



서울대학교 의과대학
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서울대학교병원 인턴 수료
서울대학교병원 레지던트 수료
서울대학교병원 전임의
미국 UC San Diego
성균관의대 삼성서울병원 당뇨병센터장


1. Jin S-M, Ahn J, Hur KY, Kim JH, Lee M-K. East Asian Diet-Mimicking Diet Plan Based on the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH Diet in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Diabetes Invest 2020 (e-pub)

2. Jeong IK, Yoon KH, Lee M-K. Diabetes and COVID-19: Global and Regional Perspectives. Diab Res Clin Pract 2020 (e-pub)

3. Hwang Y, Khasag A, Jia W, Jenkins A, Huang C-N, Yabe D, Kim D-M, Kadowaki T, Moon-Kyu Lee. Diabetes and COVID-19: IDF perspective in the Western Pacific Region. Diab Res Clin Pract 2020;166:108278

4. Bae JC, Cho NH, Kim JH, Hur KY, Jin S-M, Lee M-K. Association of BMI with the risk of incident type 2 diabetes, CVD, and all-cause mortality. Endocrinol Metab 2020;35:416-424

5. Kim G, Lim S, Kwon H-S, Park IB, Ahn KJ, Park C-Y, Kwon SK, Kim HS, Park SW, Kim SG, Moon MK, Kim ES, Chung CH, Park KS, Kim M, Chung DJ, Lee CB, Kim TH, Lee M-K. Efficacy and safety of evogliptin treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes: A multicenter, active-controlled, randomized, double-blind study with open-label extension (EVERGREEN study). Diabetes Obes Metab 2020 (Epub ahead of print)

6. Bae JH, Moon MK, Oh S, Koo BK, Cho NH, Lee M-K. Validation of Risk Prediction Models for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in a Prospective Korean Community-Based Cohort. Diabetes Metab J 2020;44 (Epub ahead of print)

7. Jun JE, Jeong I-K, Yu JM, Kim SR, Lee IK, Han K-A, Choi SH, Kim S-K, Park HK, Mok J-O, Lee Y-H, Kwon H-S, Kim SH, Kang H-C, Lee SA, Lee CB, Choi KM, Her SH, Shin WY, Shin M-S, Ahn H-S, Kang SH, Cho J-M, Jo S-H, Cha T-J, Kim SY, Won KH, Kim D-B, Lee JH, Lee M-K. Efficacy and safety of omega-3 fatty acids in patients treated with statins for residual hypertriglyceridemia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Diabetes Metab J 2020;44:78-90

8. Lee M-K, Kim SG, Watkins E, Moon MK, Rhee SY, Frias JP, Chung CH, Lee S-W, Block B, Cha BS, Park HK, Kim BJ, Greenway F. A novel non-PPARgamma insulin sensitizer: MLR-1023 clinical proof-of-concept in type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Comp 2020;34(5):107555. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2020.107555. Epub 2020 Feb 2.

9. Cho YM, Deerochanawong C, Seekaew S, Suraamornkul S, Benjachareonwong S, Sattanon S, Chamnan P, Sirirak T, Kosachunhanun N, Pratipanawatr T, Suwanwalaikorn S, Lee WJ, Kim S, Choi S, Kang ES, Oh T, Kwon S, Lee M-K. Efficacy and safety of gemigliptin as add-on therapy to insulin with or without metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (ZEUS II study). Diabetes Obes Metab 2020;22(1):123-127

10. Hwang Y-C, Kim SW, Hur KY, Cha B-S, Kim IJ, Park TS, Baik SH, Yoon KH, Lee KW, Lee IK, Lee M-K. Predictive factors for efficacy of AST-120 treatment in diabetic nephropathy: a prospective single-arm, open-label, multi-center study. J Kor Med Sci 2019;34(15):e117

11. Lee S-E, Choi Y, Jun JE, Lee Y-B, Jin S-M, Hur KY, Lee GP, Lee M-K. Additional effect of dietary fiber in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus using metformin and sulfonylurea: an open-label, pilot trial. Diabetes Metab J 2019;43(4):422-431

12. Cho NH, Cho YR, Park MK, Kim DK, Shin C, Lee M-K, Suh S. Effect of blood pressure on cardiovascular diseases at 10-year follow-up. Am J Cardiol 2019;123(10):1654-1659

13. Kim Y, Kang ES, Jang HC, Kim DJ, Oh T, Kim ES, Kim NH, Choi KM, Kim SR, You J, Kim SJ, Lee M-K. Teneligliptin versus sitagliptin in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled with metformin and glimepiride: A randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority trial. Diabetes Obes Metab 2019;21(3):631-639

14. Jun JE, Lee SE, Lee YB, Ahn JY, Kim G, Hur KY, Lee M-K, Jin SM, Kim JH. Continuous glucose monitoring defined glucose variability is associated with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2019 Feb;35(2):e3092. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3092

15. Won JC, Lee JH, Kim JH, Kang ES, Won KC, Kim DJ, Lee MK. Diabetes Fact Sheet in Korea, 2016: An Appraisal of Current Status. Diabetes Metab J 2018;42(5):415-424.

16. Han KA, Chon S, Chung CH, Lim S, Lee KW, Baik S, Jung CH, Kim DS, Park KS, Yoon KH, Lee IK, Cha BS, Sakatani T, Park S, Lee M-K. Efficacy and safety of ipragliflozin as an add-on therapy to sitagliptin and metformin in Korean patients with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Obes Metab 2018;20(10): 2408-2415.

17. Suh S, Cho YR, Park MK, Kim DK, Cho NH, Lee M-K. Relationship between serum bilirubin levels and cardiovascular disease. PLoS One 2018;19(3):e0193041

18. Kim G, Oh W, Jin S-M, Hur KY, Kim JH, Lee M-K. The efficacy and safety of adding either vildagliptin or glimepiride to ongoing metformin therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Expert Opin Pharm 2017;12:1179-86

19. Hwang Y-C, Yoon K-H. Cha BS, Lee K-W, Jang HC, Min KW, Chung CH, Lee M-K. Reduction of microalbuminuria by calcium channel blockers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension-a randomized, open label, active-controlled, superiority, parallel grouped clinical trial. Int J Clin Pract 2017 Sep;e12987. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.12987. Epub 2017 Aug 24

20. Lim S, Han KA, Yu JM, Chamnan P, Kim ES, Yoon K-H, Kwon S, Moon MK, Lee KW, Kim D-J, Kim M, Wongtanate M, Lee M-K. Efficacy and safety of initial combination therapy with gemigliptin and metformin compared with monotherapy with either drug in patients with type 2 diabetes: a double-blind randomized controlled trial (INICOM study) Diab Obes Metab 2017;19(1):87-97


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