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2010. 10 -2013. 2 계명대학교 동산병원 외과학교실 주임교수 및 외과과장
2009. 3 ~ 2009. 9 미국 메이요 클리닉 간암 유전자연구 및 메이요 클리닉 진료시스템 연구
2005. 3 ~ 현재 계명대학교 동산병원 간담췌외과 교수
1998. 10 ~ 2005. 2 계명대학교 동산병원 간담췌외과 부교수
1994. 9 ~ 1998. 9 계명대학교 동산병원 간담췌외과 조교수
1994. 3 ~ 1994. 8 계명대학교 동산병원 간담췌외과 연구강사
1991. 5 ~ 1994. 3 성분도병원 외과
1988. 2 ~ 1991. 4 군복무(육군대위)
1984. 3 ~ 1988. 2 계명대학교 동산병원 레지던트
1983. 3 ~ 1984. 2 계명대학교 동산병원 인턴


Gene Signature for Sorafenib Susceptibility in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Different Approach With a Predictive Biomarker
저자 Dong-Sik Kim, Luigi Buonaguro, 배시현, Bhumsuk Keam, Chang Min Kim, Gun-Do Kim, Hee Jung Wang, Ji Hoon Kim, Jin Young Park, Jong Kyu Lee, Koo Jeong Kang, Shin Hwang, Soon Woo Nam, Yong Bae Seo, Yun Soo Kim, Yun Suk Yu
Liver Cancer

Pan-cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes
저자 Peter J Campbell, Jan O Korbel, Joshua M Stuart, Jennifer L Jennings, Lincoln D Stein, Marc D Perry, Hardeep K Nahal-Bose, B F Francis Ouellette, Constance H Li, Esther Rheinbay, G Petur Nielsen, Dennis C Sgroi, Chin-Lee Wu, William C Faquin, 강구정

Appropriate treatment modality for solitary small hepatocellular carcinoma: Radiofrequency ablation vs. resection vs. transplantation?
안근수, 강구정
Clin Mol Hepatol

Liver Transplant for Patients With Preexisting Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Single-Center Experience
이정우, 김태석, 강구정, 김형태, 김용훈, 안근수
Exp Clin Transplant .

Allocation of liver grafts worldwide - Is there a best system?
저자 Luiz Augusto Carneiro D'Albuquerque, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Wellington Andraus, 강구정, Alberto Ferrarese, Christoph Kuemmerli, Christoph Tschuor, Javier Lendoire, Koji Tomiyama, M Katherine Dokus, Michael Crawford, Oscar Imventarza, Patrizia Burra , Philipp Dutkowski, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro
Journal of Hepatology

Prognostic subclass of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma by integrative molecular-clinical analysis and potential targeted approach
저자 강구정, Lewis R Roberts, Mitesh J Borad, Loretta K Allotey, Jean-Pierre A Kocher, 김태석, 김용훈, Taofic Mounajjed, 강유나, Daniel O'Brien, 안근수

Genetic features associated with 18F-FDG uptake in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
Ahn KS, Kang KJ, Kim YH, Kim TS, Song BI, Kim HW, O'Brien D, Roberts LR, Lee JW, Won KS.
Ann Surg Treat Res.

Privileged indication of anatomical resection for the hepatocellular carcinoma with microportal invasion?
강구정, 안근수
Translational Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Lee JM, Jang BK, Lee YJ, Choi WY, Choi SM, Chung WJ, Hwang JS, Kang KJH, Kim YH, Chauhan AK, Park SY, Tak WU, Kweon YO, Kim BS, Lee CH
Survival outcomes of hepatic resection compared with transarterial chemoembolization or sorafenib for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis. 2016 Mar;22(1):160-7.

Ahn KS, Kang KJ, Kang YN, Kim YH, Kim TS
Confinement to the intrapancreatic bile duct is independently associated with a better prognosis in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma BMC Gastroenterology 2016. 47(3)120-31

Kim TS, AhnKS, Kim YH, Kim HT, Jang BK, Hwang JS, Kim IM, Kang YN, Kang KJ
Successful Treatment of Combined Aspergillus and Cytomegalovirus Abscess in Brain and Lung After Liver Transplant for Toxic Fulminant Hepatitis
Experimental & Clinical Transpl (2015 E-Pub ahead of print)
Park KW, Seo YS, Lee YH, Park JW, Hwang IS, Kang KJ, Nam JH, Kim SW, Kim JY
Altered microRNA expression profile in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma
Gene. 2015 Dec ;573(2):278-84

Kwon JH, Ahn KS, Moon YH, Park JY, Wan HJ, Choi KY, Kim GD, Joh JW, Lee KG and Kang KJ
AROS is a significant biomarker for tumor aggressiveness in non-cirrhotic hepatocellular carcinoma
J Kor Med Sci 2015;30:1253-1258

Keun Soo Ahn, Yong Hoon Kim, Koo Jeong Kang, Tae-Seok Kim, Kwang Bum Cho, Eun Soo Kim
Impact of Preoperative ERCP on Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Case-Controlled Study with Propensity Score Matching
World J Surg 2015;39:2235-2242
Kim JH, Sohn BH, Lee HS, Kim SB, Yoo JE, Park YY, Jeong W, Kang KJ, Lee JS et al
Genomic predictors for recurrence patterns of hepatocellular carcinoma: model derivation and validation. 2014 Dec 23;11(12):e1001770.
Ahn KS, Kang KJ, Kim YH, Kim TS, Lim TJ
A propensity score-matched case-control comparative study of laparoscopic and open liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma 2014 Dec;24(12):872-7

Byun JK, Choi YK, Kang YN, Jang BK, Kang KJ, Jeon YH, Lee HW, Heon JH, Koo SH, Jeong WI, Harris RA, Lee IK, Park KG
Retinoic acid-related orphan receptor alpha reprograms glucose metabolism in glutamine-deficient hepatoma cells 2015 March 61(3):953-64

Ahn KS, Kang KJ
Reply to letter “Hepatic vein-oriented liver resection using fusion indocyanine green fluorescene imaging”2015 Dec;262(6):e99-e100

Ahn KS, Kang KJ
Reply to the Letter: "Anatomic Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Step Forward for the Precise Resection of the Tumor-Bearing Portal Territory of the Liver”
Ann Surg. 2015 May;261(5):e145-6.

Kim DC, Chung WJ, Lee JH, Jang BK, Hwang JS, Kang KJ, Kwon SY.
2014 Oct;122(10):1001-6.

Hong WJ, Kang YN, Kang KJ
Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma in adult liver
Kor J Pathol. 2014 Aug;48(4):311-4

Kwon JH, Kim MJ, Kim YH, Kang KJ, Kang YN, Kwon SY
Korean J Radiol. 2014 Jan-Feb;15(1):54-60

Park TJ, Ahn KS, Kim YH, Kim H, Park UJ, Kim HT, Cho WH, Park WH, Kang KJ
Improved severe hepatopulmonary syndrome after liver transplantation in an adolescent with end-stage liver
disease secondary to biliary atresia. 2014 Mar;20(1):76-80.

Jin-Young Jang, Mee Joo Kang, Jin Seok Heo, Seong Ho Choi, Dong Wook Choi, Sang Jae Park, Sung-Sik Han, Dong Sup Yoon, Hee Chul Yu, Koo Jeong Kang, Sang Geol Kim and Sun-Whe Kim
A Prospective randomized controlled study comparing outcomes of standard resection and extended resection Including dissection of the nerve plexus and various lymph nodes, in patients with pancreatic head cancer
Ann Surg 2014 Apr;259(4):656-64

KJ Kim, HD Kim, I Hang, KJ Kang
Anesthetic management of a surery for pheochromocytoma in a patient without pharmacologic pretreatment
Keimyung Med J 2013 Dec 15, 32(2);200-204

Keun Soo Ahn, Koo Jeong Kang, Tae Jun Park, Yong Hoon Kim, Tae Jin Lim, Jung Hyeok Kwon
Benefit of systematic segmentectomy of the hepatocellular carcinoma; revisiting the dye injection method for various portal vein branches
Ann Surg ; 2013 Dec 258(6):1014-21

YJ Lee, YJ Ha, YN Kang, KJ Kang, JH Hwang, WJ Chung, KB Cho, KS Park, ES Kim, HY Seo, KG Park, BK Jang
The autophagy-related marker LC3 can predict prognosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma
PLOS one 2013 Nov 3


저서명 세부전문의를 위한 간담췌외과 마스터 수술집
저자 강구정 외 59명
출판사 군자출판사
출판일 2015.06.05

저서명 나는 외과의사다
저자 강구정
출판사 사이언스북스
출판일 2003.08.05


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[매일신문] [의창(醫窓)] J양의 편지

[매일신문] 계명대 동산병원, ‘간 이식 100례’ 달성


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