

  #불면증#코골이/수면무호흡#하지불안증후군#뇌전증#실신, #수면장애(불면증,코골이,수면무호흡증,기면증,주간졸림증,수면중이상행동,하지불안증후군)#주간졸음#EBS명의


2005.02 이화여자대학교 대학원 의학과 (의학박사)
2001.02 이화여자대학교 대학원 의학과 (석사)
1997.02 이화여자대학교 의과대학 졸업 (의학사)


2017.04 ~현재 성균관대학교 의과대학 신경과학 교수
2014.09 ~ 2017.03 성균관대학교 의과대학 신경과학 부교수
2007.05 ~ 2014.08 성균관대학교 의과대학 신경과학 조교수
2012.08 ~ 2013.08 Northwestern University Hospital, Sleep Center, Chicago, IL, USA (Visiting Scholar장기해외연수)
2007.05 ~ 2008.02 삼성서울병원 신경과 임상조교수
2006.03 ~ 2007.04 이화여자대학교 의과대학 신경과 조교수
2002.03 ~ 2006.02 삼성서울병원 신경과 뇌전증-수면장애 임상강사
2002.01 이화여자대학교 부속병원 신경과 전공의 과정 수료
1998.01 이화여자대학교 부속병원 인턴과정 수료


J CLIN NEUROL 2020 10.3988/jcn.2020.16.2.237
Effect of Sleep Quality on Headache-Related Impact in Primary Headache Disorders
Cho1, S; Lee, MJ; Park, HR; Kim, S; Joo, EY; Chung, CS

Brain Imaging Behav 2020 10.1007/s11682-018-9981-2
A five-year longitudinal study reveals progressive cortical thinning in narcolepsy and faster cortical thinning in relation to early-onset
Jeon1, S; Cho, JW; Kim, H; Evans, AC; Hong, SB; Joo, EY

J CLIN NEUROL 2020 10.3988/jcn.2020.16.1.108
Insomnia Symptoms and Mood Disturbances in Shift Workers with Different Chronotypes and Working Schedules
Choi1, SJ; Song, P; Suh, S; Joo, EY; Lee, SI

STEREOT FUNCT NEUROS 2019 10.1159/000502344
The Role of Anterior Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation as an Alternative Therapy in Patients with Previously Failed Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Refractory Epilepsy
Park1, HR; Choi, SJ; Joo, EY; Seo, DW; Hong, SB; Lee, JI; Hong, SC; Lee, S; Shon, YM

COMPUT METH PROG BIO 2019 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105001
y Deep learning approaches for automatic detection of sleep apnea events from an electrocardiogram
Erdenebayar1, U; Kim, YJ; Park, JU; Joo, EY; Lee, KJ

J CLIN NEUROL 2019 10.3988/jcn.2019.15.4.438
Altered Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Associated with Mood and Sleep in Shift Workers: Cerebral Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Park1, YK; Kim, JH; Choi, SJ; Kim, ST; Joo, EY

SLEEP MED 2018 10.1016/j.sleep.2018.07.016
Sleep and libido in men with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Mun1, JK; Choi, SJ; Kang, MR; Hong, SB; Joo, EY

PLoS One 2018 10.1371/journal.pone.0206095
Prognostic factors determining poor postsurgical outcomes of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Shin1, JH; Joo, EY; Seo, DW; Shon, YM; Hong, SB; Hong, SC

SLEEP BREATH 2018 10.1007/s11325-017-1609-z
Validation of the Korean Munich Chronotype Questionnaire
Suh1, S; Kim, SH; Ryu, H; Choi, SJ; Joo, EY

PSYCHIATRY INVESTIG 2018 10.30773/pi.2018.04.09
Validation of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire in Korean Older Adults
Ryu1, H; Joo, EY; Choi, SJ; Suh, S

J CLIN NEUROL 2018 10.3988/jcn.2018.14.3.415
Hematoma-Related Nonhabitual Seizures during Subdural Electrode Monitoring
Hwang1, KJ; Joo, EY; Hong, SB; Seo, DW

J MED SYST 2018 10.1007/s10916-018-0963-0
Automated Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Events from a Single-Lead Electrocardiogram Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Urtnasan1, E; Park, JU; Joo, EY; Lee, KJ

EPILEPSY BEHAV 2018 10.1016/j.yebeh.2017.12.030
SPECT perfusion changes during ictal automatisms with preserved responsiveness in patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy
Park1, HR; Seong, MJ; Shon, YM; Joo, EY; Seo, DW; Hong, SB

EPILEPTIC DISORD 2018 10.1684/epd.2018.0953
Somatosensory reflex epilepsy: simultaneous video-EEG monitoring and surface EMG
Hwang1, KJ; Seo, DW; Hong, SB; Joo, EY
외 다수


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