
  #디스크 #후종인대골화증 #황색인대골화증 #제1,2 경추불안정 #척추변형/기형


2002. 2 서울대학교 의과대학 학사
2011. 2 서울대학교 의과대학원 석사
2011.03 ~ 2016.08 서울대학교 의과대학원 박사


2014 ~ 현재 / 서울대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 겸임조교수, 부교수
2002 ~ 2003 / 서울대학교병원 수련의
2003 ~ 2007 / 서울대학교병원 정형외과 전공의
2007 ~ 2010 / 공중보건의사
2010 ~ 2011 / 서울대학교 병원 전임의 (척추외과)
2011 ~ 2012 / 서울 아산 병원 임상강사 (척추외과 및 측만증 센터)
2012 ~ 현재 / 서울대학교 병원 정형외과 임상 조교수, 부교수
2015 ~ 2015 / 케이오 대학교 교환 교수
2017 ~ 2018 / 프랑스 적십자 병원 방문 의사
2018 ~ 2018 / 런던 대학교 교환 교수
2018 ~ 2019 / 컬럼비아대학교 교환 교수


Rod fracture and related factors after total en bloc spondylectomy.
Pubmed URL : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31059817/

Walking more than 90minutes/week was associated with a lower risk of self-reported low back pain in persons over 50years of age: a cross-sectional study using the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys
Pubmed URL : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30448632/

Restoration of the Spinous Process Following Muscle-Preserving Posterior Lumbar Decompression via Sagittal Splitting of the Spinous Process
Pubmed URL : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30838113/

Predicting the Natural Course of Hemivertebra in Early Childhood: Clinical Significance of Anteroposterior Discordance based on Three-Dimensional Analysis.
Pubmed URL : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31348177/

Impact of Preoperative Diagnosis on Clinical Outcomes of Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion for Lumbar Degenerative Disease in a Single-institution Prospective Cohort

Remaining Systemic Treatment Options: A Valuable Predictor of Survival and Functional Outcomes after Surgical Treatment for Spinal Metastasis.

Depression is Closely Associated With Chronic Low Back Pain in Patients Over 50 Years of Age: A Cross-sectional Study Using the Sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VI-2).

Prognosis of Single Spinal Metastatic Tumors: Predictive Value of the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score System for Spinal Adverse Events.

How Many Screws Are Necessary to Be Considered an Experienced Surgeon for Freehand Placement of Thoracolumbar Pedicle Screws?: Analysis Using the Cumulative Summation Test for Learning Curve

Low handgrip strength is closely associated with chronic low back pain among women aged 50 years or older: A cross-sectional study using a national health survey

Longer sitting time and low physical activity are closely associated with chronic low back pain in population over 50 years of age: a cross-sectional study using the sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Morphological changes of vertebral compression fracture with intra-vertebral cleft treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty

Pediatric Spinal Epidural Lymphoma Presenting with Compressive Myelopathy: A Distinct Pattern of Disease Presentation.

Is Redo Vertebroplasty an Effective Treatment on the Same Vertebra?

Infection following percutaneous vertebral augmentation with polymethylmethacrylate

Clinical and radiographic outcomes following hinge fracture during open-door cervical laminoplasty

Mortality following benign sacral insufficiency fracture and associated risk factors

Diagnostic Value of Technetium-99m Bone Scintigraphy in the Detection of Cervical Spine Metastases in Oncological Patient

Geriatric risk in the surgical management of infectious spondylitis

Efficacy of Escherichia coli-derived recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 in posterolateral lumbar fusion: an open, active-controlled, randomized, multicenter trial

Effectiveness and tolerability of transdermal buprenorphine patches: a multicenter, prospective, open-label study in Asian patients with moderate to severe chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Considerations in Surgical Treatment for Osteoporotic Spinal Fracture: Surgical Indication, Approach, Fixation, and Graft Material

Structural Femoral Shaft Allografts for Anterior Spinal Column Reconstruction in Osteoporotic Spines

The clinical importance of sacral slanting in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis undergoing surgery

Asymmetry of the cross-sectional area of paravertebral and psoas muscle in patients with degenerative scoliosis.

Intraoperative Correlation Analysis Between Tunnel Position and Translational and Rotational Stability in Single- and Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

Analysis of Sagittal Spinal Alignment in 181 Asymptomatic Children.

The Effect of a Mismatched Center of Rotation on the Clinical Outcomes and Flexion-Extension Range of Motion: Lumbar Total Disk Replacement Using Mobidisc at a 5.5-year Follow-up

Comparison of anterior and rotatory laxity using navigation between single- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction: prospective randomized trial.

The efficacy of porous hydroxyapatite bone chip as an extender of local bone graft in posterior lumbar interbody fusion.
Pubmed URL : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30767389/


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