

  #강직성 척추염#전신 홍반성루프스#통풍#류마티스질환#경피증#골관절염#쇼그랜증후군#헬스조선명의


2001.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과(박사)
1999.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과(석사)
1990.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과(의학사)


2011.11 ~현재 삼성서울병원 류마티스내과 과장
2011.1001 ~현재 성대의대 삼성서울병원 류마티스내과 교수
2005.1001 ~ 2011.09 성대의대 삼성서울병원 류마티스내과 부교수
2001.0301 ~ 2005.09 성대의대 삼성서울병원 류마티스내과 조교수
2001.10 류마티스내과 분과전문의 자격 취득
2000.0301 ~ 2001.02 삼성서울병원(촉탁의, 임상조교수)
1999.0227 ~ 2000.02 삼성서울병원(전임의)
1998.03 내과 전문의 자격 취득
1994.0501 ~ 1998.02 서울대학교병원(전공의)
1991.0203 ~ 1994.04 육군(군의관)
1990.0301 ~ 1991.02 서울대학교병원(수련의)


SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-55514-y
Association between anemia and hyperuricemia: results from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Eun1, Y; Han, KD; Kim, DH; Kim, IY; Park, EJ; Lee, S; Cha, HS; Koh, EM; Lee, J; Kim, H

SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-50574-6
Risk factors for immune-related adverse events associated with anti-PD-1 pembrolizumab
Eun1, Y; Kim, IY; Sun, JM; Lee, J; Cha, HS; Koh, EM; Kim, H; Lee, J

KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2019 10.3904/kjim.2017.159
Efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in Korean patients with active rheumatoid arthritis
Baek1, HJ; Lim, MJ; Park, W; Park, SH; Shim, SC; Yoo, DH; Kim, HA; Lee, SK; Lee, YJ; Park, YE; Cha, HS; Song, YW

J CLIN MED 2019 10.3390/jcm8060837
Women with Metabolic Syndrome and General Obesity Are at a Higher Risk for Significant Hyperuricemia Compared to Men
Kim1, IY; Han, KD; Kim, DH; Eun, Y; Cha, HS; Koh, EM; Lee, J; Kim, H

INT J RHEUM DIS 2019 10.1111/1756-185X.13521
Efficacy and safety of add-on tacrolimus versus leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis patients with inadequate response to methotrexate
Shin1, K; Baek, HJ; Kang, YM; Cha, HS; Kang, SW; Park, SH; Jun, JB; Lee, YJ; Choi, IA; Song, YW

ARTHRITIS RES THER 2019 10.1186/s13075-019-1910-2
Long-term efficacy, safety and immunogenicity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis continuing on an etanercept biosimilar (LBEC0101) or switching from reference etanercept to LBEC0101: an open-label extension of a phase III multicentre, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group study
Park1, MC; Matsuno, H; Kim, J; Park, SH; Lee, SH; Park, YB; Lee, YJ; Lee, SI; Park, W; Sheen, DH; Choe, JY; Choi, CB; Hong, SJ; Suh, CH; Lee, SS; Cha, HS; Yoo, B; Hur, JW; Kim, GT; Yoo, WH; Baek, HJ; Shin, K; Shim, SC; Yang, HI; Kim, HA; Park, KS; Choi, IA; Lee, J; Tomomitsu, M; Shin, S; Lee, J; Song, YW

LUPUS 2019 10.1177/0961203319843343
Hydroxychloroquine treatment during pregnancy in lupus patients is associated with lower risk of preeclampsia
Seo1, MR; Chae, J; Kim, YM; Cha, HS; Choi, SJ; Oh, S; Roh, CR

J KOREAN MED SCI 2018 10.3346/jkms.2018.33.e346
Treat-to-Target Strategy for Asian Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Result of a Multicenter Trial in Korea
Song1, JJ; Song, YW; Bae, SC; Cha, HS; Choe, JY; Choi, SJ; Kim, HA; Kim, J; Kim, SS; Lee, CK; Lee, J; Lee, SH; Lee, SS; Lee, SK; Lee, SW; Park, SH; Park, W; Shim, SC; Suh, CH; Yoo, B; Yoo, DH; Yoo, WH

KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2018 10.3904/kjim.2016.213
Rapid onset of efficacy predicts response to therapy with certolizumab plus methotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis
Kang1, YM; Park, YE; Park, W; Choe, JY; Cho, CS; Shim, SC; Bae, SC; Suh, CH; Cha, HS; Koh, EM; Song, YW; Yoo, B; Lee, SS; Park, MC; Lee, SH; Arendt, C; Koetse, W; Lee, SK

JOINT BONE SPINE 2018 10.1016/j.jbspin.2017.11.008
Spondyloarthritis features in zymosan-induced SKG mice
Jeong1, H; Bae, EK; Kim, H; Lim, DH; Chung, TY; Lee, J; Jeon, CH; Koh, EM; Cha, HS

INT J RHEUM DIS 2018 10.1111/1756-185X.13013
Prevalence of co-morbidities and evaluation of their monitoring in Korean patients with rheumatoid arthritis: comparison with the results of an international, cross-sectional study (COMORA)
Choi1, IA; Park, SH; Cha, HS; Park, W; Kim, HA; Yoo, DH; Baek, HJ; Lee, SG; Lee, YJ; Park, YB; Shim, SC; Hmamouchi, I; Song, YW

J KOREAN MED SCI 2018 10.3346/jkms.2018.33.e168
Disease Characteristics and Change in Arthritis Activity according to Treatment in Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-positive Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: a Retrospective Chart Review Study
Eun1, Y; Kim, IY; Jeong, H; Kim, H; Lee, J; Choi, MS; Koh, E; Cha, HS

JOINT BONE SPINE 2018 10.1016/j.jbspin.2017.05.019
Potential metabolomic biomarkers for reliable diagnosis of Behcet's disease using gas chromatography/time-of-flight-mass spectrometry
Ahn1, JK; Kim, J; Hwang, J; Song, J; Kim, KH; Cha, HS

INT J RHEUM DIS 2018 10.1111/1756-185X.13270
Effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors on spinal radiographic progression in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Jeong1, H; Eun, YH; Kim, IY; Park, EJ; Kim, H; Lee, J; Jeon, CH; Koh, EM; Cha, HS

KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2018 10.3904/kjim.2016.042
Drug survival of tumor necrosis factor a inhibitors in patients with ankylosing spondylitis in Korea
Jeong1, H; Eun, YH; Kim, IY; Kim, H; Ahn, JK; Lee, J; Koh, EM; Cha, HS

SEMIN ARTHRITIS RHEU 2018 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2017.08.007
Persistence of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: An analysis of the South Korean National Health Insurance Database
Lee1, MY; Shin, JY; Park, SY; Kim, D; Cha, HS; Lee, EK

ANN LAB MED 2017 10.3343/alm.2017.37.6.540
Novel 4-bp Intronic Deletion (c.1560+3_1560+6del) in LEMD3 in a Korean Patient With Osteopoikilosis
Yoo1, IY; Song, JS; Ki, CS; Kim, JW; Cha, HS; Min, YK

INT J MOL SCI 2017 10.3390/ijms18112309
Urinary Metabolomic Profiling to Identify Potential Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Behcet's Disease by Gas Chromatography/Time-of-Flight-Mass Spectrometry
Ahn1, JK; Kim, J; Hwang, J; Song, J; Kim, KH; Cha, HS

INT J RHEUM DIS 2017 10.1111/1756-185X.13194
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of 61 patients with chronic periaortitis including IgG4-related and non-IgG4-related cases
Kim1, IY; Eun, YH; Jeong, H; Park, TK; Kim, H; Lee, J; Jang, SY; Kim, JS; Koh, EM; Kim, DK; Cha, HS

JOINT BONE SPINE 2017 10.1016/j.jbspin.2016.05.018
Metabolite profiles of synovial fluid change with the radiographic severity of knee osteoarthritis
Kim1, S; Hwang, J; Kim, J; Ahn, JK; Cha, HS; Kim, KH


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