



1993.02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학과 (박사)
1990.02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학과 (석사)
1983.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 졸업(의학사)


2002.09 ~현재 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 교수
2002.03 ~현재 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 전문의
2016.01 ~ 2019.03 심장뇌혈관병원장대행
2014.03 ~ 2016.01 심장뇌혈관병원 심장센터장
2011.11 ~ 2014.02 삼성서울병원 심장혈관센터 부센터장
2009.09 ~ 2011.11 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 과장
2001.02 ~ 2002.02 순천향대학 부천병원 교수
1999.04 ~ 2001.01 충남대학교 의과대학 교수
1994.03 ~ 1999.03 충남대학교 의과대학 부교수
1994.03 ~ 1996.07 UC San Diego Medical center Post-Doc Fellow
1990.04 ~ 1994.03 충남대학교 의과대학 조교수
1992.10 순환기분과 전문의 자격 취득
1988.01 ~ 1990.04 충남대학교 의과대학 전임강사
1987.03 ~ 1988.01 서울대병원 순환기내과 전임의(순환기)
1984.03 ~ 1987.02 서울대병원 내과 레지던트 과정 수료
1987.01 내과 전문의 자격 취득
1983.03 ~ 1984.02 서울대병원 인턴과정 수료


ACTA RADIOL 2019 10.1177/0284185119883714
Comparison of tissue tracking assessment by cardiovascular magnetic resonance for cardiac amyloidosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Jung1, HN; Kim, SM; Lee, JH; Kim, Y; Lee, SC; Jeon, ES; Yong, HS; Choe, YH

KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2019 10.3904/kjim.2018.009
The mortality benefit of carvedilol versus bisoprolol in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
Choi1, KH; Lee, GY; Choi, JO; Jeon, ES; Lee, HY; Lee, SE; Kim, JJ; Chae, SC; Baek, SH; Kang, SM; Choi, DJ; Yoo, BS; Kim, KH; Cho, MC; Park, HY; Oh, BH

Journal of thoracic disease 2019 10.21037/jtd.2019.09.35
Left heart decompression at venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation initiation in cardiogenic shock: prophylactic versus therapeutic strategy
Na1, SJ; Yang, JH; Yang, JH; Sung, K; Choi, JO; Hahn, JY; Jeon, ES; Cho, YH

BIOORGAN MED CHEM 2019 10.1016/j.bmc.2019.07.041
Design and synthesis of sulfonamidophenylethylamides as novel cardiac myosin activator
Manickam1, M; Pillaiyar, T; Namasivayam, V; Boggu, PR; Sharma, N; Jalani, HB; Venkateswararao, E; Lee, YJ; Jeon, ES; Son, MJ; Woo, SH; Jung, SH

SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-48513-6
Prognostic values of novel biomarkers in patients with AL amyloidosis
Kim1, D; Lee, G; Choi, JO; Kim, K; Kim, S; Ju, ES; Jeon, ES

Korean circulation journal 2019 10.4070/kcj.2018.0392
The Korean Organ Transplant Registry (KOTRY): Second Official Adult Heart Transplant Report
Kim1, D; Choi, JO; Oh, J; Cho, HJ; Jung, SH; Lee, HY; Kang, SM; Kim, JJ; Jeon, ES

Korean circulation journal 2019 10.4070/kcj.2018.0290
Prognostic Implication of Ventricular Conduction Disturbance Pattern in Hospitalized Patients with Acute Heart Failure Syndrome
Lee1, JH; Park, JJ; Cho, Y; Oh, IY; Yoo, BS; Kim, JJ; Kim, KH; Kang, SM; Baek, SH; Jeon, ES; Cho, MC; Chae, SC; Oh, BH; Choi, DJ

J CARDIOPULM REHABIL 2019 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000382
What Is the Optimal Exercise Prescription for Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Cardiac Rehabilitation? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW
Seo1, YG; Jang, MJ; Lee, GY; Jeon, ES; Park, WH; Sung, JD

TRIALS 2019 10.1186/s13063-019-3466-5
Fimasartan versus perindopril with and without diuretics in the treatment of elderly patients with essential hypertension (Fimasartan in the Senior Subjects (FITNESS)): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Kang1, MG; Kim, KI; Ihm, SH; Rhee, MY; Sohn, IS; Lee, HY; Park, S; Jeon, ES; Song, JM; Pyun, WB; Sung, KC; Kim, MH; Kim, SH; Kim, SY; Kim, SJ; Kim, EJ; Shin, J; Lee, SY; Chun, KJ; Jeong, JO; Chae, SC; Yoo, KD; Choi, YJ; Park, YH; Kim, CH

PLoS One 2019 10.1371/journal.pone.0219302
Artificial intelligence algorithm for predicting mortality of patients with acute heart failure
Kwon1, JM; Kim, KH; Jeon, KH; Lee, SE; Lees, HY; Cho, HJ; Choi, JO; Jeon, ES; Kim, MS; Kim, JJ; Hwang, KK; Chae, SC; Baek, SH; Kang, SM; Choi, DJ; Yoo, BS; Kim, KH; Park, HY; Cho, MC; Oh, BH

DIABETIC MED 2019 10.1111/dme.14059
Gender difference in the impact of coexisting diabetes mellitus on long-term clinical outcome in people with heart failure: a report from the Korean Heart Failure Registry
Kim1, HL; Kim, MA; Park, KT; Choi, DJ; Han, S; Jeon, ES; Cho, MC; Kim, JJ; Yoo, BS; Shin, MS; Kang, SM; Chae, SC; Ryu, KH

J WOMENS HEALTH 2019 10.1089/jwh.2018.7404
Sex Differences in Long-Term Clinical Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Heart Failure: A Report from the Korean Heart Failure Registry
Chung1, J; Kim, HL; Kim, MA; Choi, DJ; Han, S; Jeon, ES; Cho, MC; Kim, JJ; Yoo, BS; Shin, MS; Kang, SM; Chae, SC; Ryu, KH

J KOREAN MED SCI 2019 10.3346/jkms.2019.34.e133
Prognostic Effect of Guideline-Directed Therapy Is More Noticeable Early in the Course of Heart Failure
Ahn1, MS; Yoo, BS; Yoon, J; Lee, SH; Kim, JY; Ahn, SG; Youn, YJ; Lee, JW; Son, JW; Kim, HS; Kang, DR; Lee, SE; Cho, HJ; Lee, HY; Jeon, ES; Kang, SM; Choi, DJ; Cho, MC

SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-44245-9
Associations of Electrocardiographic Parameters with Left Ventricular Longitudinal Strain and Prognosis in Cardiac Light Chain Amyloidosis
Kim1, D; Lee, GY; Choi, JO; Kim, K; Kim, SJ; Jeon, ES

CANCER RES TREAT 2019 10.4143/crt.2018.262
Early Decline in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Can Predict Trastuzumab-Related Cardiotoxicity in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Study Using 13 Years of Registry Data
Kim1, EK; Cho, J; Kim, JY; Chang, SA; Park, SJ; Choi, JO; Lee, SC; Ahn, JS; Park, SW; Im, YH; Jeon, ES; Park, YF

J Am Heart Assoc 2019 10.1161/JAHA.118.011077
Characteristics, Outcomes, and Treatment of Heart Failure With Improved Ejection Fraction
Park1, CS; Park, JJ; Mebazaa, A; Oh, IY; Park, HA; Cho, HJ; Lee, HY; Kim, KH; Yoo, BS; Kang, SM; Baek, SH; Jeon, ES; Kim, JJ; Cho, MC; Chae, SC; Oh, BH; Choi, DJ

Korean circulation journal 2019 10.4070/kcj.2018.0259
Beta-Blockers in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Results from The Korea Acute Heart Failure (KorAHF) Registry
Kim1, SH; Yun, SC; Park, JJ; Lee, SE; Jeon, ES; Kim, JJ; Cho, MC; Chae, SC; Kang, SM; Choi, DJ; Yoo, BS; Kim, KH; Oh, BH; Baek, SH

J Am Heart Assoc 2019 10.1161/JAHA.118.011121
beta-Blockers and 1-Year Postdischarge Mortality for Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction and Slow Discharge Heart Rate
Park1, JJ; Park, HA; Cho, HJ; Lee, HY; Kim, KH; Yoo, BS; Kang, SM; Baek, SH; Jeon, ES; Kim, JJ; Cho, MC; Chae, SC; Oh, BH; Choi, DJ

CIRC J 2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0543
Comparison of Characteristics and 3-Year Outcomes in Patients With Acute Heart Failure With Preserved, Mid-Range, and Reduced Ejection Fraction
Cho1, JH; Choe, WS; Cho, HJ; Lee, HY; Jang, J; Lee, SE; Choi, JO; Jeon, ES; Kim, MS; Hwang, KK; Chae, SC; Baek, SH; Kang, SM; Choi, DJ; Yoo, BS; Kim, KH; Cho, MC; Kim, JJ; Oh, BH

J CARDIOL 2019 10.1016/j.jjcc.2018.07.009
Risk prediction for 30-day heart failure-specific readmission or death after discharge: Data from the Korean Acute Heart Failure (KorAHF) registry
Lim1, NK; Lee, SE; Lee, HY; Cho, HJ; Choe, WS; Kim, H; Choi, JO; Jeon, ES; Kim, MS; Kim, JJ; Hwang, KK; Chae, SC; Baek, SH; Kang, SM; Choi, DJ; Yoo, BS; Kim, KH; Cho, MC; Oh, BH; Park, HY


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