision of Orbicularis oculi in upper blepharoplasty)
[SCI] (Surgical correction for lower lid epiblepharon using thermal contraction of the tarsus and lower lid retractor without lash rotating suture)
[국내논문] (A Clinical Manifestations, Managements and Ophalmic Complications of Orbital Roof Fractures and Zygoma Fractures)
[SCI] (The Effects of Transcanalicular Diode Laser-assisted Revision Surgery for Failed Dacryocystorhinostomy)
[SCI] (Analysis of Lid Contour Change with aging in asians by measuring midpupil distance)
[SCI] (Association of Rhinostomy shape and Surgical Outcome after Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy)
[SCI] (Modified Full Thickness Graded Blepharotomy for Upper Eyelid Retraction Associated with Thyroid Eye Disease in East Asians)
[SCI] (Effectiveness of ICG Gel in the Identification and Complete Removal of the Medial Wall of the Lacrimal Sac During Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy)
[SCI] (Effects of Epiblepharon Surgery on Higher-order Aberrations)
[SCI] (Clinical Characteristics and Effectiveness of the Lateral Tarsal Strip and medial spindle procedure)
[SCI] (Reconstruction of isolated orbital floor wall fracture considering orbital floor slope using endoscope)
[SCI] (Analysis of surgical outcome after levator advancement by assessing the eyelid contour change)
[SCI] (Quantitative Assessment of optic nerve with diffusion tensor imaging in patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy)
[SCI] (Efficacy of postoperative mitomycin c eye drops on the clinical outcome in endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy)
[국내논문] (Clinical Characteristics of Benign Eyelid Tumors)
[국내논문] (Lateral tarsal strip operation and anterior lamellar resection procedure in treatment of the patients with involutional entropion)
[국내논문] (Therapeutic effect of squeezing the punctum and lacrimal canaliculus in canaliculitis patients)
[SCI] (Clinical Results of Modified Frontalis Suspension Technique Using Preserved Fascia Lata for Congenital Ptosis")
[SCI] (Secondary reconstruction of residual enophthalmos considering orbital floor and medial wall slope using endoscope)
[SCI] (Effectiveness of Sodium Hyaluronate (Protad??) Application in Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy)
[SCI] (Measurement of Lacrimal Sac Fossa using Orbital Computed Tomography in Normal Koreans)
[SCI] (Reconstruction of large orbital posterior floor wall fracture considering orbital floor slope using endoscope)
[SCI] (Using the endoscopic transconjunctival and transcaruncular approach to repair combined orbital floor and medial wall blowout fractures)
[국내논문] (Diagnosis and management of orbital wall fracture)
[SCI] (Surgical outcomes of endonasal conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy according to Jones tube location)
[SCI] (Aquaporin expression in the lacrimal sac of patients with primary and functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction)
[SCI] (Hemorrage and infarction of the conjuctiva and orbit in essential thrombocythemia)
[SCI] (Meibomian gland dysfunction in patients with chemotherapy-induced lacrimal drainage obstruction)
[SCI] (Functional and Structural Evaluation of the Meibomian Gland Using a LipiView?? Interferometer in Thyroid Eye Disease)
[국내논문] (Changes in the horizontal angular direction of lower eyelashes wiith age in Korean patients)
[SCI] (Characterizing intraorbital optic nerve changes on diffusion tensor imaging in thyroid eye disease before dysthroid optic neuropathy)
[SCI] (Role of negative orbit vector in orbital blow-out fracture)
[국내논문] (An unusual case of kimura disease of the lacrimal gland in an eldlyy asian patient)
[국내논문] (A case of lacrimal ductal cyst abscess)
[국내논문] (Atypical orbital cellulitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
[SCI] (Clinical features and treatment outcomes of patients)
[SCI] (Pathologic features and expression of Heat Shock Protein 47 in the nasal mucosa and lacrimal sac Does it influence the surgical outcome of endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy?)
[SCI] (Volume of nasolacrimal duct in patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction)
[국내논문] (Changes of Eyelid Position with Aging in Korean)
[국내논문] (Correlation between TSHR antibody and meibomian gland loss in Thyroid eye disease patients)
[SCI] (The Effect of Upper Aging Blepharoplasty on Upper)
[SCI] (Comparisons of function and structure of meibomian gland in patients with thyroid eye disease and dry eye syndrome)
[국내논문] (A Case report of en-plaque Meningioma Presenting with Proptosis of the)
[국내논문] (Correction of Cicatricial Ectropion using autologous skin graft following Surgery for Blow-out Fracture)
[국내논문] (A case of verruca obliterating the punctum)
[SCI] (Granulomatous Inflammation of the Upper Eyelid after Autologous Fat Injection)
[SCI] (Dry eye syndrome in thyroid eye disease patients: The role of increased incomplete blinking and Meibomian gland loss)
[SCI] (A Case of Periorbital Necrotizing Fasciitis by Klebsiella pneumoniae)
[국내논문] (Effect of Transconjunctival approach lower blepharoplasty combined with Pinch Skin Excision technique in elderly patients)
[SCI] (Management of pediatrics orbital wall fractures)
[국내논문] (The Importance of Lower Eyelid Positions in Aging Blepharoplasty)
[SCI] (A Comparison of Surgical Outcomes of Two Combination Surgeries for Involutional Entropion: Fixing Three vs Two Pathologic Components)
[SCI] (Effectiveness and satisfaction degree of transconjunctival-approach lower blepharoplasty combined with pinch skin excision technique in Koreans)
[SCI] (The Characteristics of Lower Eyelid “Reverse Ptosis” After Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Wall Fracture Using Transconjunctival Approach)
[국내논문] (A Retrospective Review of Endoscopic Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy Re-operation Cases)
[SCI] (Correlation between lacrimal syringing test and dacryoscintigraphy in patients with epiphora)
[SCI] (Surgical outcomes of endoscopic conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy using Castroviejo double ended lacrimal dilator)
[SCI] (diopathic Orbital Inflammation with Superior Rectus and Levator Complex May Be Misdiagnosed as Involutional Ptosis)
[SCI] (Small-incision (3-mm), sutureless surgical technique for subconjunctival orbital fat prolapse)
[SCI] (Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis after reconstruction surgery of blowout fracture not related to manipulating of cornea)
[SCI] (Traumatic globe subluxation accompanied by traumatic optic neuropathy)
[SCI] (Characterization of the Upper Tarsal Plate Growth in Children: Implication in Pediatric Eyelid Surgery)
[SCIE] (Ptosis with aberraant facial nerve regeneration following Bells palsy)
[SCIE] (Increase central forveal and temporal choroidal thickness in patients with inacitive thyroid eye disease)
[SCIE] (Isolated superficial myxoma above the eyebrow)
[SCI] (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma arsing in the lacrimal sac)
[SCI] (Changes in Eyelid Position following silicone tube insertion and removal in dacryocystorhnostomy)


저서명 안성형학, 내외학술
저자 Se-hyun Baek, M.D., Ph.D. et al.
출판사 Publishing company of NAEWAE HAKSOOL
출판년도 2009

저서명 이태수교수의 최신임상안성형학
출판년도 2010

저서명 성형안과학 3판 대표집필
출판년도 2015

저서명 눈꺼풀쳐짐
출판년도 2017


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