



1998.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 박사
1995.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 석사
1984.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학사


2009.03 ~현재 성균관대학교 의과대학 산부인과 교수
2001.06 ~현재 삼성서울병원 산부인과 전문의
1997.03 ~현재 미국암학회(American Association for Cancer Research, AACR) 회원
1995.03 ~현재 국제 부인암학회(International Gynecological Cancer Society, ISGC) 회원
2009.09 ~ 2016.11 성균관대학교 의과대학 부인암센터장
2011.11 ~ 2015.03 삼성서울병원 산부인과 과장 및 성균관대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실 주임교수
2003.03 ~ 2009.02 성균관대학교 의과대학 산부인과 부교수
2001.06 ~ 2003.02 성균관대학교 의과대학 산부인과 임상부교수
1993.03 ~ 2001.06 원자력병원 산부인과 4과 과장
1998.12 ~ 1999.12 미국 국립암센터(National Cancer Institute) 초빙연구원
1992.03 ~ 1993.02 서울대학교병원 산부인과 전임의
1992.03 산부인과 전문의 자격 취득
1988.02 ~ 1992.02 서울대학교병원 산부인과 전공의 과정 수료
1987.03 ~ 1988.02 서울대학교병원 인턴 과정 수료


Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2019 Feb 26;20(2):425-435.
Cost-Utility of a Two-Dose Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Programme Added to Cervical Cancer Screening Compared with Cervical Cancer Screening Alone in Korea
Hyunju Lee1, Sooyoung Hur, Hyeongap Jang, I-Heng Lee, Woo-Yun Sohn, Georges Van Kriekinge, Byoung-Gie Kim

J OVARIAN RES 2019 10.1186/s13048-019-0602-5
Interval between secondary cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy is not associated with survivals in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer
Jeong1, SY; Choi, CH; Kim, TJ; Lee, JW; Kim, BG; Bae, DS; Lee, YY

J CLIN MED 2019 10.3390/jcm8111920
Real-World Experience of Olaparib Maintenance in High-Grade Serous Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Patients with BRCA1/2 Mutation: A Korean Multicenter Study
Paik1, ES; Lee, YJ; Lee, JY; Shin, W; Park, SY; Kim, SI; Kim, JW; Choi, CH; Kim, BG

NEW ENGL J MED 2019 10.1056/NEJMoa1902626
Secondary Surgical Cytoreduction for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
Coleman1, RL; Spirtos, NM; Enserro, D; Herzog, TJ; Sabbatini, P; Armstrong, DK; Kim, JW; Park, SY; Kim, BG; Nam, JH; Fujiwara, K; Walker, JL; Casey, AC; Alvarez Secord, A; Rubin, S; Chan, JK; DiSilvestro, P; Davidson, SA; Cohn, DE; Tewari, KS; Basen-Engquist, K; Huang, HQ; Brady, MF; Mannel, RS

J GYNECOL ONCOL 2019 10.3802/jgo.2019.30.e112
A phase II study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus durvalumab and tremelimumab in advanced-stage ovarian cancer: a Korean Gynecologic Oncology Group Study (KGOG 3046), TRU-D
Lee1, JY; Kim, JW; Lim, MC; Kim, S; Kim, HS; Choi, CH; Yi, JY; Park, SY; Kim, BG; Nam, EJ; Kim, SW; Eoh, KJ; Lee, YJ; Roh, J; Kim, HM; Rae, DS; Lee, JW; Kim, TJ; Lee, YY; Choi, EH; Song, S; Kim, HS; Lee, M; Kim, SI; Lee, EJ; Kwon, SI; Shin, W; Seo, SS; Kang, S; Kim, MS; Kim, JS; Joung, J; Chung, J

SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-51959-3
Anti-Tumor Effects of Wee1 Kinase Inhibitor with Radiotherapy in Human Cervical Cancer
Lee1, YY; Cho, YJ; Shin, SW; Choi, C; Ryu, JY; Jeon, HK; Choi, JJ; Hwang, JR; Choi, CH; Kim, TJ; Kim, BG; Bae, DS; Park, W; Lee, JW

JPN J CLIN ONCOL 2019 10.1093/jjco/hyz085
An umbrella study of biomarker-driven targeted therapy in patients with platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer: a Korean Gynecologic Oncology Group study (KGOG 3045), AMBITION
Lee1, JY; Yi, JY; Kim, HS; Lim, J; Kim, S; Nam, BH; Kim, HS; Kim, JW; Choi, CH; Kim, BG

PLOS MED 2019 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002893
Appraising the role of previously reported risk factors in epithelial ovarian cancer risk: A Mendelian randomization analysis
Yarmolinsky1, J; Relton, CL; Lophatananon, A; Muir, K; Menon, U; Gentry-Maharaj, A; Walther, A; Zheng, J; Fasching, P; Zheng, W; Ling, WY; Park, SK; Kim, BG; Choi, JY; Park, B; Smith, GD; Martin, RM; Lewis, SJ

J GYNECOL ONCOL 2019 10.3802/jgo.2019.30.e65
Prediction of survival outcomes in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer using machine learning methods
Paik1, ES; Lee, JW; Park, JY; Kim, JH; Kim, M; Kim, TJ; Choi, CH; Kim, BG; Bae, DS; Seo, SW

GYNECOL ONCOL 2019 10.1016/j.ygyno.2019.02.023
Genome-wide association studies identify susceptibility loci for epithelial ovarian cancer in east Asian women
Lawrenson1, K; Song, FJ; Hazelett, DJ; Kar, SP; Tyrer, J; Phelan, CM; Corona, RI; Rodriguez-Malave, NI; Seo, JH; Adler, E; Coetzee, SG; Segato, F; Fonseca, MAS; Amos, CI; Carney, ME; Chenevix-Trench, G; Choi, J; Doherty, JA; Jia, WH; Jin, GJ; Kim, BG; Le, ND; Lee, J; Li, L; Lim, BK; Adenan, NA; Mizuno, M; Park, B; Pearce, CL; Shan, K; Shi, YY; Shu, XO; Sieh, W; Thompson, PJ; Wilkens, LR; Wei, QY; Woo, YL; Yan, L; Karlan, BY; Freedman, ML; Noushmehr, H; Goode, EL; Berchuck, A; Sellers, TA; Teo, SH; Zheng, W; Matsuo, K; Park, S; Chen, KX; Pharoah, PDP; Gayther, SA; Goodman, MT

J GYNECOL ONCOL 2019 10.3802/jgo.2019.30.e11
Optimal cutoff age for predicting prognosis associated with serous epithelial ovarian cancer: what is the best age cutoff?
Kim1, J; Chang, Y; Kim, TJ; Lee, JW; Kim, BG; Bae, DS; Choi, CH

Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2018 May;61(3):352-358. doi: 10.5468/ogs.2018.61.3.352. Epub 2018 May 9.
Retrospective study of combination chemotherapy with etoposide and ifosfamide in patients with heavily pretreated recurrent or persistent epithelial ovarian cancer
Wonkyo Shin1, Hye-joo Lee, Seong J. Yang, E sun Paik, Hyun-jin Choi, Tae-Joong Kim, Chel Hun Choi, Jeong-Won Lee, Duk-Soo Bae, Byoung-Gie Kim

Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2018 Jul;61(4):524-528. doi: 10.5468/ogs.2018.61.4.524. Epub 2018 Jul 5.
Primary malignant melanoma of the uterine cervix treated with pembrolizumab after radical surgery: a case report and literature review
Myeong Seon Kim11, Chel-Hun Choi1, Tae-Joong Kim1, Jeong-Won Lee1, Jeeyun Lee2, Duk-Soo Bae1, Byoung-Gie Kim1

Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2018 May;61(3):319-327. doi: 10.5468/ogs.2018.61.3.319. Epub 2018 Apr 27.
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of placental site trophoblastic tumor: experience of single institution in Korea
Hye-joo Lee1, Wonkyo Shin, Yun Jeong Jang, Chel Hun Choi, Jeong-Won Lee, Duk-Soo Bae, Byoung-Gie Kim

NEW ENGL J MED 2018 10.1056/NEJMoa1810858
Maintenance Olaparib in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer
Moore1, K; Colombo, N; Scambia, G; Kim, BG; Oaknin, A; Friedlander, M; Lisyanskaya, A; Floquet, A; Leary, A; Sonke, GS; Gourley, C; Banerjee, S; Oza, A; Gonzalez-Martin, A; Aghajanian, C; Bradley, W; Mathews, C; Liu, J; Lowe, ES; Bloomfield, R; DiSilvestro, P

EUR J OBSTET GYN R B 2018 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.06.034
The role of appendectomy in patients with mucinous borderline ovarian tumors
Song1, T; Kim, MK; Jung, YW; Yun, BS; Seong, SJ; Choi, CH; Kim, TJ; Lee, JW; Kim, BG; Bae, DS

Front Oncol 2018 10.3389/fonc.2018.00465
Genomic Network-Based Analysis Reveals Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Up-Regulating Factor-Related Prognostic Markers in Cervical Carcinoma
Kim1, J; Chung, JY; Kim, TJ; Lee, JW; Kim, BG; Bae, DS; Choi, CH; Hewitt, SM

INT J GYNECOL CANCER 2018 10.1097/IGC.0000000000001316
Response to Combination Chemotherapy With Paclitaxel/Ifosfamide/Platinum Versus Paclitaxel/Platinum for Patients With Metastatic, Recurrent, or Persistent Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix A Retrospective Analysis
Choi1, HJ; Paik, ES; Choi, CH; Kim, TJ; Lee, YY; Lee, JW; Bae, DS; Kim, BG

BRIT J CANCER 2018 10.1038/s41416-018-0206-7
Phase III study of cisplatin with or without S-1 in patients with stage IVB, recurrent, or persistent cervical cancer
Aoki1, Y; Ochiai, K; Lim, S; Aoki, D; Kamiura, S; Lin, H; Katsumata, N; Cha, SD; Kim, JH; Kim, BG; Hirashima, Y; Fujiwara, K; Kim, YT; Kim, SM; Chung, HH; Chang, TC; Kamura, T; Takizawa, K; Takeuchi, M; Kang, SB

J INFECT DIS 2018 10.1093/infdis/jiy133
Efficacy, Immunogenicity, and Safety of a 9-Valent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: Subgroup Analysis of Participants From Asian Countries
Garland1, SM; Pitisuttithum, P; Ngan, HYS; Cho, CH; Lee, CY; Chen, CA; Yang, YC; Chu, TY; Twu, NF; Samakoses, R; Takeuchi, Y; Cheung, TH; Kim, SC; Huang, LM; Kim, BG; Kim, YT; Kim, KH; Song, YS; Lalwani, S; Kang, JH; Sakamoto, M; Ryu, HS; Bhatla, N; Yoshikawa, H; Ellison, MC; Han, SR; Moeller, E; Murata, S; Ritter, M; Sawata, M; Shields, C; Walia, A; Perez, G; Luxembourg, A


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