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서울대학교 의과대학 졸업


보라매병원 기획조정실장(2019.6 - )
보라매병원 교육수련실장, 의생명연구소장(2019.4 - 2019.6)
보라매병원 교육연구실장(2018.6 - 2019.3)
보라매병원 경영혁신실장(2015.07 - 2018.6)
보라매병원 호흡기·알레르기내과 분과장(2016.03 - 2020.01)
보라매병원 경영혁신실 의료질향상담당(2010.09 - 2015.06)
서울대학교 의과대학 교수
질병관리본부 역학조사관(2001-2004)
서울대학교병원 호흡기내과 임상강사(2004-2005)


Lee JK, So YH, Choi YH, Park SS, Heo EY, KimDK,ChungHS.Clinical course and predictive factors for complication of inferior vena cava filters.Thromb Res. 2014 Apr;133(4):538-43

Cheng DT*, KimDK*,CockayneDA,BelousovA,BitterH,ChoMH,DuvoisA,EdwardsL,LomasDA, MillerBE,ReynaertNK,Tal-SingerR,WoutersEM,AgustiA,FabbriLF,RamesA,VisvanathanS,RennardS,JonesP,ParmarH,MacNeeW,WolffG,SilvermanEK,MayerRJ,PillaiSG. SystemicsRAGEisabiomarkerofemphysemaandassociatedwithAGERgeneticvariantsinCOPDpatients.AmJRespirCritCareMed2013;188:948

Kim SY, Yim JJ, Park JS, Park SS, Heo EY, Lee CH, Chung HS, KimDK. ClinicalEffectsofUsingGemifloxacinontheDelayofTuberculosisTreatment.JKoreanMedSci2013Jan28(3).

Efficacy of levofloxacin versus cefuroxime in treating acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Yoon HI, Lee CH, Kim DK, Park GM, Lee SM, Yim JJ, Kim JY, Lee JH, Lee CT, Chung HS, Kim YW, Han SK, Yoo CG. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2013;8:329-34

Koo HK, KimDK, ChungHS, LeeCH. Associationbetweenmetabolicsyndromeandrateoflungfunctiondecline:alongitudinalanalysis.IntJTubercLungDis2013;17:1507

Deog Kyeom Kim, Michael H. Cho, Craig P. Hersh, David A. Lomas, Bruce E. Miller, Xiangyang Kong, Per Bakke, Amund Gulsvik, Alvar Agusti, Emiel Wouters, Bartolome Celli, Harvey Coxson, Jørgen Vestbo, William MacNee, Julie C. Yates, Stephen Rennard, Augusto Litonjua, Weiliang Qiu, Terri H. Beaty, James D. Crapo15, John H. Riley16, Ruth Tal-Singer, and Edwin K. Silverman. Genome-wide association analysis of blood biomarkers in COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012 Dec 15;186(12):1238-47

Kim DK, Jin KN, Park SS, Heo EY, Lee CH, Chang MS, Chung HS. A woman with progressive dyspnea with multiple lung cavitations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;187:e21

Jin KN, Kim DK, Kim JS, Heo EY, Lee, CH.Bubblelike air opacities in the mediastinum. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol. 187, No. 9 (2013), pp. e16-e17

Lee JY, Lee JH, Kim DK, Yim JJ, Yoo CG, Chung HS, Kim YW, Han SK, Lee CH.C-reactive Protein as a Prognostic Factor for Mortality in Pneumonia Patients with Liver Cirrhosis. Hepatogastroenterology 2012

Deog Kyeom Kim1,2, Francine L. Jacobson3,GeorgeR.Washko,RichardCasaburi5,BarryJ.Make6,JamesD.Crapo6,EdwinK.Silverman1,4,CraigP.Hersh1,4.ClinicalandRadiographicCorrelatesofHypoxemiaandOxygen Therapy in the COPDGene Study. Respiratory Medicine 2011:105;1211-1221

Deog Kyeom Kim, Craig P. Hersh, George R. Washko, John E. Hokanson, David A. Lynch, John D. Newell, James R. Murphy, James D. Crapo and Edwin K. Silverman. Epidemiology, Radiology, and Genetics of Nicotine Dependence in COPD. Respiratory Research 2011, 12:9

Hui DS,Ip M,Ling T,Chang SC,Liao CH,Yoo CG,Kim DK,Yoon HI,Udompanich V,Mogmeud S,Muttalif R,Salleh AM,Roa C,Mendoza M,Fajardo-Ang C,Soepandi P,Isbaniah F,Burhan E,Sudarmono P,Mangunnegoro H,Liu HH.A Multicentre Surveillance Study on the Characteristics, Bacterial Aetiologies and In-vitro Antibiotic Susceptibilities in Patients With Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis. Respirology 2011;16(3):532-9

ParkJS,Lee CH,YimJJ,YangSC,YooCG,Kim YW,Chung HS,Han SK,Shim YS,Kim DK.Impactofantibioticprophylaxisonpostbronchoscopyfever:arandomizedcontrolledstudy2010IntJTubercLungDis2011;15(4):528-35

Lee JE, Lee BJ, Roh EY, KimDK,ChungHS,LeeCH.The diagnostic accuracy of tuberculosis real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of computed tomography-guided bronchial wash samples.Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2011 Sep;71(1):51-6. Epub 2011 Jul 26.

Lee J, Lee CH, Kim DK, Yoon HI, Kim JY, Lee SM, Yang SC, Lee JH, Yoo CG, Lee CT, Chung HS, Kim YW, Han SK, Yim JJ. Retrospective comparison of levofloxacin and moxifloxacin on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment outcomes. Korean J Intern Med. 2011 Jun;26(2):153-9. Epub 2011 Jun 1.

Kim HJ,Lee CH,Shin S,Lee JH,Kim YW,Chung HS,Han SK,Shim YS,Kim DK.The impact of nutritional deficit on mortality of in-patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2010;14(1);79-85

MA Kim, DKKim,CHLee,HSChung.Thecorrelationofbrainnatriureticpeptide,pulmonaryarterialpressure,andSt.GeorgeRespiratoryQuestionnaireandTheirChangeswithatrialofanangiotensinconvertingenzymeinhibitor.TubercRespirDis2010;68:273-279

Jeong IA, Lee CH, KimDK,ChungHS,ParkSW.Mildformof2009H1N1influenzainfectiondetectedbyactivesurveillance:Implicationsforinfectioncontrol.AmericanJournalofInfectionControl2010;38(6):482-485

Oh BJ, KimDK,KimBJ,YoonKS,ParkSK,ParkKS,LeeMS,KimKW,KimJH.DifferencesindonorCXCR4expressionlevelsarecorrelatedwithfunctionalcapacityandtherapeuticoutcomeofangiogenictreatmentwithendothelialcolonyformingcells.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications2010;398(4):627-633

Park JK, Koh WJ, KimDK,KimEK,KimYI,KimHJ,KimTH,KimJY,ParkMS,ParkINetal.Treatmentoutcomesandprognosticfactorsinpatientswithmultidrug-resistanttuberculosisinKoreanprivatehospitals.TubercRespirDis2010;69:95-102


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