


  #유방악성질환#유방암수술#유방암#항암치료#임신#항암치료 후 임신#호르몬요법#가임력보존#암환자임신#암환자출산 #캠페인 #유방암캠페인#헬스조선명의


2007.02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학 박사 졸업
2005.02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학 석사 졸업
1996.02 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
1992.02 서울대학교 의예과 수료


2018.04 ~현재 성균관대학교 의과대학 교수
2017.04 ~현재 삼성서울병원 SMC파트너즈센터 부센터장
2012.03 ~ 2018.03 성균관대학교 의과대학 부교수
2008.03 ~ 2012.02 삼성서울병원 외과 조교수
2006.03 ~ 2008.02 삼성서울병원 외과 임상조교수
2006.06 ~ 2007.11 Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Michigan
2007.01 Member of International Steering Committee, Global Breast Cancer Conference 2007
2004.05 ~ 2006.02 서울대학교병원 외과 임상강사(전임의)
2002.04 ~ 2004.04 국군수도병원 외과 군의관
2001.04 ~ 2002.03 제17전투비행단 및 제6탐색구조비행전대, 비행군의관
1997.03 ~ 2001.02 서울대학교 병원 외과전공의
1996.03 ~ 1997.02 서울대학교 병원 인턴


NAT COMMUN 2020 10.1038/s41467-020-19933-0
Chemotherapy induces dynamic immune responses in breast cancers that impact treatment outcome
Park1, YH; Lal, S; Lee, JE; Choi, YL; Wen, J; Ram, S; Ding, Y; Lee, SH; Powell, E; Lee, SK; Yu, JH; Ching, KA; Nam, JY; Kim, SW; Nam, SJ; Kim, JY; Cho, SY; Park, S; Kim, J; Hwang, S; Kim, YJ; Bonato, V; Fernandez, D; Deng, S; Wang, S; Shin, H; Kang, ES; Park, WY; Rejto, PA; Bienkowska, J; Kan, Z

J BREAST CANC 2020 10.4048/jbc.2020.23.e61
Trends in Risk-Reducing Mastectomy and Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy in Korean Carriers of the BRCA1/2 Mutation
Jung1, SM; Ryu, JM; Park, HS; Park, JS; Kang, E; Lee, S; Lee, HB; Youn, HJ; Yoo, TK; Kim, J; Lee, JE; Han, SA; Kim, D; Kim, SW

JAMA SURG 2020 10.1001/jamasurg.2020.4124
Association of the Implant Surface Texture Used in Reconstruction With Breast Cancer Recurrence
Lee1, KT; Kim, S; Jeon, BJ; Pyon, JK; Mun, GH; Ryu, JM; Lee, SK; Yu, J; Kim, SW; Lee, JE; Nam, SJ; Bang, SI

ANN SURG TREAT RES 2020 10.4174/astr.2020.99.5.251
Is the intraoperative frozen section analysis of sentinel lymph nodes necessary in clinically negative node breast cancer?
Jung1, SM; Woo, J; Ryu, JM; Lee, SK; Chae, BJ; Yu, J; Kim, SW; Nam, SJ; Kim, EJ; Lee, JE

BREAST CANCER RES TR 2020 10.1007/s10549-020-05875-0
Isoflavone intake on the risk of overall breast cancer and molecular subtypes in women at high risk for hereditary breast cancer
Sim1, EJ; Ko, KP; Ahn, C; Park, SM; Surh, YJ; An, S; Kim, SW; Lee, MH; Lee, JW; Lee, JE; Kim, KS; Yom, CK; Kim, HA; Park, SK

CYTOKINE 2020 10.1016/j.cyto.2020.155213
WNT5A augments cell invasiveness by inducing CXCL8 in HER2-positive breast cancer cells
Kim1, S; You, D; Jeong, Y; Yoon, SY; Kim, SA; Kim, SW; Nam, SJ; Lee, JE

INT J MOL SCI 2020 10.3390/ijms21228697
ANK2 Hypermethylation in Canine Mammary Tumors and Human Breast Cancer
Schabort1, JJ; Nam, AR; Lee, KH; Kim, SW; Lee, JE; Cho, JY

SCI REP-UK 2020 10.1038/s41598-020-77324-3
Application of an open-chamber multi-channel microfluidic device to test chemotherapy drugs
Moon1, HS; Yoo, CE; Kim, S; Lee, JE; Park, WY

ASIA-PAC J CLIN ONCO 2020 10.1111/ajco.13444
Distribution of tumor subtypes in bilateral breast cancer Comparison between synchronous and metachronous cancer
Kim1, H; Lee, H; Choi, DH; Park, W; Cho, WK; Nam, SJ; Lee, JE; Kim, SW; Lee, SK; Cho, EY; Cho, SY

NUTRIENTS 2020 10.3390/nu12092831
Serum Vitamin Levels and Their Relationships with Other Biomarkers in Korean Breast Cancer Patients
Kim1, JA; Choi, R; Won, H; Kim, S; Choi, HJ; Ryu, JM; Lee, SK; Yu, J; Kim, SW; Lee, JE; Lee, SY

MOL CANCER RES 2020 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-19-1108
Clinical Characteristics and Exploratory Genomic Analyses of Germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutations in Breast Cancer
Park1, S; Lee, E; Park, S; Lee, S; Nam, SJ; Kim, SW; Lee, JE; Yu, JH; Kim, JY; Ahn, JS; Im, YH; Park, WY; Park, K; Park, YH

J CLIN MED 2020 10.3390/jcm9092846
Impact of Serum Lipid on Breast Cancer Recurrence
Jung1, SM; Kang, D; Guallar, E; Yu, J; Lee, JE; Kim, SW; Nam, SJ; Cho, J; Lee, SK

BRIT J SURG 2020 10.1002/bjs.11572
Influence of complications following total mastectomy and immediate reconstruction on breast cancer recurrence
Lee1, KT; Jung, JH; Mun, GH; Pyon, JK; Bang, SI; Lee, JE; Nam, SJ

BREAST CANCER RES TR 2020 10.1007/s10549-020-05874-1
Prognostication of a 13-immune-related-gene signature in patients with early triple-negative breast cancer
Kim1, JY; Jung, HH; Sohn, I; Woo, SY; Cho, H; Cho, EY; Lee, JE; Kim, SW; Nam, SJ; Park, YH; Ahn, JS; Im, YH

CANCER RES TREAT 2020 10.4143/crt.2019.351
Clinicopathological Features of Patients with the BRCA1 c.5339T > C (p.Leu1780Pro) Variant
Park1, HS; Ryu, JM; Park, JS; Im, SA; Jung, SY; Kim, EK; Park, WC; Min, JW; Lee, J; You, JY; Lee, JE; Kim, SW

ANN SURG TREAT RES 2020 10.4174/astr.2020.98.5.215
Surgical impact on anxiety of patients with breast cancer: 12-month follow-up prospective longitudinal study
Kim1, J; Cho, J; Lee, SK; Choi, EK; Kim, IR; Lee, JE; Kim, SW; Nam, SJ

BRIT J SURG 2020 10.1002/bjs.11572
Influence of complications following total mastectomy and immediate reconstruction on breast cancer recurrence
Lee1, KT; Jung, JH; Mun, GH; Pyon, JK; Bang, SI; Lee, JE; Nam, SJ

J CLIN MED 2020 10.3390/jcm9041192
Aberrant Lymphatic Drainage in the Contralateral Axilla in Patients with Isolated Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence
Ryu1, JM; Chae, BJ; Lee, JE; Yu, J; Nam, SJ; Kim, SW; Lee, SK

JPN J CLIN ONCOL 2020 10.1093/jjco/hyz147
Prognosis of BRCA1/2-negative breast cancer patients with HBOC risk factors compared with sporadic breast cancer patients without HBOC risk factors
Ryu1, JM; Nam, SJ; Kim, SW; Lee, JE; Chae, BJ; Lee, SK; Yu, J

J BREAST CANC 2019 10.4048/jbc.2019.22.e48
Oncologic Outcomes of Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy with Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Patients with Tumor-Nipple Distance Less than 2.0 cm
Alsharif1, E; Ryu, JM; Choi, HJ; Nam, SJ; Kim, SW; Yu, J; Chae, BJ; Lee, SK; Lee, JE

JAMA Oncol 2019 10.1001/jamaoncol.2019.0620
Insights Into Breast Cancer in the East vs the West: A Review
Yap1, YS; Lu, YS; Tamura, K; Lee, JE; Ko, EY; Park, YH; Cao, AY; Lin, CH; Toi, M; Wu, J; Lee, SC

BREAST CANCER RES TR 2019 10.1007/s10549-019-05214-y
Prediction of axillary pathologic response with breast pathologic complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Choi1, HJ; Ryu, JM; Kim, I; Nam, SJ; Kim, SW; Yu, J; Lee, JE; Lee, SK

Front Oncol 2019 10.3389/fonc.2019.00667
Comparison of GenesWell BCT Score With Oncotype DX Recurrence Score for Risk Classification in Asian Women With Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Early Breast Cancer
Kwon1, MJ; Lee, JE; Jeong, J; Woo, SU; Han, J; Kang, BI; Kim, JE; Moon, Y; Lee, SB; Lee, S; Choi, YL; Kwon, Y; Song, K; Gong, G; Shin, YK

BREAST CANCER RES TR 2019 10.1007/s10549-019-05244-6
Childbirth in young Korean women with previously treated breast cancer: The SMARTSHIP study
Lee1, HM; Kim, BW; Park, S; Park, S; Lee, JE; Choi, YJ; Kim, SY; Woo, SU; Youn, HJ; Lee, I

MEDICINE 2019 10.1097/MD.0000000000015871
Radiomics signature on 3T dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for estrogen receptor-positive invasive breast cancers Preliminary results for correlation with Oncotype DX recurrence scores
Nam1, KJ; Park, H; Ko, ES; Lim, Y; Cho, HH; Lee, JE


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삼성서울병원 행복을 주는 의사 - 유방암 없는 내일을 위한 동행, 희망과 아름다움을 선물하는 유방내분비외과 이정언 교수[교수 소개 영상]

환자에게 의사란...

[웨비나] "유방암 수술은 꼭 해야하나요?" / 유방암 수술방법, 재건수술 (삼성서울병원 이정언 교수)


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