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1995.02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학과 (석사)
1985.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 졸업 (의학사)


2017.04 ~현재 성균관대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 주임교수
2017.04 ~현재 삼성서울병원 내과 과장
2007.10 ~현재 성균관대학교 의과대학 내과 교수
1994.05 ~현재 삼성서울병원 내분비-대사 내과 전문의
2013.08 ~ 2017.03 삼성서울병원 갑상선센터장
2011.11 ~ 2017.03 성균관의대 삼성서울병원 내분비-대사 내과 과장
2007.09 ~ 2011.10 삼성서울병원 진료의뢰센터 센터장
2005.05 ~ 2009.08 삼성서울병원 암센터 갑상선암팀장
2001.10 ~ 2007.09 성균관대학교 의과대학 내과 부교수
1997.03 ~ 2001.09 성균관대학교 의과대학 내과 조교수
1996.08 내분비-대사 내과 분과전문의 자격 취득
1992.05 ~ 1994.04 서울대학교병원 내분비-대사 내과 전임의
1990.05 ~ 1992.04 공군 방공포병사령부 의무실장
1989.04 ~ 1990.04 육군 보병 제5사단 내과 군의관
1989.03 내과 전문의 자격 취득
1986.02 ~ 1989.02 서울대학교병원 내과 레지던트 과정 수료
1985.03 ~ 1986.02 서울대학교병원 인턴과정 수료


SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-55370-w
Improved survival after early detection of asymptomatic distant metastasis in patients with thyroid cancer
Kim1, H; Park, SY; Jung, J; Kim, JH; Hahn, SY; Shin, JH; Oh, YL; Chung, MK; Kim, HI; Kim, SW; Chung, JH; Kim, TH

THYROID 2019 10.1089/thy.2019.0261
Multifocality in a Patient with Cribriform-Morular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Is an Important Clue for the Diagnosis of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Park1, J; Kim, JW; Park, H; Park, SY; Kim, TH; Kim, SW; Oh, YL; Chung, JH

THYROID 2019 10.1089/thy.2019.0246
Extended Real-World Observation of Patients Treated with Sorafenib for Radioactive Iodine-Refractory Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma and Impact of Lenvatinib Salvage Treatment: A Korean Multicenter Study
Oh1, HS; Shin, DY; Kim, M; Park, SY; Kim, TH; Kim, BH; Kim, EY; Kim, WB; Chung, JH; Shong, YK; Lim, DJ; Kim, WG

EUR J NUTR 2019 10.1007/s00394-018-1837-4
Non-immune-related hypothyroidism and its relationship with excess iodine
Kim1, HI; Oh, HK; Park, SY; Jang, HW; Shin, MH; Han, JM; Bae, JC; Kim, SW; Kim, TH; Chung, JH

BJU INT 2019 10.1111/bju.14902
Effects of poloxamer-based thermo-sensitive sol-gel agent on urethral stricture after transurethral resection of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia: a multicentre, single-blinded, randomised controlled trial
Chung1, JH; Kim, KS; Choi, JD; Kim, TH; Lee, KS; Oh, CY; Noh, JH; Kim, JS; Kim, WT; Lee, SH; Kim, JH; Kim, TN; Huh, W; Lee, SW

THYROID 2019 10.1089/thy.2018.0541
Impact of Extranodal Extension on Risk Stratification in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Kim1, HI; Hyeon, J; Park, SY; Ahn, HS; Kim, K; Han, JM; Bae, JC; Shin, JH; Kim, JS; Kim, SW; Chung, JH; Kim, TH; Oh, YL

Effect of Nocturnal Hypoxia on Nocturia in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Chung1, JH; Moon, HS; Park, SY; Kim, KR; Cho, SH; Kim, YT

ENDOCRINE 2019 10.1007/s12020-018-1807-x
Long-term outcomes of renal function after radioactive iodine therapy for thyroid cancer according to preparation method: thyroid hormone withdrawal vs. recombinant human thyrotropin
Cho1, YY; Kim, SK; Jung, JH; Hahm, JR; Kim, TH; Chung, JH; Kim, SW

ORAL ONCOL 2019 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.12.014
Refining the tumor-node-metastasis staging system for individualized treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma
Kim1, YN; Kim, M; Ahn, HS; Kim, K; Park, SY; Kim, HI; Jeon, MJ; Kim, WG; Kim, SW; Kim, WB; Chung, JH; Shong, YK; Kim, TY; Kim, TH

EUR J NUTR 2019 10.1007/s00394-017-1587-8
Urinary iodine concentration and thyroid hormones: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013-2015
Kim1, HI; Oh, HK; Park, SY; Jang, HW; Shin, MH; Kim, SW; Kim, TH; Chung, JH

ORAL ONCOL 2018 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.10.029
Eighth edition of tumor-node-metastasis staging system improve survival predictability for papillary, but not follicular thyroid carcinoma: A multicenter cohort study
Kim1, M; Kim, HI; Jeon, MJ; Kim, HK; Kim, EH; Yi, HS; Kim, ES; Kim, H; Kim, BH; Kim, TY; Kim, SW; Kang, HC; Kim, WB; Chung, JH; Shong, YK; Kim, TH; Kim, WG

THYROID 2018 10.1089/thy.2018.0263
Active Surveillance of Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: A Multi-Center Cohort Study in Korea
Oh1, HS; Ha, J; Kim, HI; Kim, TH; Kim, WG; Lim, DJ; Kim, TY; Kim, SW; Kim, WB; Shong, YK; Chung, JH; Baek, JH

J CLIN ENDOCR METAB 2018 10.1210/jc.2018-01386
Clinical Validation of the Prognostic Stage Groups of the Eighth-Edition TNM Staging for Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Park1, SY; Cho, YY; Kim, HI; Choe, JH; Kim, JH; Kim, JS; Oh, YL; Hahn, SY; Shin, JH; Kim, K; Kim, SW; Chung, JH; Kim, TH

ORAL ONCOL 2018 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.09.008
Modification of the eight-edition tumor-node-metastasis staging system with N1b for papillary thyroid carcinoma: A multi-institutional cohort study
Kim1, M; Kim, HK; Kim, HI; Kim, EH; Jeon, MJ; Yi, HS; Kim, ES; Kim, H; Kim, TH; Kim, BH; Kim, TY; Kang, HC; Kim, WB; Chung, JH; Shon, YK; Kim, SW; Kim, WG

SCI REP-UK 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-31955-9
Modified Bethesda system informing cytopathologic adequacy improves malignancy risk stratification in nodules considered benign or atypia(follicular lesion) of undetermined significance
Lee1, YB; Kim, JY; Cho, H; Hahn, SY; Shin, JH; Lee, SE; Jun, JE; Kim, SW; Chung, JH; Kim, TH; Oh, YL

ORAL ONCOL 2018 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.07.002
Low versus high activity radioiodine remnant ablation for differentiated thyroid carcinoma with gross extrathyroidal extension invading only strap muscles
Park1, SY; Kim, HI; Choi, JY; Choe, JH; Kim, JH; Kim, JS; Oh, YL; Hahn, SY; Shin, JH; Ahn, SH; Kim, K; Jeong, JG; Kim, SW; Chung, JH; Kim, TH

BRIT J SURG 2018 10.1002/bjs.10830
Prognostic significance of gross extrathyroidal extension invading only strap muscles in differentiated thyroid carcinoma
Park1, SY; Kim, HI; Kim, JH; Kim, JS; Oh, YL; Kim, SW; Chung, JH; Jang, HW; Kim, TH

THYROID 2018 10.1089/thy.2017.0550
Protective Effect of Metformin Against Thyroid Cancer Development: A Population-Based Study in Korea
Cho1, YY; Kang, MJ; Kim, SK; Jung, JH; Hahm, JR; Kim, TH; Nam, JY; Lee, BW; Lee, YH; Chung, JH; Song, SO; Kim, SW

KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 2018 10.3904/kjirn.2016.051
Reference intervals of thyroid hormones during pregnancy in Korea, an iodine-replete area
Kim1, HJ; Cho, YY; Kim, SW; Kim, TH; Jang, HW; Lee, SY; Choi, SJ; Roh, CR; Kim, JH; Chung, JH; Oh, SY

ORAL ONCOL 2018 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.01.021
Refining the eighth edition AJCC TNM classification and prognostic groups for papillary thyroid cancer with lateral nodal metastasis
Kim1, HI; Kim, K; Park, SY; Choe, JH; Kim, JH; Kim, JS; Oh, YL; Hahn, SY; Shin, JH; Ahn, HS; Kim, SW; Kim, TH; Chung, JH


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