한설희 교수
1991 | 서울대학교 의과대학원 졸업 (의학박사)
2018-현재 | 건국대학교 의료원장
2016-현재 | 건국대학교 의무부총장
2011-현재 | 건국대학교 의생명과학원장
2005-현재 | 건국대학교병원 신경과 교수
2012-2016 | 건국대학교병원 병원장
2012 | 건국대학교병원 연구부원장
2011-2012 | 건국대학교병원 임상의학연구소장
2009-2011 | 건국대학교 의학전문대학원 대학원장
2004-2005 | Washington University in St. Louis Alzheimer's Disease Center 연구 교수
1989-2005 | 충북대학교 의과대학 교수
1988-1989 | 서울대학교병원 신경과 전임의
1985-1988 | 서울대학교병원 신경과 레지던트
1984-1985 | 서울대학교병원 인턴
2016-현재 | 건국대학교 의무부총장
2011-현재 | 건국대학교 의생명과학원장
2005-현재 | 건국대학교병원 신경과 교수
2012-2016 | 건국대학교병원 병원장
2012 | 건국대학교병원 연구부원장
2011-2012 | 건국대학교병원 임상의학연구소장
2009-2011 | 건국대학교 의학전문대학원 대학원장
2004-2005 | Washington University in St. Louis Alzheimer's Disease Center 연구 교수
1989-2005 | 충북대학교 의과대학 교수
1988-1989 | 서울대학교병원 신경과 전임의
1985-1988 | 서울대학교병원 신경과 레지던트
1984-1985 | 서울대학교병원 인턴
Han SH, Lee JM, Kim HY. Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induces post-stroke dementia following acute ischemic stroke in rats. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2017 Nov 9;14:216.
Moon YS, Lee JM, Kim YS, Han SH. Validity of the Korean Version of the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, and Consolability Scale for Assessment of Pain in Dementia Patients. Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2017 Nov;32(11):1852-6.
Han SH. Extrapyramidal Signs and Risk of Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia: A Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea Study. Psychiatry Investigation. 2017 Nov;14(6):754-61.
Han SH. Valproic Acid Induces Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Expression during Cortical Development. Experimental Neurobiology. 2017 Oct;26(5):252-65.
Kim YS, Moon YS, Choi YJ, Choi JK, Park JM, Lee JS, Lee JM, Uhm KE, Kim HJ, Kim IA, Shin JE, Nam JW, Han SH. Development of the Korean framework for senior-friendly hospitals: a Delphi study. BMC Health Services Research. 2017 Aug 4;17:528.
Han SH. Sex Differences in Autism-Like Behavioral Phenotypes and Postsynaptic Receptors Expression in the Prefrontal Cortex of TERT Transgenic Mice. Biomolecules & Therapeutics. 2017 Jul;25(4):374-82.
Choi BR, Kim DH, Back DB, Kang CH, Moon WJ, Han JS, Choi DH, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Kim BR, Lee J, Han SH, Kim HY. Characterization of White Matter Injury in a Rat Model of Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion. Stroke. 2016;47:542-7.
Cho KS, Lee IM, Sim S, Lee EJ, Gonzales EL, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Shin CY, Kwon KJ, Han SH. Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb 761(®) ) Inhibits Glutamate-induced Up-regulation of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Through Inhibition of c-Fos Translocation in Rat Primary Cortical Neurons. Phytother Res. 2016 Jan;30(1):58-65.
Cho KS, Lee EJ, Kim JN, Choi JW, Kim HY, Han SH, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Shin CY, Kwon KJ. Proteinase 3 Induces Neuronal Cell Death Through Microglial Activation Neurochem Res. [Epub ahead of print] . 2015 Nov;40(11):2242-51.
Moon Y, Moon WJ, Han SH. The structural connectivity of the recurrent transient global amnesia. Acta Neurol Scand. 2015 Oct 15. doi: 10.1111/ane.12518. [Epub ahead of print].
Kwon KJ, Lee EJ, Kim MK, Jeon SJ, Choi YY, Shin CY, Han SH. The potential role of melatonin on sleep deprivation-induced cognitive impairments: implication of FMRP on cognitive function. Neuroscience. 2015 Aug 20;301:403-14.
Shim Y, Ryu HJ, Lee DW, Lee JY, Jeong JH, Choi SH, Han SH, Ryu SH. Literacy Independent Cognitive Assessment: Assessing Mild Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults with Low Literacy Skills. Psychiatry Investig. 2015 Jul;12(3):341-8.
Jang H, Kim JH, Choi SH, Lee Y, Hong CH, Jeong JH, Han HJ, Moon SY, Park KW, Han SH, Park KH, Kim HJ, Na DL, Seo SW. Body Mass Index and Mortality Rate in Korean Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;46(2):399-406.
Moon Y, Moon WJ, Kwon H, Lee JM, Han SH. Vitamin D deficiency disrupts neuronal integrity in cognitively impaired patients. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;45(4):1089-96.
Lee SR, Choi B, Paul S, Seo JH, Back DB, Han JS, Choi DH, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Lee J, Han SH, Kim HY. Depressive-like behaviors in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. Transl Stroke Res. 2015 Jun;6(3):207-14.
Lee JH, Hong YJ, Bae HJ, Kim BJ, Na DL, Han SH, Park JM, Jeong JH, Cha KR. The effects of galantamine treatment on attention and its relationship with cognition and activities of daily living in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. J Clin Neurol. 2015 Jan;11(1):66-72.
Ye BS, Chin J, Kim SY, Lee JS, Kim EJ, Lee Y, Hong CH, Choi SH, Park KW, Ku BD, Moon SY, Kim S, Han SH, Lee JH, Cheong HK, Park SA, Jeong JH, Na DL, Seo SW. The heterogeneity and natural history of mild cognitive impairment of visual memory predominant type. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;43(1):143-52.
Kwon KJ, Lee EJ, Kim MK, Kim SY, Kim JN, Kim JO, Kim HJ, Kim HY, Han JS, Shin CY, Han SH. Diabetes augments cognitive dysfunction in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion by increasing neuronal cell death: Implication of cilostazol for diabetes mellitus-induced dementia. Neurobiol Dis. 2015 Jan;73:12-23.
Kwon KJ, Kim MK, Lee EJ, Kim JN, Choi BR, Kim SY, Cho KS, Han JS, Kim HY, Shin CY, Han SH. Effects of donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, on neurogenesis in a rat model of vascular dementia. J Neurol Sci. 2014 Dec 15;347(1-2):66-77.
Kim KC, Choi CS, Kim JW, Han SH, Cheong JH, Ryu JH, Shin CY. MeCP2 Modulates Sex Differences in the Postsynaptic Development of the Valproate Animal Model of Autism. Mol Neurobiol. 2014 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print].
Cho DH, Park JH, Joo Lee E, Jong Won K, Lee SH, Kim YH, Hwang S, Ja Kwon K, Young Shin C, Song KH, Jo I, Han SH. Valproic acid increases NO production via the SH-PTP1-CDK5-eNOS-Ser(116) signaling cascade in endothelial cells and mice. Free Radic Biol Med. 2014 Nov;76:96-106.
Park HK, Choi SH, Park SA, Kim HJ, Lee Y, Han SH, Kim EJ, Kim BC, Han HJ, Moon SY, Yang DW, Park KW, Park KH, Yoon B, Seo SW, Na DL, Na HR, Lee JH. Cognitive Profiles and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Korean Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Patients: A CREDOS Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014 Oct 16.
Choi DH, Lee KH, Kim JH, Seo JH, Kim HY, Shin CY, Han JS, Han SH, Kim YS, Lee J. NADPH oxidase 1, a novel molecular source of ROS in hippocampal neuronal death in vascular dementia. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 Aug 1;21(4):533-50.
Kim JW, Seung H, Kwon KJ, Ko MJ, Lee EJ, Oh HA, Choi CS, Kim KC, Gonzales EL, You JS, Choi DH, Lee J, Han SH, Yang SM, Cheong JH, Shin CY, Bahn GH. Subchronic treatment of donepezil rescues impaired social, hyperactive, and stereotypic behavior in valproic acid-induced animal model of autism. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 18;9(8):e104927.
Moon Y, Kim H, Ok Kim J, Han SH. Vascular factors are associated with the severity of the neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease. Int J Neurosci. 2014 Jul;124(7):512-7.
Han JY, Han SH. Primary prevention of Alzheimer's disease: is it an attainable goal?. J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Jul;29(7):886-92.
Han SH. Increasing burden of Alzheimer's disease by aging. J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Jul;29(7):885.
Hong YJ, Yoon B, Shim YS, Han IW, Han SH, Park KH, Choi SH, Ku BD, Yang DW. Do Alzheimer's disease (AD) and subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD) progress differently?. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 May-Jun;58(3):415-9.
Cho KS, Lee EJ, Kwon KJ, Gonzales EL, Kim YB, Cheong JH, Bahn GH, Lee J, Han SH, Kim YT, Shin CY. Resveratrol down-regulates a glutamate-induced tissue plasminogen activator via Erk and AMPK/mTOR pathways in rat primary cortical neurons. Food Funct. 2014 May;5(5):951-60.
Kim P, Choi CS, Park JH, Joo SH, Kim SY, Ko HM, Kim KC, Jeon SJ, Park SH, Han SH, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Han JY, Ko KN, Shin CY. Chronic exposure to ethanol of male mice before mating produces attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-like phenotype along with epigenetic dysregulation of dopamine transporter expression in mouse offspring. J Neurosci Res. 2014 May;92(5):658-70.
Noh Y, Lee Y, Seo SW, Jeong JH, Choi SH, Back JH, Woo SY, Kim GH, Shin JS, Kim CH, Cho H, Park JS, Lee JM, Hong CH, Kim SY, Lee JH, Kim SY, Park KH, Han SH, Cheong HK, Na DL. A new classification system for ischemia using a combination of deep and periventricular white matter hyperintensities. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2014 Apr;23(4):636-42.
Kang HS, Myung W, Na DL, Kim SY, Lee JH, Han SH, Choi SH, Kim S, Kim S, Kim DK. Factors associated with caregiver burden in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatry Investig. 2014 Apr;11(2):152-9.
Moon Y, Kim HJ, Choi H, Oh SI, Han SH. Validity of the Korean version of the fear of Alzheimer's disease scale for the assessment of anticipatory dementia. J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Mar;29(3):411-5.
Lee SH, Ko HM, Kwon KJ, Lee J, Han SH, Han DW, Cheong JH, Ryu JH, Shin CY. tPA regulates neurite outgrowth by phosphorylation of LRP5/6 in neural progenitor cells. Mol Neurobiol. 2014 Feb;49(1):199-215.
Moon Y, Moon WJ, Kim H, Han SH. Regional atrophy of the insular cortex is associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease patients. Eur Neurol. 2014;71(5-6):223-9.
Ko HM, Joo SH, Kim P, Park JH, Kim HJ, Bahn GH, Kim HY, Lee J, Han SH, Shin CY, Park SH. Effects of Korean Red Ginseng extract on tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression in cultured rat primary astrocytes. J Ginseng Res. 2013 Oct;37(4):401-12.
Cho DH, Lee EJ, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Song KH, Park JH, Jo I, Han SH. Troglitazone, a thiazolidinedione, decreases tau phosphorylation through the inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activity in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and primary neurons. J Neurochem. 2013 Sep;126(5):685-95.
Kim KC, Kim JW, Choi CS, Han SY, Cheong JH, Han SH, Yang SI, Bahn GH, Shin CY. A role of CPEB1 in the modulation of proliferation and neuronal maturation of rat primary neural progenitor cells. Neurochem Res. 2013 Sep;38(9):1960-72.
Hasan MR, Kim JH, Kim YJ, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Kim HY, Han SH, Choi DH, Lee J. Effect of HDAC inhibitors on neuroprotection and neurite outgrowth in primary rat cortical neurons following ischemic insult. Neurochem Res. 2013 Sep;38(9):1921-34.
Kwon KJ, Cho KS, Kim JN, Kim MK, Lee EJ, Kim SY, Jeon SJ, Kim KC, Han JE, Kang YS, Kim S, Kim HY, Han SH, Bahn G, Choi Jw, Shin CY. Proteinase 3 induces oxidative stress-mediated neuronal death in rat primary cortical neuron. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Aug 26;548:67-72.
Kim SH, Kang HS, Kim HJ, Ryu HJ, Kim My, Seo SW, Na DL, Han SH. Neuropsychiatric predictors of conversion to dementia both in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and those with subcortical vascular MCI. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2013 Aug;115(8):1264-70.
Kim JN, Kim MK, Cho KS, Choi CS, Park SH, Yang SI, Joo SH, Park JH, Bahn G, Shin CY, Lee HJ, Han SH, Kwon KJ. Valproic Acid Regulates α-Synuclein Expression through JNK Pathway in Rat Primary Astrocytes. Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2013 May 30;21(3):222-8.
Cho KS, Joo SH, Choi CS, Kim KC, Ko HM, Park JH, Kim P, Hur J, Lee SH, Bahn GH, Ryu JH, Lee J, Han SH, Kwon KJ, Shin CY. Glucose deprivation reversibly down-regulates tissue plasminogen activator via proteasomal degradation in rat primary astrocytes. Life Sci. 2013 May 20;92(17-19):929-37.
Cho KS, Kwon KJ, Choi CS, Jeon SJ, Kim KC, Park JH, Ko HM, Lee SH, Cheong JH, Ryu JH, Han SH, Shin CY. Valproic acid induces astrocyte-dependent neurite outgrowth from cultured rat primary cortical neuron via modulation of tPA/PAI-1 activity. Glia. 2013 May;61(5):694-709.
Cho KS, Kwon KJ, Jeon SJ, Joo SH, Kim KC, Cheong JH, Bahn GH, Kim HY, Han SH, Shin CY, Yang SI. Transcriptional Upregulation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in Rat Primary Astrocytes by a Proteasomal Inhibitor MG132. Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2013 Mar;21(2):107-13.
Kim P, Park JH, Choi CS, Choi I, Joo SH, Kim MK, Kim SY, Kim KC, Park SH, Kwon KJ, Lee J, Han SH, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Han JY, Ko KN, Shin CY. Effects of ethanol exposure during early pregnancy in hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive behaviors and MeCP2 expression in rodent offspring. Neurochem Res. 2013 Mar;38(3):620-31.
Kwon KJ, Kim JN, Kim MK, Kim SY, Cho KS, Jeon SJ, Kim HY, Ryu JH, Han SY, Cheong JH, Ignarro LJ, Han SH, Shin CY. Neuroprotective effects of valproic acid against hemin toxicity: possible involvement of the down-regulation of heme oxygenase-1 by regulating ubiquitin-proteasomal pathway. Neurochem Int. 2013 Feb;62(3):240-50.
Kim HJ, Moon WJ, Han SH. Differential Cholinergic Pathway Involvement in Alzheimer's Disease and Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Dementia. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013 Jan 30.;35(1):129-36.
Kim P, Park JH, Kwon KJ, Kim KC, Kim HJ, Lee JM, Kim HY, Han SH, Shin CY. Effects of Korean red ginseng extracts on neural tube defects and impairment of social interaction induced by prenatal exposure to valproic acid. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Jan;51:288-96.
Moon YS, Lee JM, Kim YS, Han SH. Validity of the Korean Version of the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, and Consolability Scale for Assessment of Pain in Dementia Patients. Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2017 Nov;32(11):1852-6.
Han SH. Extrapyramidal Signs and Risk of Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia: A Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea Study. Psychiatry Investigation. 2017 Nov;14(6):754-61.
Han SH. Valproic Acid Induces Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Expression during Cortical Development. Experimental Neurobiology. 2017 Oct;26(5):252-65.
Kim YS, Moon YS, Choi YJ, Choi JK, Park JM, Lee JS, Lee JM, Uhm KE, Kim HJ, Kim IA, Shin JE, Nam JW, Han SH. Development of the Korean framework for senior-friendly hospitals: a Delphi study. BMC Health Services Research. 2017 Aug 4;17:528.
Han SH. Sex Differences in Autism-Like Behavioral Phenotypes and Postsynaptic Receptors Expression in the Prefrontal Cortex of TERT Transgenic Mice. Biomolecules & Therapeutics. 2017 Jul;25(4):374-82.
Choi BR, Kim DH, Back DB, Kang CH, Moon WJ, Han JS, Choi DH, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Kim BR, Lee J, Han SH, Kim HY. Characterization of White Matter Injury in a Rat Model of Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion. Stroke. 2016;47:542-7.
Cho KS, Lee IM, Sim S, Lee EJ, Gonzales EL, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Shin CY, Kwon KJ, Han SH. Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb 761(®) ) Inhibits Glutamate-induced Up-regulation of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Through Inhibition of c-Fos Translocation in Rat Primary Cortical Neurons. Phytother Res. 2016 Jan;30(1):58-65.
Cho KS, Lee EJ, Kim JN, Choi JW, Kim HY, Han SH, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Shin CY, Kwon KJ. Proteinase 3 Induces Neuronal Cell Death Through Microglial Activation Neurochem Res. [Epub ahead of print] . 2015 Nov;40(11):2242-51.
Moon Y, Moon WJ, Han SH. The structural connectivity of the recurrent transient global amnesia. Acta Neurol Scand. 2015 Oct 15. doi: 10.1111/ane.12518. [Epub ahead of print].
Kwon KJ, Lee EJ, Kim MK, Jeon SJ, Choi YY, Shin CY, Han SH. The potential role of melatonin on sleep deprivation-induced cognitive impairments: implication of FMRP on cognitive function. Neuroscience. 2015 Aug 20;301:403-14.
Shim Y, Ryu HJ, Lee DW, Lee JY, Jeong JH, Choi SH, Han SH, Ryu SH. Literacy Independent Cognitive Assessment: Assessing Mild Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults with Low Literacy Skills. Psychiatry Investig. 2015 Jul;12(3):341-8.
Jang H, Kim JH, Choi SH, Lee Y, Hong CH, Jeong JH, Han HJ, Moon SY, Park KW, Han SH, Park KH, Kim HJ, Na DL, Seo SW. Body Mass Index and Mortality Rate in Korean Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;46(2):399-406.
Moon Y, Moon WJ, Kwon H, Lee JM, Han SH. Vitamin D deficiency disrupts neuronal integrity in cognitively impaired patients. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;45(4):1089-96.
Lee SR, Choi B, Paul S, Seo JH, Back DB, Han JS, Choi DH, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Lee J, Han SH, Kim HY. Depressive-like behaviors in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. Transl Stroke Res. 2015 Jun;6(3):207-14.
Lee JH, Hong YJ, Bae HJ, Kim BJ, Na DL, Han SH, Park JM, Jeong JH, Cha KR. The effects of galantamine treatment on attention and its relationship with cognition and activities of daily living in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. J Clin Neurol. 2015 Jan;11(1):66-72.
Ye BS, Chin J, Kim SY, Lee JS, Kim EJ, Lee Y, Hong CH, Choi SH, Park KW, Ku BD, Moon SY, Kim S, Han SH, Lee JH, Cheong HK, Park SA, Jeong JH, Na DL, Seo SW. The heterogeneity and natural history of mild cognitive impairment of visual memory predominant type. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;43(1):143-52.
Kwon KJ, Lee EJ, Kim MK, Kim SY, Kim JN, Kim JO, Kim HJ, Kim HY, Han JS, Shin CY, Han SH. Diabetes augments cognitive dysfunction in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion by increasing neuronal cell death: Implication of cilostazol for diabetes mellitus-induced dementia. Neurobiol Dis. 2015 Jan;73:12-23.
Kwon KJ, Kim MK, Lee EJ, Kim JN, Choi BR, Kim SY, Cho KS, Han JS, Kim HY, Shin CY, Han SH. Effects of donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, on neurogenesis in a rat model of vascular dementia. J Neurol Sci. 2014 Dec 15;347(1-2):66-77.
Kim KC, Choi CS, Kim JW, Han SH, Cheong JH, Ryu JH, Shin CY. MeCP2 Modulates Sex Differences in the Postsynaptic Development of the Valproate Animal Model of Autism. Mol Neurobiol. 2014 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print].
Cho DH, Park JH, Joo Lee E, Jong Won K, Lee SH, Kim YH, Hwang S, Ja Kwon K, Young Shin C, Song KH, Jo I, Han SH. Valproic acid increases NO production via the SH-PTP1-CDK5-eNOS-Ser(116) signaling cascade in endothelial cells and mice. Free Radic Biol Med. 2014 Nov;76:96-106.
Park HK, Choi SH, Park SA, Kim HJ, Lee Y, Han SH, Kim EJ, Kim BC, Han HJ, Moon SY, Yang DW, Park KW, Park KH, Yoon B, Seo SW, Na DL, Na HR, Lee JH. Cognitive Profiles and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Korean Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Patients: A CREDOS Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014 Oct 16.
Choi DH, Lee KH, Kim JH, Seo JH, Kim HY, Shin CY, Han JS, Han SH, Kim YS, Lee J. NADPH oxidase 1, a novel molecular source of ROS in hippocampal neuronal death in vascular dementia. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 Aug 1;21(4):533-50.
Kim JW, Seung H, Kwon KJ, Ko MJ, Lee EJ, Oh HA, Choi CS, Kim KC, Gonzales EL, You JS, Choi DH, Lee J, Han SH, Yang SM, Cheong JH, Shin CY, Bahn GH. Subchronic treatment of donepezil rescues impaired social, hyperactive, and stereotypic behavior in valproic acid-induced animal model of autism. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 18;9(8):e104927.
Moon Y, Kim H, Ok Kim J, Han SH. Vascular factors are associated with the severity of the neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease. Int J Neurosci. 2014 Jul;124(7):512-7.
Han JY, Han SH. Primary prevention of Alzheimer's disease: is it an attainable goal?. J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Jul;29(7):886-92.
Han SH. Increasing burden of Alzheimer's disease by aging. J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Jul;29(7):885.
Hong YJ, Yoon B, Shim YS, Han IW, Han SH, Park KH, Choi SH, Ku BD, Yang DW. Do Alzheimer's disease (AD) and subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD) progress differently?. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 May-Jun;58(3):415-9.
Cho KS, Lee EJ, Kwon KJ, Gonzales EL, Kim YB, Cheong JH, Bahn GH, Lee J, Han SH, Kim YT, Shin CY. Resveratrol down-regulates a glutamate-induced tissue plasminogen activator via Erk and AMPK/mTOR pathways in rat primary cortical neurons. Food Funct. 2014 May;5(5):951-60.
Kim P, Choi CS, Park JH, Joo SH, Kim SY, Ko HM, Kim KC, Jeon SJ, Park SH, Han SH, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Han JY, Ko KN, Shin CY. Chronic exposure to ethanol of male mice before mating produces attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-like phenotype along with epigenetic dysregulation of dopamine transporter expression in mouse offspring. J Neurosci Res. 2014 May;92(5):658-70.
Noh Y, Lee Y, Seo SW, Jeong JH, Choi SH, Back JH, Woo SY, Kim GH, Shin JS, Kim CH, Cho H, Park JS, Lee JM, Hong CH, Kim SY, Lee JH, Kim SY, Park KH, Han SH, Cheong HK, Na DL. A new classification system for ischemia using a combination of deep and periventricular white matter hyperintensities. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2014 Apr;23(4):636-42.
Kang HS, Myung W, Na DL, Kim SY, Lee JH, Han SH, Choi SH, Kim S, Kim S, Kim DK. Factors associated with caregiver burden in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatry Investig. 2014 Apr;11(2):152-9.
Moon Y, Kim HJ, Choi H, Oh SI, Han SH. Validity of the Korean version of the fear of Alzheimer's disease scale for the assessment of anticipatory dementia. J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Mar;29(3):411-5.
Lee SH, Ko HM, Kwon KJ, Lee J, Han SH, Han DW, Cheong JH, Ryu JH, Shin CY. tPA regulates neurite outgrowth by phosphorylation of LRP5/6 in neural progenitor cells. Mol Neurobiol. 2014 Feb;49(1):199-215.
Moon Y, Moon WJ, Kim H, Han SH. Regional atrophy of the insular cortex is associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease patients. Eur Neurol. 2014;71(5-6):223-9.
Ko HM, Joo SH, Kim P, Park JH, Kim HJ, Bahn GH, Kim HY, Lee J, Han SH, Shin CY, Park SH. Effects of Korean Red Ginseng extract on tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression in cultured rat primary astrocytes. J Ginseng Res. 2013 Oct;37(4):401-12.
Cho DH, Lee EJ, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Song KH, Park JH, Jo I, Han SH. Troglitazone, a thiazolidinedione, decreases tau phosphorylation through the inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activity in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and primary neurons. J Neurochem. 2013 Sep;126(5):685-95.
Kim KC, Kim JW, Choi CS, Han SY, Cheong JH, Han SH, Yang SI, Bahn GH, Shin CY. A role of CPEB1 in the modulation of proliferation and neuronal maturation of rat primary neural progenitor cells. Neurochem Res. 2013 Sep;38(9):1960-72.
Hasan MR, Kim JH, Kim YJ, Kwon KJ, Shin CY, Kim HY, Han SH, Choi DH, Lee J. Effect of HDAC inhibitors on neuroprotection and neurite outgrowth in primary rat cortical neurons following ischemic insult. Neurochem Res. 2013 Sep;38(9):1921-34.
Kwon KJ, Cho KS, Kim JN, Kim MK, Lee EJ, Kim SY, Jeon SJ, Kim KC, Han JE, Kang YS, Kim S, Kim HY, Han SH, Bahn G, Choi Jw, Shin CY. Proteinase 3 induces oxidative stress-mediated neuronal death in rat primary cortical neuron. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Aug 26;548:67-72.
Kim SH, Kang HS, Kim HJ, Ryu HJ, Kim My, Seo SW, Na DL, Han SH. Neuropsychiatric predictors of conversion to dementia both in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and those with subcortical vascular MCI. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2013 Aug;115(8):1264-70.
Kim JN, Kim MK, Cho KS, Choi CS, Park SH, Yang SI, Joo SH, Park JH, Bahn G, Shin CY, Lee HJ, Han SH, Kwon KJ. Valproic Acid Regulates α-Synuclein Expression through JNK Pathway in Rat Primary Astrocytes. Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2013 May 30;21(3):222-8.
Cho KS, Joo SH, Choi CS, Kim KC, Ko HM, Park JH, Kim P, Hur J, Lee SH, Bahn GH, Ryu JH, Lee J, Han SH, Kwon KJ, Shin CY. Glucose deprivation reversibly down-regulates tissue plasminogen activator via proteasomal degradation in rat primary astrocytes. Life Sci. 2013 May 20;92(17-19):929-37.
Cho KS, Kwon KJ, Choi CS, Jeon SJ, Kim KC, Park JH, Ko HM, Lee SH, Cheong JH, Ryu JH, Han SH, Shin CY. Valproic acid induces astrocyte-dependent neurite outgrowth from cultured rat primary cortical neuron via modulation of tPA/PAI-1 activity. Glia. 2013 May;61(5):694-709.
Cho KS, Kwon KJ, Jeon SJ, Joo SH, Kim KC, Cheong JH, Bahn GH, Kim HY, Han SH, Shin CY, Yang SI. Transcriptional Upregulation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in Rat Primary Astrocytes by a Proteasomal Inhibitor MG132. Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2013 Mar;21(2):107-13.
Kim P, Park JH, Choi CS, Choi I, Joo SH, Kim MK, Kim SY, Kim KC, Park SH, Kwon KJ, Lee J, Han SH, Ryu JH, Cheong JH, Han JY, Ko KN, Shin CY. Effects of ethanol exposure during early pregnancy in hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive behaviors and MeCP2 expression in rodent offspring. Neurochem Res. 2013 Mar;38(3):620-31.
Kwon KJ, Kim JN, Kim MK, Kim SY, Cho KS, Jeon SJ, Kim HY, Ryu JH, Han SY, Cheong JH, Ignarro LJ, Han SH, Shin CY. Neuroprotective effects of valproic acid against hemin toxicity: possible involvement of the down-regulation of heme oxygenase-1 by regulating ubiquitin-proteasomal pathway. Neurochem Int. 2013 Feb;62(3):240-50.
Kim HJ, Moon WJ, Han SH. Differential Cholinergic Pathway Involvement in Alzheimer's Disease and Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Dementia. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013 Jan 30.;35(1):129-36.
Kim P, Park JH, Kwon KJ, Kim KC, Kim HJ, Lee JM, Kim HY, Han SH, Shin CY. Effects of Korean red ginseng extracts on neural tube defects and impairment of social interaction induced by prenatal exposure to valproic acid. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Jan;51:288-96.
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