정희순 교수
서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
보라매병원 폐센터장('10.9 - '18.8)
서울대학교 의과대학 교수
호흡기내과 전문의
전임 보라매병원 내과 과장
서울대학교 의과대학 교수
호흡기내과 전문의
전임 보라매병원 내과 과장
Han DH, Song JW, Chung HS, Lee JH.Resolution of residual pleural disease according to time course in tuberculous pleurisy during and after the termination of antituberculosis medication.Chest. 2005 Nov;128(5):3240-5.
Kim HJ, Lee HJ, Kwon SY, Yoon HI, Chung HS, Lee CT, Han SK, Shim YS, Yim JJ. The prevalence of pulmonary parenchymal tuberculosis in patients with tuberculous pleuritis.Chest. 2006 May;129(5):1253-8.
Lee HS, Kwon SY, Kim DK, Yoon HI, Lee SM, Lee JH, Lee CT, Chung HS, Han SK, Shim YS, Yim JJ.Bronchial washing yield before and after forceps biopsy in patients with endoscopically visible lung cancers.Respirology. 2007 Mar;12(2):277-82.
JH, Han DH, Song JW, Chung HS.Diagnostic and therapeutic problems of pulmonary tuberculosis in elderly patients.J Korean Med Sci. 2005 Oct;20(5):784-9.
Lee HS, Kwon SY, Kim DK, Yoon HI, Lee SM, Lee JH, Lee CT, Chung HS, Han SK, Shim YS, Yim JJ.Determinants of diagnostic bronchial washing in peripheral lung cancers.Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2007 Feb;11(2):227-32.
Related Articles, LinksLee JH, Chung HS.Bronchoscopic, radiologic and pulmonary function evaluation of endobronchial tuberculosis.Respirology. 2000 Dec;5(4):411-7.
Chung HS, Lee JH.Bronchoscopic assessment of the evolution of endobronchial tuberculosis.Chest. 2000 Feb;117(2):385-92.
Kim HJ, Lee HJ, Kwon SY, Yoon HI, Chung HS, Lee CT, Han SK, Shim YS, Yim JJ. The prevalence of pulmonary parenchymal tuberculosis in patients with tuberculous pleuritis.Chest. 2006 May;129(5):1253-8.
Lee HS, Kwon SY, Kim DK, Yoon HI, Lee SM, Lee JH, Lee CT, Chung HS, Han SK, Shim YS, Yim JJ.Bronchial washing yield before and after forceps biopsy in patients with endoscopically visible lung cancers.Respirology. 2007 Mar;12(2):277-82.
JH, Han DH, Song JW, Chung HS.Diagnostic and therapeutic problems of pulmonary tuberculosis in elderly patients.J Korean Med Sci. 2005 Oct;20(5):784-9.
Lee HS, Kwon SY, Kim DK, Yoon HI, Lee SM, Lee JH, Lee CT, Chung HS, Han SK, Shim YS, Yim JJ.Determinants of diagnostic bronchial washing in peripheral lung cancers.Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2007 Feb;11(2):227-32.
Related Articles, LinksLee JH, Chung HS.Bronchoscopic, radiologic and pulmonary function evaluation of endobronchial tuberculosis.Respirology. 2000 Dec;5(4):411-7.
Chung HS, Lee JH.Bronchoscopic assessment of the evolution of endobronchial tuberculosis.Chest. 2000 Feb;117(2):385-92.
결핵 국제교과서(독일 Springer-verlag):기관지 결핵
참살이의학 대표집필 (2006, 서울대학교 출판부)
참살이의학 대표집필 (2006, 서울대학교 출판부)
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