

  #급성 및 만성 통증 관리#수술 전후 척추통증


경희대학교 한의과대학 졸업
경희대학교 한의과대학 임상한의학과 석사 졸업
[Effect of herbal extract granules combined with probiotic mixture on irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea: Interim analysis results of a randomized controlled trial]
경희대학교 한의과대학 임상한의학과 박사 졸업
[Protective effect of Laminaria Japonica with probiotics on experimental colitis mice model]


2006.03.01. - 2007.02.28. 경희의료원 부속한방병원 일반수련의 수료
2007.04.23. - 2010.04.22. 공중보건의 복무
2010.05.01. - 2013.02.28. 강동경희대학교 부속한방병원 전문수련의 수료
2013.03.01. - 2015.02.28. 강동경희대학교 병원 Fellow
2015.03.01. - 2018.04.30. 강동경희대학교 병원 임상조교수
2015.03.01. - 2018.04.30. 경희대학교 한의과대학 겸임 교수
2018.05.01. - 현재 경희대학교 한의과대학 비계내과학교실 조교수
現 강동경희대학교 병원 한방 소화기/보양 클리닉 교수
現 강동경희대학교 병원 한방 비뇨기/내분비 클리닉 교수
現 강동경희대학교 병원 한방 갱년기/항노화 클리닉 교수


[SCI(E) 급 국제학술지]
1. Ko SJ, Ryu B, Kim J, Hong BG, Yeo I, Lee BJ, Lee JM, Park JW. Effect of herbal extract granules combined with probiotic mixture on irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2011 Oct 6;12:219.

2. Ko SJ, Lee S, Kim Y, Lee J, Ryu B, Kim J, Park JW. Effect of oriental medicine music therapy on idiopathic chronic fatigue: A case study. Eur J Integra Med. 2012;4(1):e41-4.

3. Park JW, Ko SJ, Han G, Yeo I, Ryu B, Kim J. The Effects of Banha-sasim-tang on Dyspeptic Symptoms and Gastric Motility in Cases of Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, and Two-Center Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:265035.

4. Han G, Park JW, Ko SJ, Son J, Seon J, Kim J, Kim S, Yeo I, Ryu B, Kim J. Yukmijihwang-tang for the treatment of xerostomia in the elderly: study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-center trial. Trials. 2013 Sep 3;14:281.

5. Kim H, Bu Y, Lee BJ, Bae J, Park S, Kim J, Lee K, Cha JM, Ryu B, Ko SJ, Han G, Min B, Park JW. Myristica fragrans seed extract protects against dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice. J Med Food. 2013 Oct;16(10):953-6.

6. Kim J, Son J, Jang S, Nam DH, Han G, Yeo I, Ko SJ, Park JW, Ryu B, Kim J. Availability of tongue diagnosis system for assessing tongue coating thickness in patients with functional dyspepsia. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:348272.

7. Ko SJ, Han G, Kim SK, Seo JG, Chung WS, Ryu B, Kim J, Yeo I, Lee BJ, Lee JM, Park JW. Effect of korean herbal medicine combined with a probiotic mixture on diarrhea-dominant irritable bowel syndrome: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:824605.

8. Ko SJ, Kim J, Han G, Kim SK, Kim HG, Yeo I, Ryu B, Park JW. Laminaria japonica combined with probiotics improves intestinal microbiota: a randomized clinical trial. J Med Food. 2014 Jan;17(1):76-82.

9. Han G, Ko SJ, Park JW, Kim J, Yeo I, Lee H, Kim SY, Lee H. Acupuncture for functional dyspepsia: study protocol for a two-center, randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2014 Mar 22;15:89.

10. Kim J, Han G, Ko SJ, Nam DH, Park JW, Ryu B, Kim J. Tongue diagnosis system for quantitative assessment of tongue coating in patients with functional dyspepsia: a clinical trial. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014 Aug 8;155(1):709-13.

11. Ko SJ, Bu Y, Bae J, Bang YM, Kim J, Lee H, Beom-Joon L, Hyun YH, Park JW. Protective effect of Laminaria japonica with probiotics on murine colitis. Mediators Inflamm. 2014;2014:417814.

12. Ko SJ, Lee H, Kim SK, Kim M, Kim J, Lee BJ, Park JW. Development the quantitative indicator of abdominal examination for clinical application: a pilot study. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jun;21(6):358-63.

13. Lee JH, Kim SK, Ko SJ, Lee SH, Lee JH, Kim MJ, Han G, Kim J, Chung SY, Lee BJ, Park JW. The Effect of Oriental Medicine Music Therapy on Idiopathic Chronic Fatigue. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jul;21(7):422-9.

14. Han G, Ko SJ, Kim J, Oh JY, Park JW, Kim J. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a traditional herbal formula, Yukmijihwang-tang in elderly subjects with xerostomia. J Ethnopharmacol. 2016 Apr 22;182:160-9.

15. Ko SJ, Park K, Kim J, Kim M, Kim JH, Lee J, Mohamed AZ, Yeo I, Kim J, Choi SM, Kim H, Park JW, Lee JH. Effect of acupuncture and its influence on cerebral activity in functional dyspepsia patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2016 Apr 2;17:183.

16. Ko SJ, Kim H, Kim SK, Park K, Lee J, Lee BJ, Oh J, Lee K, Park JW. Reliability and Validity of Modified Algometer in Abdominal Examination. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016;2016:3052954.

17. Ko SJ, Kuo B, Kim SK, Lee H, Kim J, Han G, Kim J, Kim SY, Jang S, Son J, Kim M, Lee H, Yeo I, Joo KR, Park JW. Individualized Acupuncture for Symptom Relief in Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Dec;22(12):997-1006.

18. Kim J, Park JW, Ko SJ, Jeon SH, Kim JW, Yeo I, Kim J. Effects of a Herbal Medicine, Yukgunja-Tang, on Func

19. Ko SJ, Park JW, Leem J, Kaptchuk TJ, Napadow V, Kuo B, Gerber J, Dimisko L, Yeo I, Lee J, Kim J. Influence of the patient-practitioner interaction context on acupuncture outcomes in functional dyspepsia: study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Jul 14;17(1):363.

20. Park JH, Kim S, Park JW, Ko SJ, Lee S. Feasibility study of structured diagnosis methods for functional dyspepsia in Korean medicine clinics. Integr Med Res. 2017 Dec;6(4):443-451.

21. Lee J, Park JW, Ko SJ, Kim J. Development and validation of a new pattern identification scale for Stomach Qi Deficiency. Eur J Integra Med. 2018;17:56-63.

22. Ko SJ, Park JW, Lee JH, et al. An Herbal Medicine, Yukgunja-Tang is more Effective in a Type of Functional Dyspepsia Categorized by Facial Shape Diagnosis: A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Randomized Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018;2018:8546357.

23. Ko SJ, Park JW, Lee JH, et al. Herbal medicine Yukgunja-tang for functional dyspepsia protocol for a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(40):e12555.

24. Park JW, Oh J, Ko SJ, Chang MS, Kim J. Effects of Onchung-eum, an Herbal Prescription, on 5-Fluorouracil-Induced Oral Mucositis. Integr Cancer Ther. 2018;17(4):1285-1296.

25. Ko SJ, Cho SH, Kim KJ, Kim JS, Ha NY, Park JW. Herbal medicine Banha-sasim-tang for the treatment of functional dyspepsia protocol for a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(22):e15760.

26. Kim SY, Hong SH, Park JW, et al. Analysis of diagnostic decision in acupuncture from the actual functional dyspepsia patient's clinical information. Integr Med Res. 2020;9(4):100419.

27. Bhang YH, Kim KI, Kim J, et al. Efficacy and safety of Ojeok-san plus Saengmaek-san for gastroesophageal reflux-induced chronic cough: protocol for a pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Trials. 2020;21(1):118.

28. Ha NY, Kim S, Ko SJ, Park JW, Kim J. A clinical study on safety and efficacy of Naesohwajung-tang on functional dyspepsia. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020;99(21):e19910.


내과학 Internal Medicine. 전국한의과대학 한방내과 교수협의회. 우리의학서적. 2020.02.


[건강한가족] 무·생강·도라지, 호흡기 깨끗이…빨강 당근·비트로, 혈관 튼튼히

100일 남은 수능, 수험생 한방 건강관리법

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이유없이 계속 속 더부룩하다면... 소화제 보다 병원 찾아야

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[그것이 알고싶냐] 체기가 있을 때 억지로 토해도 될까?

추워진 날씨에 소화불량 늘어… “항상 몸 따뜻하게 유지하세요”


포스팅 내용이 없습니다.


기능성소화불량은 무엇인가요? -한방내과 고석재교수

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1. 압력에 따른 통증 측정 장치 (10-2013-132842, 국내출원)
2. 복부 가압장치 (10-2014-0011384, 국내출원 / 10-1487127, 국내등록)
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