



고려대학교 의과대학 졸업, 의학사
고려대학교 대학원 의학과 졸업, 의학 석사
고려대학교 대학원 의학과 졸업, 의학 박사


고려대학교 의료원, 수련의 및 내과전공의 수료, 전문의 취득
육군 군의관 복무 (205 MASH, 서울 지구병원-청와대 의무실)
고려대학교 구로병원, 안암병원 순환기내과 임상강사, 전임의
한림대학교 성심병원 순환기내과 조교수
고려대학교 구로병원 순환기내과 조교수
고려대학교 구로병원 순환기내과 부교수
고려대학교 구로병원 순환기내과 교수
고려대학교 구로병원 순환기내과 과장
고려대학교 의료원 교육수련실장
통계청 KCD 자문위원
미국 Georgetown University Washington Hospital Center
미국 University of Washington
Manuscript Consultant (Reviewer): International Journal of Cardiology
Manuscript Consultant (Reviewer): Korean Circulation Journal


[SCI] Validation of FRIEND and ACSM Equations for Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Comparison to Direct Measurement in CAD Patients

[SCI] Exercise training reduces inflammatory metabolic activity of visceral fat assessed by 18 F-FDG PET/CT in obese women

[SCI] Factors Associated with Low Awareness of Heart Failure in the General Population of Korea

[SCI] Characterization of glucose uptake metabolism in visceral fat by 18 F-FDG PET/CT reflects inflammatory status in metabolic syndrome

[SCI] Reference Values for Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Healthy Koreans

[SCI] Heart failure awareness in the Korean general population: Results from the nationwide survey

[SCI] Prolonged Intensive Exercise: When the Right Ventricle Goes Wrong

[SCI] Incidence, Risk Factors, and Clinical Characteristics of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy in South Kore

[SCI] Heart Failure as a Risk Factor for Stroke

[SCI] (Clinical Practice Guideline for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Korea: Recommendations for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention after Acute Coronary Syndrome.)

[SCI] (KSHF Guidelines for the Management of Acute Heart Failure: Part I. Definition, Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Acute Heart Failure.)

[SCI] (Korean Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Heart Failure.)

[SCI] (Novel PET imaging of atherosclerosis with 68Ga-labeled NOTA-Neomannosylated Human Serum Albumin)

[SCI] (Relationship between uric acid and blood pressure in different age groups)

[SCI] (Type I dual left anterior descending coronary artery anomaly presenting with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, initially mimicking normal coronary angiogram)

[SCI] (Cholesterol-induced non-alcoholic Fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis aggravated by systemic inflammation)

[SCI] (Efficacy of losartan and carvedilol on central hemodynamics in hypertensives: a prospective, randomized, open, blinded end point, multicenter study)
[SCI] (The Metabolic Activity of the Spleen and Bone Marrow in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Evaluated by 18F-FDG PET Imaging)

[SCI] (Extracellular fluid adjusted for body size is contracted in hypertension)

[SCI] (Abdominal paradox encountered in neuromuscular disease: A possible clue for cor pulmonale)

[SCI] (Telmisartan versus valsartan in patients with hypertension: effects on cardiovascular, metabolic, and inflammatory parameters)

[SCI] (Prominent crista terminalis in patients with embolic events)

[SCI] (Association between aortic calcification and stable obstructive coronary artery disease)

[SCI] (Relative contributions of different cardiovascular risk factors to significant arterial stiffness)

[SCI] (Differing Effects of Ageing on Central and Peripheral Blood Pressures and Pulse Wave Velocity: A Direct Intra-arterial Study)

[국내논문] (Impaired aortic distensibility as an independent marker of coronary artery disease)

[국내논문] (Hypertension and Arterial Stiffness)

[SCI] (Endocardial fibroelastosis demonstrated on multidetector computed tomography)

[SCI] (Comparative study of nicorandil and a spasmolytic cocktail in preventing radial artery spasm during transradial coronary angiography)

[SCI] (Coronary stent fracture and restenosis in the drug-eluting stent era: do we have clues of management?)

[SCI] (Cardiogenic shock caused by simultaneous subacute stent thrombosis after implantation of sirolimus-eluting stents)

[SCI] (Giant left atrial appendage aneurysm)

[SCI] (Bilateral coronary artery fistulas communicating with main pulmonary artery and left ventricle: case report)

[SCI] (Relationship between blood pressure parameters and pulse wave velocity in normotensive and hypertensive subjects: invasive study)

[국내논문] (Coronary Artery Size in Korean: Normal Value and its Determinants)

[SCI] (A Clinically Silent Case of Prominent Thebesian System:Diagonal Branch of Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery to Left Ventricular Communication)

[국내논문] (A Case of Clomipramine-Induced Chronic Dilated Cardiomyopathy)


레닌-안지오텐신-알도스테론의 이해
스타틴 임상연구의 근거
혈관학 교과서


고대 김응주 교수, 맞춤형 심장재활 앱 개발 추진

모바일 의료서비스 꿈꾸는 의대 교수 "급여화 목표"

심부전’ 심장질환의 종착역

"심장 돌연사 일으키는 '심부전', 병 몰라서 방치하는 경우 많아"


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