

  #폐암#흉부종양#비디오흉강경수술(폐암.종격동종양)#다한증(수부,겨드랑이만 가능)#흉부외상#선천성폐기형#폐이식#EBS명의


1997 .09 ~ 2001 .02고려대학교 의학 박사
1989 .03 ~ 1992 .02연세대학교 의학 석사
1980 .03 ~ 1986 .02연세대학교 의학 학사


2015 .03 ~ 2019 .02서울아산병원 흉부외과 임상과장
2015 .03 ~ 현재울산대학교 의과대학 주임교수
2009 .03 ~ 현재서울아산병원 조직세포자원센터 소장
2007 .04 ~ 현재서울아산병원 교수
2002 .04 ~ 2007 .03서울아산병원 부교수
1999 .02 ~ 2000 .01미국 Univ. of Pennsylvania 병원 postdoc.
1998 .04 ~ 2002 .03서울아산병원 조교수
1996 .03 ~ 1998 .03서울아산병원 전임강사
1994 .03 ~ 1996 .02서울아산병원 전임의
1991 .03 ~ 1994 .02부산침례병원 과장
1987 .03 ~ 1991 .02연세대학교병원 전공의


A 10-year clinical outcome of radiotherapy as an adjuvant or definitive treatment for primary tracheal adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Bilateral lung metastasectomy in carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater.

Effect of Adjuvant Chemotherapy after Complete Resection for Pathologic Stage IB Lung Adenocarcinoma in High-Risk Patients as Defined by a New Recurrence Risk Scoring Model.

Mediastinal lymph node resection in stage IA non-small cell lung cancer with small nodule: is it mandatory?
Post-pulmonary metastasectomy prognosis after curative resection for colorectal cancer.

Post-recurrence survival analysis of stage I non-small-cell lung cancer.

Results of repeated video-assisted thoracic surgery for recurrent pneumothorax after primary spontaneous pneumothorax.

Surgical Outcome of Colon Interposition in Esophageal Cancer Surgery: Analysis of Risk Factors for Conduit-Related Morbidity.

The Different Clinical Aspects of Pediatric Primary Airway Tumors in the Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi

Transthoracic catheter drainage for large symptomatic congenital pulmonary airway malformation.

Clinical results of sublobar resection versus lobectomy or more extensive resection for lung cancer patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Limited thymectomy as a potential alternative treatment option for early-stage thymoma: A multi-institutional propensity-matched study.

Prognostic stratification of thymic epithelial tumors based on both Masaoka-Koga stage and WHO classification systems.

Prosthetic graft interposition of the brachiocephalic veins or superior vena cava combined with resection of malignant tumours: graft patency and risk factors for graft occlusion.
SRSF5: a novel marker for small-cell lung cancer and pleural metastatic cancer.

Significance of R1-resection at the bronchial margin after surgery for non-small-cell lung cancer.

Video-assisted mediastinoscopic lymphadenectomy combined with minimally invasive pulmonary resection for left-sided lung cancer: feasibility and clinical impacts on surgical outcomes

A comparison of the proposed classifications for the revision of N descriptors for non-small-cell lung cancer.

Clinical feasibility and efficacy of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) anatomical resection in patients with central lung cancer: a comparison with thoracotomy.

Clinical results of surgical resection of mediastinal teratoma: efficacy of video-assisted thoracic surgery.

Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis of the Thorax: CT, MRI, and FDG PET Characteristics in a Large Series From a Tertiary Referral Center.

Heart Transplantation With Pulmonary Vein Reconstruction in Ewing's Sarcoma in the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract.

Infections after lung transplantation: time of occurrence, sites, and microbiologic etiologies.

Prognostic Significance of the Number of Metastatic pN2 Lymph Nodes in Stage IIIA-N2 Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Curative Resection.

Prognostic value of survivin expression in stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based therapy.

Surgical Outcomes after Pulmonary Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Localized Pleural Seeding First Detected during Surgery.

Chylothorax complicating pulmonary resection for lung cancer: effective management and pleurodesis.

Modern outcome and risk analysis of surgically resected occult N2 non-small cell lung cancer.

Postoperative radiation therapy following the incomplete resection of a non-small cell lung cancer.

Primary Ewing's Sarcoma of the Lung.


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Influence of steroids medication on clinical outcome of Lung transplantation

Comparison of Lung transplantation outcome in patients on ECMO or mechanical ventilator support

Short-term outcomes of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis

Surgical Outcomes of Completion Pneumonectomy in Lung Cancer

3차 대학병원의 semi-closed system에서의 외과계 중환자실 진료 현황 - preliminary analysis



Surgical treatment of myasthenia gravis : open vs minimally invasive approach

국소 진행 식도암에서 Capecitabine을 이용한 병용 화학-방사선 후 수술적 치료에 대한 연구

Neoadjuvant weekly paclitaxel/cisplatin chemotherapy (WPC) with concurrent thoracic radiation (TR) followed by surgical resection (S) for pathologically proven N2 (pN2) stage IIIA non-small cell lung

The effect of NQO1 polymorphisms on prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer after postoperative radiation therapy

Assessments of the epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and amplification and their clinical implication in patients with lung adeno-carcinoma

기도와 소화기관 사이에 생긴 이차적 누공에 대한 치료

흉선암 치료에 있어 수술을 포함한 복합치료의 장기 성적

위성 결절을 가진 폐암 환자의 생존율과 예후 인자 분석

대장암의 폐 전이 환자의 수술에서의 예후 인자와 VATS 수술의 유용성

비소세포폐암 환자에서 수술시 폐 절제 전 흉강세척액 세포검사의 의의

흉선암종의 외과적 치료

폐절제술 후 보조 방사선요법을 받은 환자의 폐기능의 변화

IIIA기 폐암환자에서 신보강 항암방사선치료 후 N 병기의 변화에 따른 생존률 비교

최소 침습 식도 절제술 및 식도 재건술

Comparison of operative mortality and complication between Broncolplastic lobectomy and Pneumonectomy in Lung cancer Datients

The efficacy of video-assisted thoracic surgery(VATS)for excisionof mediastinak teratoma

비소세포암 환자에서 EGFR FISH와 Immunohistochemistry결과의 임상적 의의
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