



1998 .03 ~ 2000 .02울산대학교 의학 박사
1996 .03 ~ 1998 .02울산대학교 의학 석사
1984 .03 ~ 1990 .02서울대학교 의학 학사


2019 .01 ~ 현재서울아산병원 교육수련실장
2018 .03 ~ 현재서울아산병원 전립선센터소장/로봇수술센터소장
2014 .09 ~ 현재서울아산병원 교수
2009 .03 ~ 현재서울아산병원 외래부장보
2008 .09 ~ 현재울산대 서울아산병원 비뇨기과 의국장
2002 .03 ~ 2014 .08울산의대 서울아산병원 조교수, 의학박사
2001 .03 ~ 2002 .02서울아산병원 비뇨기과 전임강사 대우
1998 .03 ~ 2001 .02서울아산병원 비뇨기과 전임의
1995 .03 ~ 1998 .02공중보건의 (이천 파티마병원)
1991 .03 ~ 1995 .02서울아산병원 비뇨기과 전공의 수료


Comparison of the Effect of Naftopidil 75 mg and Tamsulosin 0.2 mg on the Bladder Storage Symptom With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Prospective, Multi-institutional Study.
Factors associated with testosterone recovery after androgen deprivation therapy in patients with prostate cancer.
Re-stratification of Patients with High-Risk Prostate Cancer According to the NCCN Guidelines among Patients Who Underwent Radical Prostatectomy: An Analysis Based on the K-CaP Registry.
Adaptive functional change of the contralateral kidney after partial nephrectomy.
Clinical outcome of high-dose bolus intravenous interleukin-2 with a modified administration schedule for Asian patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Comparison of Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic vs Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic vs Open Partial Nephrectomy in Patients with T1 Renal Masses.
Does Ureteral Catheter Insertion Decrease the Risk of Urinary Leakage After Partial Nephrectomy in Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma?
Fate of newly developed pulmonary embolism after surgery for renal cell carcinoma with vena cava thrombus.
Histologic subtype needs to be considered after partial nephrectomy in patients with pathologic T1a renal cell carcinoma: papillary vs. clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Is suspicious upstaging on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging useful in improving the reliability of Prostate Cancer Research International Active Surveillance (PRIAS) criteria? Use of the K-CaP registry.
Lymph node density vs. the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM nodal staging system in node-positive bladder cancer in patients undergoing extended or super-extended pelvic lymphadenectomy.
Obesity as a Risk Factor for Unfavorable Disease in Men with Low Risk Prostate Cancer and its Relationship with Anatomical Location of Tumor.
Predictors of female genital organ involvement in radical cystectomy for urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: A single-center retrospective analysis of 112 female patients.
Preserving Renal Function through Partial Nephrectomy Depends on Tumor Complexity in T1b Renal Tumors.
Prognostic Factors for Survival of Patients With Synchronous or Metachronous Brain Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Prognostic value of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor 2, platelet-derived growth factor-β (PDGF-β), and PDGF-β receptor expression in papillary renal cell carcinoma.
Recovery of renal function after administration of adipose-tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction in rat model of acute kidney injury induced by ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Cause of Death in Korean Men with Prostate Cancer: an Analysis of Time Trends in a Nationwide Cohort
Characteristics of anteriorly located prostate cancer and the usefulness of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for its diagnosis.
Does lymph node dissection during nephroureterectomy affect oncological outcomes in upper tract urothelial carcinoma patients without suspicious lymph node metastasis on preoperative imaging studies?
Impact of Tumor Location on Local Recurrence After Nephroureterectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: Implications for Adjuvant Radiotherapy.
Impact of metastasectomy on prognosis in patients treated with targeted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Long-term outcomes of tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Risk of Intravesical Recurrence After Ureteroscopic Biopsy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: Does the Location Matter?
Acute Kidney Injury After Radical Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer is Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease and Mortality.
Antibiotic prophylaxis with intravenous ceftriaxone and fluoroquinolone reduces infectious complications after transrectal ultrasound-guided prostatic biopsy.
Changing Patterns of Primary Treatment in Korean Men with Prostate Cancer Over 10 Years: A Nationwide Population Based Study
Clinical features and prognosis of prostate cancer with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia.
Clinicopathological features of Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma.
Clinicopathological features of prostate ductal carcinoma: matching analysis and comparison with prostate acinar carcinoma.


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서울대병원 9명-서울아산병원 9명… 초대형 병원 명성 여전

[건강 팁] 남성 갱년기 완화 하려면

중장년 전립선비대증 환자… 소변 제대로 못 보면 콩팥까지 손상


Is There Any Difference in Prognosis Between Synchronous and Metachronous Brain Metastasis From Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma?
Prognostic Value of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor 2, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-β (PDGF-β), and PDGF-β Receptor Expression in Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma
Functional Change of Contralateral Kidney After Partial Nephrectomy Using Diethylene Triamine Penta?acetic Acid (DTPA) Renal Scintigraphy: Long Term Analysis
The benefits of adjuvant chemotherapy after radical cystectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection in patients with urothelial carcinoma of bladder according to the lymph node density on final pathology
Predicting Factors of Renal Function Decline after Radical Nephrouretectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma : Correlation with Results of Preoperative 99mTc-Diethylenetriamine Pentaacetic Acd(DTPA)
Differences of Oncologic outcomes of Prostate Cancer with Nodal Metastasis in the Absence of Distant Metastasis According to Initial Treatment
Temsirolimus versus VEGFR TKIs for Patients with Metastatic Non-clear-Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Risk factors for Upstaging in Patients with Low Risk Prostate Cancer using K-CaP Registry
Clinicopathological Features of Patients Progressed into Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer after Radical Prostatectom
Oncologic Outcome of an Incidental Pathological T3a Stage after Partial Nephrectomy in Small Renal Cell Carcinoma
3rd course of Bacillus Calmette-Gu?rin instillation to the patients with primary CIS of bladder : Is it safe?
Indolent clinical outcomes of CIS-associated pTa bladder tumor after Bacillus Calmette-Gu?rin : Need for a new classification of CIS
Role of Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Discrimination of Local Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer
RandomizEd phase II trial of Sunitinib four-week on and two-week off vs.Two-week On and one-week off in metastatic clear cell type REnal cell carcinoma: RESTORE trial (NCT00570882)
Analysis of preoperative variables to identify patients who would likely benefit from upfront cytoreductive nephrectomy
Prognostic Value of Body Mass Index in Patients who Received Radical Cystectomy for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
VEGF/VEGFR2 or PDGF-β/PDGFR-β expression in non-metastatic, renal cell carcinoma : a prospective study with 1,091 consecutive cases
Association Between an Intravesical Prostatic Protrusion And a Positive Prostatic Base Margin After Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy
Accuracy of FDG PET-CT Compared with Conventional CT for the Lymph Node Staging in Muscle invasive Bladder Cancer : Prospective Study of 58 Patients with Extended Lymphadenectomy
PSA response rate of second-line chemotherapy in castration-resistant prostate cancer : Single center Experience in Korea
Activity of gemcitabine-oxaliplatin (GemOx) plus prednisolone in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) for whom docetaxel-based chemotherapy failed
Comparative Efficacy of Sunitinib versus Sorafenib as First-line Treatment for Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (VEGFR) Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) is Active in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) with Poor Risk Features
Oncological Outcome after Open Versus Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy for Stage cT2a Renal Cell Carcinoma
Is There A Role for Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Tumors Regarding Overall Survival in Patients Older than 70 year?
Clinical Significance of Benign Prostatic Tissue at Soft Tissue Margin in Robotic and Open Radical Prostatectomy
Primary Treatment Patterns in Localized High-risk Prostate Cancer
Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy with a Bladder Cuff Excision and Immediate Mitomycin C Instillation
Usefulness of Free/total PSA Ratio in Patients who Had Elevated PSA after BCG Instillation for Bladder Cancer
Impact of Tamsulosin on Urinary Retention Following Early Catheter Removal after Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Tria
Primary urethral cancer: A retrospective analysis of 27 patients at a single institute
Lower concentration of serum insulin-like growth factor is independently associated with high grade prostate cancer
Does the primary lesion have to be regarded as a target lesion when evaluating response in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) treated with sunitinib?
Clinical characteristics, survival and prognostic factors of advanced renal cell carcinoma with predominant sarcomatoid histology
Role of molecular markers in nephrectomyspecimenas prognosticators for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinomain the era of targeted therapy
Development of Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer after Nephroureterectomy for Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
Time Trends of Tumor Aggressiveness for Prostate Cancer: Single Center Experience
Prognosis of Prostate Cancer with other priamry malignancies
Side Specific Prediction of Extracapsular Extension in Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: The Role of Diffusion-Weighted 3T MR Imaging
Can we Apply the Western Criteria for Prediction of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in Korean Men?


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