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- 서울아산병원 레지던트 수료
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Kim YU (Corresponding author), Park JY, Cho HR, Kang KN, Choi KW, Choi YS, Jeong HW, Yi JM. The role of the iliotibial band cross-sectional area as a morphological parameter of the iliotibial band friction syndrome: a retrospective pilot study. Korean J Pain 2021;34(2):229-233

Kim YU (First Author),Cho BH, Cho HR. Comparison of Intracuff Pressure and Postoperative Sore Throat Following Use of Laryngeal Mask Airway Protector With or Without Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. February 26, 2021 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jopan.

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Park SC, Han SG, Kim KE, Lee HW, Bang YS, Kang KN, Lee JH. Prediction of suspicious ankle instability using the calcaneofibular ligament cross-sectional area. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2021 http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/qims-20-764

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Park SC, Lee JH, Cho HR, Kim KE, Bang YS. The predictive role of the posterior tibial tendon cross-sectional area in early diagnosing posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Medicine 2020;99:36(e21823).

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Cho HR, Cho,BH, Kang KN. Optimal Cut-Off Value of the Coracohumeral Ligament Area as a Morphological Parameter to Confirm Frozen Shoulder. J Korean Med Sci. 2020 Apr 20;35(15):e99

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Lee SH, Lim,TH, Lim YS. Usefulness of the Inferior Articular Process’s Cross­ Sectional Area as a Morphological Parameter for Predicting Central Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020, 9, 214

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Lee SH, Cho HR, Yoo JS. The prognostic value of median nerve thickness in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome using magnetic resonance imaging: a pilot study. Korean J Pain 2020;33(1):1-6.

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Joo Y, Cho HR. Evaluation of the cross-sectional area of acromion process for shoulder impingement syndrome. Korean J Pain 2020;33(1):1-5.

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Bang YS, Park JB, Kim JH, Choi YS, Lim YS, Cho HR. Usefulness of patellar cartilage cross-sectional area for knee tibiofemoral osteoarthritis in elderly. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2019:14 1021-1026

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Mun JU, Cho HR, Yoo JS, Kang KN, Lee JM, Joo Y. The role of the anterior talofibular ligament area as a morphological parameter of the chronic ankle sprain. Journal of Orthopaedic Science.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jos.2019.05.001

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Bang YS, Park JB, Lee SY, Park JY, Park SH, Joo Y, Lee YK. Value of Anterior Band of the Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament Area as a Morphological Parameter of Adhesive Capsulitis. Pain Research and Management. Volume 2019, Article ID 9301970, 6 pages

Kim YU (Corresponding author), An SJ, Hong SJ, Lee YK. Best cut-off point of the cervical facet joint area as a new morphological measurement tool to predict cervical foraminal stenosis. Journal of Pain Research 2019:12 1325-1330

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Mun JU, Cho HR, Kim SH, Yoo JI, Kang KN, Yoon SH. Uncinate Process Area as a New Sensitive Morphological Parameter to Predict Cervical Neural Foraminal Stenosis. Pain Physician. 2019 Mar;22(2):E105-E110.

Kim YU (Corresponding author), Bang YS, Lee S, Kang KN, Lee J, Jeong HW, Choi SI. Dorsal and ventral thoracic 12 vertebra body height is associated with incident lumbar vertebral fracture in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Clin Interv Aging. 2019 Feb 15;14:375-380. doi: 10.2147/CIA.S199402. eCollection 2019.

Kim YU (Corresponding author), An SJ, Choi SI, Kang KN, Yoo SH. Optimal cut-off points of lumbar pedicle thickness as a morphological parameter to predict lumbar spinal stenosis syndrome: a retrospective study. Journal of Pain Research 2018:11 1?6

Kim YU (Corresponding author), An SJ, Mun JU, Kang KN. Superior articular process cross-sectional area is a new sensitive parameter for the diagnosis of lumbar central canal spinal stenosis. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2018:13 1763?1767

Kim YU (corresponding author), An SJ, Seo MS, Choi SI, Lim TH, Shin SJ, Kang KN. Facet joint hypertrophy is a misnomer: A retrospective study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Jun;97(24):e11090. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000011090.

Kim YU (Corresponding Author). Comparison of dural sac area versus spinal canal area. CKU doctorate 2018. Feb

Kim YU (Corresponding Author), Mun JU, Cho HR, Choi YS. Effect of multiple intra-articular injections of polynucleotides on treatment of intractable knee osteoarthritis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Dec;96(49):e9127.

Kim YU (Corresponding Author), Lim YS, Mun JU, Seo MS, Sang BH, Bang YS, Kang KN, Koh JW. Dural sac area is a more sensitive parameter for evaluating lumbar spinal stenosis than spinal canal area: A retrospective study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Dec;96(49):e9087.

Kim YU (Corresponding Author),.Mun JU, Cho HR, Bae SM, Park SK, Choi SL, Seo MS, Lim YS, Woo SH. Effect of polydeoxyribonucleotide injection on pes anserine bursitis. (Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Oct;96(43):e8330. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008330.)

Kim YU (Corresponding Author), Kang KN, Kim TW, Koh JW, Oh HB, Mun JU, Seo MS. Effect of transforaminal epidural polydeoxyribonucleotide injections on lumbosacral radiculopathy. (Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jun;96(25):e7174. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000007174.)

Kim YU (First Author), Park JY, Kim DH, Lee JY, Chon SW, Yoo JI, Suh JH. The role of the ligamentum flavum area as a morphological parameter of lumbar central spinal stenosis. (Pain physician. 2017 Mar;20(3):E419-E424.)

Kim YU (First Author), Oh JM, Park CH, Choi BM, Jang DM, Bang JY. Unexpected anesthetic leakage from a damaged O-ring on the Selectatec back bar. (Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2017; 12(2): 183-186)

Kim YU (Corresponding Author), Lim TH, Choi SI, Cho HR, Kang KN, Rhyu CJ, Chae EY, Lim YS, Lee YS. Optimal Cut-Off Value of the Superior Articular Process Area as a Morphological Parameter to Predict Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis. (Pain Res Manag. Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 7914836, 5 pages)

Kim YU (Corresponding Author), Kang KN, Rhyu CJ, Chon SW, Choi YS, Yoo JI, Lim YS, Bang YS. Concurrent meralgia paresthetica and radiculopathy of the left leg. (Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2017 January 12: 1-0https://doi.org/10.17085/apm.)

Kim YU (Corresponding Author), Lim TH, Cho HR, Kang KN, Rhyu CJ, Chon SW, Lim YS, Yoo JI, Kim JW. The Effect of Polydeoxyribonucleotide Prolotherapy on Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction after Ankle Syndesmotic Surgery. (Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Dec;95(51):e5346. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000005346.)

Kim YU (First Author), Karm MH, Cheong YS, Lee JH, Kong YG, Kim SH, Suh JH. Effect of Epidural Steroid Injection on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women According to Antiosteoporotic Medication Use. (Pain Physician. 2016 (August); Issue 6Volume19:389-396)

Kim YU(First Author), Kim DH, Cheong Y, Kong YG, Lee J, Park SK, Karm MH, Suh JH. Pulse Transit Time as a Predictor of the Efficacy of a Celiac Plexus Block in Patients with Chronic Intractable Abdominal Pain. (Clin J Pain. 2016 Jun;32(6):522-6. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000288.)

Kim YU (First Author), Kim DH, Park JY, Choi JH, Kim JH, Bae HY, Joo EY, Suh JH. Method to Reduce the False-Positive Rate of Loss of Resistance in the Cervical Epidural Region. (Pain Res Manag. Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 9894054, 5 pages)

Kim YU (Corresponding Author), Lim TH, Choi SI, Yoo JI, Choi YS, Lim YS, Sang BH, Bang YS. Thalamic Pain Misdiagnosed as Cervical Disc Herniation. (Korean J Pain 2016 April; Vol. 29, No. 2: 1-000)

Bang YS, Kim YU, Oh D, Shin EY, Park SK. A randomized, double-blind trial evaluating the efficacy of palonosetron with total intravenous anesthesia using propofol and remifentanil for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting after gynecologic surgery.( J Anesth. 2016 Sep 20. [Epub ahead of print])

Kim YU (First Author), Kong YG, Lee J, Cheong Y, Kim SH, Kim HK, Park JY, Suh JH. Clinical symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis associated with morphological parameters on magnetic resonance images. (Eur Spine J. 2015 Oct;24(10):2236-43. doi: 10.1007/s00586-015-4197-2)

Kim YU (First Author), Cheong Y, Kong YG, Lee J, Kim S, Choi HG, Suh JH. The prolongation of pulse transit time after a stellate ganglion block: An objective indicator of successful block. (Pain Res Manag. 2015 Nov-Dec;20(6):305-8. Epub 2015 Sep 15.)

Kim YU (First Author), Chae EY, Lee JH, Lee CH, Kim YK. Median sacral artery injury during percutaneous mechanical disc decompression using Dekompressorⓡ (Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2014 Dec;67(Suppl):S60-S61)

Kim YU (First Author). The influence of vagal and sympathetic modulation on pulse transit time variability (University of Ulsan 2010 Dec; Master`s degree)

Kim YU (First Author), Cheong Y, Lee HM, Choi DK, Song JG, Choi KT. Anesthetic management of a child with Apert syndrome (Anesthesia and Pain medicine 2009 Oct; 004(04): 352-354.)

Kim TH, Kim YU, Song JG, Hwang JH. Anesthetic experience of a pediatric patient with Seckel syndrome associated with pneumonia (Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2009 Jun;56(6):717-719.)

Jun IG, Chin JH, Kim YK, Kim YU, Cho SK, Hwang GS, Hwang JH. Anesthetic Experience of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Renal Calculi in a Patient with Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2007 Oct;53(4):520-523.)

Song JG, Kim YK, Kim YU, Seo HS, Kang KN, Hwang GS, Hwang JH. Transurethral Resection Syndrome Occurred by Bladder Perforation during Transurethral Resection. (Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2007 Aug;53(2):254-258.)


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