
교수, 센터장



2001.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (박사)
1997.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (석사)
1988.02 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업 (의학사)


2009.12 ~현재 삼성 난치암 연구사업단 단장
2009.04 ~현재 성균관의대 신경외과학교실 교수
1998.03 ~현재 삼성서울병원 신경외과 전문의
2013.03 ~ 2017.02 삼성 융합의과학과 과장
2003.04 ~ 2009.03 성균관의대 신경외과학교실 부교수
2002.02 ~ 2004.01 미국 Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 연구원
1999.03 ~ 2003.03 성균관의대 신경외과학교실 조교수
1997.03 ~ 1998.02 삼성서울병원 신경외과 전임의
1996.05 ~ 1997.02 서울대학병원 신경외과 전임의
1989.03 ~ 1993.02 서울대학교병원 신경외과 레지던트 과정 수료
1988.03 ~ 1989.02 서울대학교병원 인턴 과정 수료


STEREOT FUNCT NEUROS 2020 10.1159/000508737
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery as a Primary Treatment for Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenoma Invading the Cavernous Sinus
Lee1, WJ; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

CANCERS 2020 10.3390/cancers12113210
Therapeutic Efficacy of GC1118, a Novel Anti-EGFR Antibody, against Glioblastoma with High EGFR Amplification in Patient-Derived Xenografts
Lee1, K; Koo, H; Kim, YJ; Kim, D; Son, E; Yang, H; Lim, Y; Hur, M; Lee, HW; Choi, SW; Nam, DH

ACS OMEGA 2020 10.1021/acsomega.0c03102
cIRCR201-dPBD, a Novel Pyrrolobenzodiazepine Dimer-Containing Site-Specific Antibody-Drug Conjugate Targeting c-Met Overexpression Tumors
Min1, B; Jin, J; Kim, H; Her, NG; Park, C; Kim, D; Yang, J; Hwang, J; Kim, E; Choi, M; Song, HY; Nam, DH; Yoon, Y

J NEUROSURG 2020 10.3171/2019.5.JNS19222
Outcome evaluation of patients treated with fractionated Gamma Knife radiosurgery for large (> 3 cm) brain metastases a dose-escalation study
Kim1, KH; Kong, DS; Cho, KR; Lee, MH; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Kim, ST; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

ACTA NEUROCHIR 2020 10.1007/s00701-020-04575-4
Stereotactic radiosurgery for orbital cavernous venous malformation a single center's experience for 15 years
Lee1, WJ; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, D; Kim, YD; Woo, KI; Lee, JI

NAT COMMUN 2020 10.1038/s41467-020-18189-y
Glioma-initiating cells at tumor edge gain signals from tumor core cells to promote their malignancy
Bastola1, S; Pavlyukov, MS; Yamashita, D; Ghosh, S; Cho, H; Kagaya, N; Zhang, Z; Minata, M; Lee, Y; Sadahiro, H; Yamaguchi, S; Komarova, S; Yang, E; Markert, J; Nabors, LB; Bhat, K; Lee, J; Chen, Q; Crossman, DK; Shin-Ya, K; Nam, DH; Nakano, I

CLIN EXP OTORHINOLARYNGOL 2020 10.21053/ceo.2019.01466
A Comparison of Olfactory and Sinonasal Outcomes in Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery Performed by a Single Neurosurgeon or a Collaborative Team of Surgeons
Noh1, Y; Choi, JE; Lee, KE; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Jung, YG; Kim, HY; Chung, SK; Hong, SD

CANCER MED 2020 10.1002/cam4.3370
Ethnic delineation of primary glioblastoma genome
Koo1, H; Choi, SW; Cho, HJ; Lee, IH; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Choi, JW; Sa, JK; Nam, DH

GENOME BIOL 2020 10.1186/s13059-020-02140-x
Transcriptional regulatory networks of tumor-associated macrophages that drive malignancy in mesenchymal glioblastoma
Sa1, JK; Chang, N; Lee, HW; Cho, HJ; Ceccarelli, M; Cerulo, L; Yin, JL; Kim, SS; Caruso, FP; Lee, M; Kim, D; Oh, YT; Lee, Y; Her, NG; Min, B; Kim, HJ; Jeong, DE; Kim, HM; Kim, H; Chung, S; Woo, HG; Lee, J; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Kim, J; Park, WY; Wang, QH; Sulman, EP; Heimberger, AB; Lim, M; Park, JB; Iavarone, A; Verhaak, RGW; Nam, DH

NAT COMMUN 2020 10.1038/s41467-020-17717-0
MGMT genomic rearrangements contribute to chemotherapy resistance in gliomas
Oldrini1, B; Vaquero-Siguero, N; Mu, QH; Kroon, P; Zhang, Y; Galan-Ganga, M; Bao, ZS; Wang, Z; Liu, HJ; Sa, JK; Zhao, JF; Kim, H; Rodriguez-Perales, S; Nam, DH; Verhaak, RGW; Rabadan, R; Jiang, T; Wang, JG; Squatrito, M

CLIN NEUROL NEUROSUR 2020 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.105847
Two-staged gamma knife radiosurgery for treatment of numerous (> 10) brain metastases
Kim1, M; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

CANCERS 2020 10.3390/cancers12071707
Multi-Habitat Radiomics Unravels Distinct Phenotypic Subtypes of Glioblastoma with Clinical and Genomic Significance
Choi1, SW; Cho, HH; Koo, H; Cho, KR; Nenning, KH; Langs, G; Furtner, J; Baumann, B; Woehrer, A; Cho, HJ; Sa, JK; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Park, H

SCI REP-UK 2020 10.1038/s41598-020-67842-5
Molecular dissection of CRC primary tumors and their matched liver metastases reveals critical role of immune microenvironment, EMT and angiogenesis in cancer metastasis
Liu1, JG; Cho, YB; Hong, HK; Wu, S; Ebert, PJ; Bray, SM; Wong, SS; Ting, JC; Calley, JN; Whittington, CF; Bhagwat, SV; Reinhard, C; Wild, R; Nam, DH; Aggarwal, A; Lee, WY; Peng, SB

NAT COMMUN 2020 10.1038/s41467-020-17139-y
Integrated pharmaco-proteogenomics defines two subgroups in isocitrate dehydrogenase wild-type glioblastoma with prognostic and therapeutic opportunities
Oh1, S; Yeom, J; Cho, HJ; Kim, JH; Yoon, SJ; Kim, H; Sa, JK; Ju, S; Lee, H; Oh, MJ; Lee, W; Kwon, Y; Li, HL; Choi, S; Han, JH; Chang, JH; Choi, E; Kim, J; Her, NG; Kim, SH; Kang, SG; Paek, E; Nam, DH; Lee, C; Kim, HS

J NEUROSURG 2020 10.3171/2019.3.JNS183130
Volumetric changes of intracranial metastases during the course of fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery and significance of adaptive planning
Lee1, MH; Kim, KH; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

J CLIN NEUROSCI 2020 10.1016/j.jocn.2020.04.047
Pattern of disease progression following stereotactic radiosurgery in malignant glioma patients
Choi1, SW; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

Genome Med 2020 10.1186/s13073-020-00741-6
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals the tumor microenvironment and facilitates strategic choices to circumvent treatment failure in a chemorefractory bladder cancer patient
Lee1, HW; Chung, W; Lee, HO; Jeong, D; Jo, A; Lim, JE; Hong, JH; Nam, DH; Jeong, BC; Park, SH; Joo, KM; Park, WY

WORLD NEUROSURG 2020 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.12.023
Morbidities Associated with the Endoscopic Transnasal Transpterygoid Approach: Focusing on Postoperative Sequelae
Choi1, JE; Noh, YS; Lee, KE; Jung, YG; Chung, SK; Kim, HY; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Hong, SD

J NEURO-ONCOL 2020 10.1007/s11060-020-03468-x
Chemoradiation in elderly patients with glioblastoma from the multi-institutional GBM-molRPA cohort: is short-course radiotherapy enough or is it a matter of selection?
Wee1, CW; Kim, IH; Park, CK; Kim, N; Suh, CO; Chang, JH; Lim, HD; Nam, D; Kim, IA; Kim, CY; Oh, YT; Chung, WK; Kim, SH

CANCERS 2020 10.3390/cancers12040866
Integrative Radiogenomics Approach for Risk Assessment of Post-Operative Metastasis in Pathological T1 Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Pilot Retrospective Cohort Study
Lee1, HW; Cho, HH; Joung, JG; Jeon, HG; Jeong, BC; Jeon, SS; Lee, HM; Nam, DH; Park, WY; Kim, CK; Seo, SI; Park, H

CANCER RES TREAT 2020 10.4143/crt.2019.421
Concurrent and Adjuvant Temozolomide for Newly Diagnosed Grade III Gliomas without 1p/19q Co-deletion: A Randomized, Open-Label, Phase 2 Study (KNOG-1101 Study)
Hwang1, K; Kim, TM; Park, CK; Chang, JH; Jung, TY; Kim, JH; Nam, DH; Kim, SH; Yoo, H; Hong, YK; Kim, EY; Lee, DE; Joo, J; Kim, YJ; Choe, G; Choi, BS; Kang, SG; Kim, JH; Kim, CY

Biomed Signal Process Control 2020 10.1016/j.bspc.2020.101846
Accuracy improvement of quantification information using super-resolution with convolutional neural network for microscopy images
Kang1, MS; Cha, E; Kang, E; Ye, JC; Her, NG; Oh, JW; Nam, DH; Kim, MH; Yang, S

TARGET ONCOL 2020 10.1007/s11523-020-00706-0
Use of Gefitinib in EGFR-Amplified Refractory Solid Tumors: An Open-Label, Single-Arm, Single-Center Prospective Pilot Study
Byeon1, S; Hong, JY; Lee, J; Nam, DH; Park, SH; Park, JO; Park, YS; Lim, HY; Kang, WK; Kim, ST

CANCERS 2020 10.3390/cancers12030549
Sphere-Forming Culture for Expanding Genetically Distinct Patient-Derived Glioma Stem Cells by Cellular Growth Rate Screening
Shin1, K; Shin, H; Cho, HJ; Kang, H; Lee, JK; Seo, YJ; Shin, YJ; Kim, D; Koo, H; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Lee, HW; Nam, DH

J CLIN MED 2020 10.3390/jcm9020533
Plasma Lysyl-tRNA Synthetase 1 (KARS1) as a Novel Diagnostic and Monitoring Biomarker for Colorectal Cancer
Suh1, JH; Park, MC; Goughnour, PC; Min, BS; Kim, SB; Lee, WY; Cho, YB; Cheon, JH; Lee, KY; Nam, DH; Kim, S

J NEURO-ONCOL 2020 10.1007/s11060-019-03361-2
Tumor treating fields plus temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a sub-group analysis of Korean patients in the EF-14 phase 3 trial
Kim1, CY; Paek, SH; Nam, D; Chang, JH; Hong, YK; Kim, JH; Kim, OL; Kim, SH

Genome Med 2020 10.1186/s13073-020-0717-8
Comprehensive pharmacogenomic characterization of gastric cancer
Sa1, JK; Hong, JY; Lee, IK; Kim, JS; Sim, MH; Kim, HJ; An, JY; Sohn, TS; Lee, JH; Bae, JM; Kim, S; Kim, KM; Kim, ST; Park, SH; Park, JO; Lim, HY; Kang, WK; Her, NG; Lee, Y; Cho, HJ; Shin, YJ; Kim, M; Koo, H; Kim, M; Seo, YJ; Kim, JY; Choi, MG; Nam, DH; Lee, J

CANCER SCI 2020 10.1111/cas.14254
Phase 1 study of capmatinib in MET-positive solid tumor patients: Dose escalation and expansion of selected cohorts
Bang1, YJ; Su, WC; Schuler, M; Nam, DH; Lim, WT; Bauer, TM; Azaro, A; Poon, RTP; Hong, D; Lin, CC; Akimov, M; Ghebremariam, S; Zhao, S; Giovannini, M; Ma, B

CANCER RES TREAT 2020 10.4143/crt.2019.036
Clinical Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Panels for Detection of Somatic Variants in Gliomas
Shin1, H; Sa, JK; Bae, JS; Koo, H; Jin, S; Cho, HJ; Choi, SW; Kyoung, JM; Kim, JY; Seo, YJ; Joung, JG; Kim, NKD; Son, DS; Chung, J; Lee, T; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Suh, YL; Park, WY; Nam, DH

BMC OPHTHALMOL 2020 10.1186/s12886-019-1285-9
Markedly increased ocular side effect causing severe vision deterioration after chemotherapy using new or investigational epidermal or fibroblast growth factor receptor inhibitors
Shin1, E; Lim, DH; Han, JS; Nam, D; Park, K; Ahn, MJ; Kang, WK; Lee, JY; Ahn, JS; Lee, SH; Sun, JM; Jung, HA; Chung, TY

WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.08.067
Delayed Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage After Treatment of Skull Base Tumors: Case Series of 9 Patients
Lee1, JJ; Kim, HY; Dhong, HJ; Chung, SK; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; So, YK; Hong, SD

WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.08.031
Clinical Efficacy of Optical Coherence Tomography to Predict the Visual Outcome After Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Suprasellar Tumors
Jeon1, C; Park, KA; Hong, SD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Shin, HJ; Kong, DS

INT J MOL SCI 2019 10.3390/ijms20235894
Promising Therapeutic Efficacy of GC1118, an Anti-EGFR Antibody, against KRAS Mutation-Driven Colorectal Cancer Patient-Derived Xenografts
Lee1, HW; Son, E; Lee, K; Lee, Y; Kim, Y; Lee, JC; Lim, Y; Hur, M; Kim, D; Nam, DH

EXP MOL MED 2019 10.1038/s12276-019-0351-y
Secretome analysis of patient-derived GBM tumor spheres identifies midkine as a potent therapeutic target
Han1, S; Shin, H; Lee, JK; Liu, ZQ; Rabadan, R; Lee, J; Shin, J; Lee, C; Yang, H; Kim, D; Kim, SH; Kim, J; Oh, JW; Kong, DS; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Choi, JW; Kang, HJ; Nam, DH

NAT COMMUN 2019 10.1038/s41467-019-13082-9
Rap1 regulates hematopoietic stem cell survival and affects oncogenesis and response to chemotherapy
Khattar1, E; Maung, KZY; Chew, CL; Ghosh, A; Mok, MMH; Lee, P; Zhang, J; Chor, WHJ; Cildir, G; Wang, CQ; Mohd-Ismail, NK; Chin, DWL; Lee, SC; Yang, H; Shin, YJ; Nam, DH; Chen, LM; Kumar, AP; Deng, LW; Ikawa, M; Gunaratne, J; Osato, M; Tergaonkar, V

NATURE 2019 10.1038/s41586-019-1775-1
Longitudinal molecular trajectories of diffuse glioma in adults
Barthel1, FP; Johnson, KC; Varn, FS; Moskalik, AD; Tanner, G; Kocakavuk, E; Anderson, KJ; Abiola, O; Aldape, K; Alfaro, KD; Alpar, D; Amin, SB; Ashley, DM; Bandopadhayay, P; Barnholtz-Sloan, JS; Beroukhim, R; Bock, C; Brastianos, PK; Brat, DJ; Brodbelt, AR; Bruns, AF; Bulsara, KR; Chakrabarty, A; Chakravarti, A; Chuang, JH; Claus, EB; Cochran, EJ; Connelly, J; Costello, JF; Finocchiaro, G; Fletcher, MN; French, PJ; Gan, HK; Gilbert, MR; Gould, PV; Grimmer, MR; Iavarone, A; Ismail, A; Jenkinson, MD; Khasraw, M; Kim, H; Kouwenhoven, MCM; LaViolette, PS; Li, MH; Lichter, P; Ligon, KL; Lowman, AK; Malta, TM; Mazor, T; McDonald, KL; Molinaro, AM; Nam, DH; Nayyar, N; Ng, HK; Ngan, CY; Niclou, SP; Niers, JM; Noushmehr, H; Noorbakhsh, J; Ormond, DR; Park, CK; Poisson, LM; Rabadan, R; Radlwimmer, B; Rao, G; Reifenberger, G; Sa, JK; Schuster, M; Shaw, BL; Short, SC; Smitt, PAS; Sloan, AE; Smits, M; Suzuki, H; Tabatabai, G; Van Meir, EG; Watts, C; Weller, M; Wesseling, P; Westerman, BA; Widhalm, G

J NEURO-ONCOL 2019 10.1007/s11060-019-03328-3
Fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery for malignant gliomas: comparison with single session stereotactic radiosurgery
Choi1, SW; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.07.218
Clinical Significance of Tumor-Related Edema of Optic Tract Affecting Visual Function in Patients with Sellar and Suprasellar Tumors
Ju1, DG; Jeon, C; Kim, KH; Park, KA; Hong, SD; Seoul, HJ; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS

MICRON 2019 10.1016/j.micron.2019.102718
Automated stitching of microscope images of fluorescence in cells with minimal overlap
Seo1, JH; Yang, S; Kang, MS; Her, NG; Nam, DH; Choi, JH; Kim, MH

Front Oncol 2019 10.3389/fonc.2019.01327
Systematic Evaluation of Gastric Tumor Cell Index and Two-Drug Combination Therapy via 3-Dimensional High-Throughput Drug Screening
Lim1, SH; Sa, JK; Lee, DW; Kim, J; Kim, ST; Park, SH; Ku, B; Park, JO; Park, YS; Lim, H; Kang, WK; Nam, DH; Lee, J

CANCER SCI 2019 10.1111/cas.14254
Phase 1 study of capmatinib in MET-positive solid tumor patients: Dose escalation and expansion of selected cohorts
Bang1, YJ; Su, WC; Schuler, M; Nam, DH; Lim, WT; Bauer, TM; Azaro, A; Poon, RTP; Hong, D; Lin, CC; Akimov, M; Ghebremariam, S; Zhao, S; Giovannini, M; Ma, B

NEUROSURG REV 2019 10.1007/s10143-019-01213-1
Comparison between retrosigmoid and translabyrinthine approaches for large vestibular schwannoma: focus on cerebellar injury and morbidities
Kim1, KH; Cho, YS; Seol, HJ; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2018.6.JNS181099
Endoscopic transorbital surgery for Meckel's cave and middle cranial fossa tumors: surgical technique and early results
Jeon1, C; Hong, CK; Woo, KI; Hong, SD; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Kong, DS

CELL DEATH DIFFER 2019 10.1038/s41418-019-0282-0
Ly6G(+) inflammatory cells enable the conversion of cancer cells to cancer stem cells in an irradiated glioblastoma model
Jeon1, HY; Ham, SW; Kim, JK; Jin, X; Lee, SY; Shin, YJ; Choi, CY; Sa, JK; Kim, SH; Chun, T; Jin, X; Nam, DH; Kim, H

J MOL MED-JMM 2019 10.1007/s00109-019-01815-8
Molecular changes in solitary fibrous tumor progression
Park1, HK; Yu, DB; Sung, MJ; Oh, E; Kim, M; Song, JY; Lee, MS; Jung, K; Noh, KW; An, S; Song, K; Nam, DH; Kim, YJ; Choi, YL

RSC Adv 2019 10.1039/c9ra04749b
Synthesis and biological evaluation of potent benzoselenophene and heteroaromatic analogues of (S)-1-(chloromethyl)-8-methoxy-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[e]indol-5-ol (seco-MCBI)
Mhetre1, AB; Sreedhar, E; Dubey, R; Sable, GA; Lee, H; Yang, H; Lee, K; Nam, DH; Lim, D

J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2018.3.JNS173233
Clinical and ophthalmological outcome of endoscopic transorbital surgery for cranioorbital tumors
Kong1, DS; Young, SM; Hong, CK; Kim, YD; Hong, SD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Woo, KI

CANCERS 2019 10.3390/cancers11081090
Novel Semi-Replicative Retroviral Vector Mediated Double Suicide Gene Transfer Enhances Antitumor Effects in Patient-Derived Glioblastoma Models
Lee1, M; Kim, YS; Lee, K; Kang, M; Shin, H; Oh, JW; Koo, H; Kim, D; Kim, Y; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Lee, HW

MEDICINE 2019 10.1097/MD.0000000000016089
Differentiation of postoperative changes and residual tumors in dynamic contrast-enhanced sella MRI after transsphenoidal resection of pituitary adenoma
Kim1, H; Kim, ST; Kim, HJ; Jeon, P; Byun, HS; Kim, YK; Cha, J; Park, GM; Nam, DH; Kong, DS

INT J CANCER 2019 10.1002/ijc.32054
Hypermutagenesis in untreated adult gliomas due to inherited mismatch mutations
Sa1, JK; Choi, SW; Zhao, JF; Lee, Y; Zhang, J; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Iavarone, A; Rabadan, R; Nam, DH

LARYNGOSCOPE 2019 10.1002/lary.27630
Quality of life after extended versus transsellar endoscopic skull base surgery from 767 patients
Seo1, MY; Nam, DH; Kong, DS; Lee, JJ; Ryu, G; Kim, HY; Dhong, HJ; Chung, SK; Lee, KE; Hong, SD

J EXP MED 2019 10.1084/jem.20172170
PIP4K2A as a negative regulator of PI3K in PTEN-deficient glioblastoma
Shin1, YJ; Sa, JK; Lee, Y; Kim, D; Chang, N; Cho, HJ; Son, M; Oh, MYT; Shin, K; Lee, JK; Park, J; Jo, YK; Kim, M; Paddison, PJ; Tergaonkar, V; Lee, J; Nam, DH

SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-43173-y
Relevance of a TCGA-derived Glioblastoma Subtype Gene-Classifier among Patient Populations
Teo1, WY; Sekar, K; Seshachalam, P; Shen, JH; Chow, WY; Lau, CC; Yang, H; Park, J; Kang, SG; Li, XN; Nam, DH; Hui, KM

WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.01.157
Prediction of IDH1 Mutation Status in Glioblastoma Using Machine Learning Technique Based on Quantitative Radiomic Data
Lee1, MH; Kim, J; Kim, ST; Shin, HM; You, HJ; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS

J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2017.12.JNS171943
Clinical and radiological outcomes of proactive Gamma Knife surgery for asymptomatic meningiomas compared with the natural course without intervention
Kim1, KH; Kang, SJ; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

INT J MOL SCI 2019 10.3390/ijms20071717
Elucidation of Novel Therapeutic Targets for Acute Myeloid Leukemias with RUNX1-RUNX1T1 Fusion
Yun1, JW; Bae, YK; Cho, SY; Koo, H; Kim, HJ; Nam, DH; Kim, SH; Chun, S; Joo, KM; Park, WY

PLoS One 2019 10.1371/journal.pone.0215080
Selective colony area method for heterogeneous patient-derived tumor cell lines in anti-cancer drug screening system
Cho1, JH; Kim, JS; Kim, ST; Hong, JY; Park, JO; Park, YS; Nam, DH; Lee, DW; Lee, J

Front Immunol 2019 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00555
Preferential Infiltration of Unique V gamma 9J gamma 2-V delta 2 T Cells Into Glioblastoma Multiforme
Lee1, M; Park, C; Woo, J; Kim, J; Kho, I; Nam, DH; Park, WY; Kim, YS; Kong, DS; Lee, HW; Kim, TJ

J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2017.11.JNS171337
Selection of endoscopic or transcranial surgery for tuberculum sellae meningiomas according to specific anatomical features: a retrospective multicenter analysis (KOSEN-002)
Kong1, DS; Hong, CK; Hong, SD; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Oh, J; Kim, DG; Kim, YH

WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.11.090
Endoscopic Endonasal Versus Transorbital Surgery for Middle Cranial Fossa Tumors: Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Based on Surgical Corridors
Lee1, MH; Hong, SD; Woo, KI; Kim, YD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Kong, DS

NEURO-ONCOLOGY 2019 10.1093/neuonc/noy105
Identification of genomic and molecular traits that present therapeutic vulnerability to HGF-targeted therapy in glioblastoma
Sa1, JK; Kim, SH; Lee, JK; Cho, HJ; Shin, YJ; Shin, H; Koo, H; Kim, D; Lee, M; Kang, W; Hong, SH; Kim, JY; Park, YW; Song, SW; Lee, SJ; Joo, KM; Nam, DH

RADIOTHER ONCOL 2019 10.1016/j.radonc.2018.11.025
Cancer genetic markers according to radiotherapeutic response in patients with primary glioblastoma - Radiogenomic approach for precision medicine
Yang1, K; Jung, SW; Shin, H; Lim, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Kim, ST; Nam, DH

CELL DEATH DIFFER 2019 10.1038/s41418-018-0126-3
TP53 gain-of-function mutation promotes inflammation in glioblastoma
Ham1, SW; Jeon, HY; Jin, X; Kim, EJ; Kim, JK; Shin, YJ; Lee, Y; Kim, SH; Lee, SY; Seo, S; Park, MG; Kim, HM; Nam, DH; Kim, H

CELL REP 2019 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.076
Phenotypic Plasticity of Invasive Edge Glioma Stem-like Cells in Response to Ionizing Radiation
Minata1, M; Audia, A; Shi, JF; Lu, SJ; Bernstock, J; Pavlyukov, MS; Das, A; Kim, SH; Shin, YJ; Lee, Y; Koo, H; Snigdha, K; Waghmare, I; Guo, X; Mohyeldin, A; Gallego-Perez, D; Wang, J; Chen, DQ; Cheng, P; Mukheef, F; Contreras, M; Reyes, JF; Vaillant, B; Sulman, EP; Cheng, SY; Markert, JM; Tannous, BA; Lu, XH; Kango-Singh, M; Lee, LJ; Nam, DH; Nakano, I; Bhat, KP

WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.10.151
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as a Predictive Biomarker for Survival in Patients with Treatment-Naive Glioblastoma Using Quantitative Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Profiling
Kim1, BS; Kim, ST; Kim, JH; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Shin, HJ; Lee, JI; Kong, DS

NAT MED 2019 10.1038/s41591-018-0263-8
The molecular landscape of glioma in patients with Neurofibromatosis 1
D'Angelo1, F; Ceccarelli, M; Tala; Garofano, L; Zhang, J; Frattini, V; Caruso, FP; Lewis, G; Alfaro, KD; Bauchet, L; Berzero, G; Cachia, D; Cangiano, M; Capelle, L; de Groot, J; DiMeco, F; Ducray, F; Farah, W; Finocchiaro, G; Goutagny, S; Kamiya-Matsuoka, C; Lavarino, C; Loiseau, H; Lorgis, V; Marras, CE; McCutcheon, I; Nam, DH; Ronchi, S; Saletti, V; Seizeur, R; Slopis, J; Sunol, M; Vandenbos, F; Varlet, P; Vidaud, D; Watts, C; Tabar, V; Reuss, DE; Kim, SK; Meyronet, D; Mokhtari, K; Salvador, H; Bhat, KP; Eoli, M; Sanson, M; Lasorella, A; Iavarone, A

NEURO-ONCOLOGY 2019 10.1093/neuonc/noy123
Distinct genomic profile and specific targeted drug responses in adult cerebellar glioblastoma
Cho1, HJ; Zhao, JF; Jung, SW; Ladewig, E; Kong, DS; Suh, YL; Lee, Y; Kim, D; Ahn, SH; Bordyuh, M; Kang, HJ; Sa, JK; Seo, YJ; Kim, ST; Lim, DH; Dho, YS; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Choi, JW; Park, WY; Park, CK; Rabadan, R; Nam, DH

J NEUROSURG 2018 10.3171/2017.7.JNS171226
Clinical outcomes of intracranial solitary fibrous tumor and hemangiopericytoma: analysis according to the 2016 WHO classification of central nervous system tumors
Kim1, BS; Kim, Y; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Suh, YL; Seol, HJ

ACTA NEUROCHIR 2018 10.1007/s00701-018-3726-2
The influence of histology on the response of brain metastases to gamma knife radiosurgery: a propensity score-matched study
Kim1, KH; Lee, MH; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

NEURORADIOLOGY 2018 10.1007/s00234-018-2091-4
Radiomics features to distinguish glioblastoma from primary central nervous system lymphoma on multi-parametric MRI
Kim1, Y; Cho, HH; Kim, ST; Park, H; Nam, D; Kong, DS

CELL 2018 10.1016/j.cell.2018.09.038
Mutational Landscape of Secondary Glioblastoma Guides MET-Targeted Trial in Brain Tumor
Hu1, HM; Mu, QH; Bao, ZS; Chen, YY; Liu, YW; Chen, J; Wang, KY; Wang, Z; Nam, Y; Jiang, BB; Sa, JK; Cho, HJ; Her, NG; Zhang, CB; Zhao, Z; Zhang, Y; Zeng, F; Wu, F; Kang, X; Liu, YQ; Qian, ZH; Wang, ZL; Huang, RY; Wang, QW; Zhang, W; Qiu, XG; Li, WB; Nam, DH; Fan, XL; Wang, JG; Jiang, T

RADIOTHER ONCOL 2018 10.1016/j.radonc.2018.09.001
Validation of a novel molecular RPA classification in glioblastoma (GBM-molRPA) treated with chemoradiation: A multi-institutional collaborative study
Wee1, CW; Kim, IH; Park, CK; Kim, JW; Dho, YS; Ohka, F; Aoki, K; Motomura, K; Natsume, A; Kim, N; Suh, CO; Chang, JH; Kim, SH; Cho, WK; Lim, DH; Nam, DH; Choi, JW; Kim, IA; Kim, CY; Oh, YT; Cho, O; Chung, WK; Kim, SH; Kim, E

NAT CELL BIOL 2018 10.1038/s41556-018-0183-3
A tension-mediated glycocalyx-integrin feedback loop promotes mesenchymal-like glioblastoma
Barnes1, JM; Kaushik, S; Bainer, RO; Sa, JK; Woods, EC; Kai, F; Przybyla, L; Lee, M; Lee, HW; Tung, JC; Maller, O; Barrett, AS; Lu, KV; Lakins, JN; Hansen, KC; Obernier, K; Alvarez-Buylla, A; Bergers, G; Phillips, JJ; Nam, DH; Bertozzi, CR; Weaver, VM

NAT GENET 2018 10.1038/s41588-018-0209-6
Pharmacogenomic landscape of patient-derived tumor cells informs precision oncology therapy
Lee1, JK; Liu, ZQ; Sa, JK; Shin, S; Wang, JG; Bordyuh, M; Cho, H; Elliott, O; Chu, T; Choi, SW; Rosenbloom, DIS; Lee, IH; Shin, YJ; Kang, HJ; Kim, D; Kim, SY; Sim, MH; Kim, J; Lee, T; Seo, YJ; Shin, H; Lee, M; Kim, SH; Kwon, YJ; Oh, JW; Song, M; Kim, M; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Kim, ST; Park, JO; Kim, KM; Song, SY; Lee, JW; Kim, HC; Lee, JE; Choi, MG; Seo, SW; Shim, YM; Zo, JI; Jeong, BC; Yoon, Y; Ryu, GH; Kim, NKD; Bae, JS; Park, WY; Lee, J; Verhaak, RGW; Iavarone, A; Lee, J; Rabadan, R; Nam, DH

ASIA-PAC J CLIN ONCO 2018 10.1111/ajco.12861
Leptomeningeal enhancement on preoperative brain MRI in patients with glioblastoma and its clinical impact
Kim1, H; Lim, DH; Kim, TG; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Seol, HJ; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Suh, YL; Kim, ST

INVEST NEW DRUG 2018 10.1007/s10637-017-0547-8
Drug repurposing screening identifies bortezomib and panobinostat as drugs targeting cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) by synergistic induction of apoptosis
Lee1, HM; Lee, E; Yeo, SY; Shin, S; Park, HK; Nam, DH; Kim, SH

STEM CELL RES 2018 10.1016/j.scr.2018.07.006
Significant therapeutic effects of adult human multipotent neural cells on spinal cord injury
Lee1, KH; Pyeon, HJ; Nam, H; Won, JS; Hwang, JY; Lee, KA; Yeon, JY; Hong, SC; Nam, DH; Lee, K; Lee, SH; Joo, KM

PLoS One 2018 10.1371/journal.pone.0202307
In vivo distribution of U87MG cells injected into the lateral ventricle of rats with spinal cord injury
Won1, JS; Nam, H; Lee, HW; Hwang, JY; Noh, YJ; Nam, DH; Lee, SH; Joo, KM

CANCER RES TREAT 2018 10.4143/crt.2017.315
Anti-SEMA3A Antibody: A Novel Therapeutic Agent to Suppress Glioblastoma Tumor Growth
Lee1, J; Shin, YJ; Lee, K; Cho, HJ; Sa, JK; Lee, SY; Kim, SH; Lee, J; Yoon, Y; Nam, DH

ANAL CHEM 2018 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b05328
3D Cell-Based High-Content Screening (HCS) Using a Micropillar and Microwell Chip Platform
Lee1, SY; Doh, I; Nam, DH; Lee, DW

CELL DEATH DIS 2018 10.1038/s41419-018-0825-1
Potent effect of the MDM2 inhibitor AMG232 on suppression of glioblastoma stem cells
Her1, NG; Oh, JW; Oh, YJ; Han, S; Cho, HJ; Lee, Y; Ryu, GH; Nam, DH

NEURO-ONCOLOGY 2018 10.1093/neuonc/noy020
Glioma through the looking GLASS: molecular evolution of diffuse gliomas and the Glioma Longitudinal Analysis Consortium
Aldape1, K; Amin, SB; Ashley, DM; Barnholtz-Sloan, JS; Bates, AJ; Beroukhim, R; Bock, C; Brat, DJ; Claus, EB; Costello, JF; de Groot, JF; Finocchiaro, G; French, PJ; Gan, HK; Griffith, B; Herold-Mende, CC; Horbinski, C; Iavarone, A; Kalkanis, SN; Karabatsou, K; Kim, H; Kouwenhoven, MCM; McDonald, KL; Miletic, H; Nam, DH; Ng, HK; Niclou, SP; Noushmehr, H; Ormond, DR; Poisson, LM; Reifenberger, G; Roncaroli, F; Sa, JK; Smitt, PAES; Smits, M; Souza, CF; Tabatabai, G; Van Meir, EG; Verhaak, RGW; Watts, C; Wesseling, P; Woehrer, A; Yung, WKA; Jungk, C; Hau, AC; van Dyck, E; Westerman, BA; Yin, JL; Abiola, O; Zeps, N; Grimmond, S; Buckland, M; Khasraw, M; Sulman, EP; Muscat, AM; Stead, L

CANCER CELL 2018 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.05.012
Apoptotic Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Promote Malignancy of Glioblastoma Via Intercellular Transfer of Splicing Factors
Pavlyukov1, MS; Yu, H; Bastola, S; Minata, M; Shender, VO; Lee, Y; Zhang, SJ; Wang, J; Komarova, S; Wang, J; Yamaguchi, S; Alsheikh, HA; Shi, JF; Chen, DQ; Mohyeldin, A; Kim, SH; Shin, YJ; Anufrieva, K; Evtushenko, EG; Antipova, NV; Arapidi, GP; Govorun, V; Pestov, NB; Shakhparonov, MI; Lee, LJ; Nam, DH; Nakano, I

J Cancer 2018 10.7150/jca.26256
NCOA4-RET fusion in colorectal cancer: Therapeutic challenge using patient-derived tumor cell lines
Kim1, SY; Oh, SO; Kim, K; Lee, J; Kang, S; Kim, KM; Lee, W; Kim, ST; Nam, DN

ONCOGENE 2018 10.1038/s41388-018-0182-7
Astrocyte-derived CCL20 reinforces HIF-1-mediated hypoxic responses in glioblastoma by stimulating the CCR6-NF-kappa B signaling pathway
Jin1, P; Shin, SH; Chun, YS; Shin, HW; Shin, YJ; Lee, Y; Kim, D; Nam, DH; Park, JW

MED ONCOL 2018 10.1007/s12032-018-1119-2
Comparison of 1p and 19q status of glioblastoma by whole exome sequencing, array-comparative genomic hybridization, and fluorescence in situ hybridization
Sim1, J; Nam, DH; Kim, Y; Lee, IH; Choi, JW; Sa, JK; Suh, YL

ANTICANCER RES 2018 10.21873/anticanres.12524
Pharmacokinetics, Biodistribution, and Toxicity Evaluation of Anti-SEMA3A (F11) in In Vivo Models
Lee1, J; Kim, D; Son, E; Yoo, SJ; Sa, JK; Shin, YJ; Yoon, Y; Nam, DH

Cancer Med 2018 10.1002/cam4.1439
Identification of transcriptome signature for predicting clinical response to bevacizumab in recurrent glioblastoma
Choi1, SW; Shin, H; Sa, JK; Cho, HJ; Koo, H; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH

NAT GENET 2018 10.1038/s41588-018-0105-0
Discordant inheritance of chromosomal and extrachromosomal DNA elements contributes to dynamic disease evolution in glioblastoma
deCarvalho1, AC; Kim, H; Poisson, LM; Winn, ME; Mueller, C; Cherba, D; Koeman, J; Seth, S; Protopopov, A; Felicella, M; Zheng, SY; Multani, A; Jiang, YY; Zhang, JH; Nam, DH; Petricoin, EF; Chin, L; Mikkelsen, T; Verhaak, RGW

J NEUROSURG 2018 10.3171/2016.12.JNS161920
Clinical outcomes of an endoscopic transclival and transpetrosal approach for primary skull base malignancies involving the clivus
Kim1, YH; Jeon, C; Se, YB; Hong, SD; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Park, CK; Kim, DG; Jung, HW; Han, DH; Nam, DH; Kong, DS

TRANSL ONCOL 2018 10.1016/j.tranon.2017.10.002
Genetic and Clinical Characteristics of Phyllodes Tumors of the Breast
Kim1, JY; Yu, JH; Nam, SJ; Kim, SW; Lee, SK; Park, WY; Noh, DY; Nam, DH; Park, YH; Han, W; Lee, JE

AM J CLIN ONCOL-CANC 2018 10.1097/COC.0000000000000224
Prognostic Value of Ki-67 Labeling Index and Postoperative Radiotherapy in WHO Grade II Meningioma
Choi1, Y; Lim, DH; Yu, JI; Jo, K; Nam, DH; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Kong, DS; Suh, YL; Nam, H

ONCOL LETT 2017 10.3892/ol.2017.7196
Preclinical and clinical implications of TERT promoter mutation in glioblastoma multiforme
Jeong1, DE; Woo, SR; Nam, H; Nam, DH; Lee, JH; Joo, KM

BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO 2017 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.09.061
Antitumor activity, pharmacokinetics, tumor-homing effect, and hepatotoxicity of a species cross-reactive c-Met antibody
Park1, H; Kim, D; Son, E; Shin, S; Sa, JK; Kim, SH; Yoon, Y; Nam, DH

MOL CELL BIOL 2017 10.1128/MCB.00265-17
RNF20 Suppresses Tumorigenesis by Inhibiting the SREBP1c-PTTG1 Axis in Kidney Cancer
Lee1, JH; Jeon, YG; Lee, KH; Lee, HW; Park, J; Jang, H; Kang, M; Lee, HS; Cho, HJ; Nam, DH; Kwak, C; Kim, JB

J CLIN NEUROSCI 2017 10.1016/j.jocn.2017.07.012
Reconstructive outcome of intraoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak after endoscopic endonasal surgery for tumors involving skull base
Jeon1, CM; Hong, SD; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Hwang, YJ; Kong, DS

BIOMED RES INT 2017 10.1155/2017/7218707
High-Dose Compound Heat Map for 3D-Cultured Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells in a Micropillar and Microwell Chip Platform
Lee1, DW; Lee, SY; Doh, I; Ryu, GH; Nam, DH

Clin Neuroradiol 2017 10.1007/s00062-016-0508-1
Differentiation of Hemangioblastoma from Metastatic Brain Tumor using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging
Cha1, J; Kim, ST; Nam, DH; Kong, DS; Kim, HJ; Kim, YK; Kim, HY; Park, GM; Jeon, P; Kim, KH; Byun, HS

INT J MOL SCI 2017 10.3390/ijms18091968
Tumor Inhibitory Effect of IRCR201, a Novel Cross-Reactive c-Met Antibody Targeting the PSI Domain
Park1, H; Kim, D; Kim, E; Sa, JK; Lee, HW; Yu, S; Oh, J; Kim, SH; Yoon, Y; Nam, DH

CANCER RES 2017 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-0388
Transglutaminase 2 Inhibition Reverses Mesenchymal Transdifferentiation of Glioma Stem Cells by Regulating C/EBP beta Signaling
Yin1, J; Oh, YT; Kim, JY; Kim, SS; Choi, E; Kim, TH; Hong, JH; Chang, N; Cho, HJ; Sa, JK; Kim, JC; Kwon, HJ; Park, S; Lin, W; Nakano, I; Gwak, HS; Yoo, H; Lee, SH; Lee, J; Kim, JH; Kim, SY; Nam, DH; Park, MJ; Park, JB

MOL CELL ENDOCRINOL 2017 10.1016/j.mce.2017.01.004
The role of STAT3 in glioblastoma progression through dual influences on tumor cells and the immune microenvironment
Chang1, N; Ahn, SH; Kong, DS; Lee, HW; Nam, DH

NEURO-ONCOLOGY 2017 10.1093/neuonc/nox025
Is more better? The impact of extended adjuvant temozolomide in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a secondary analysis of EORTC and NRG Oncology/RTOG
Blumenthal1, DT; Gorlia, T; Gilbert, MR; Kim, MM; Nabors, LB; Mason, WP; Hegi, ME; Zhang, PX; Golfinopoulos, V; Perry, JR; Nam, DH; Erridge, SC; Corn, BW; Mirimanoff, RO; Brown, PD; Baumert, BG; Mehta, MP; van den Bent, MJ; Reardon, DA; Weller, M; Stupp, R

ACTA NEUROCHIR 2017 10.1007/s00701-017-3230-0
Optimal treatment of jugular foramen schwannomas: long-term outcome of a multidisciplinary approach for a series of 29 cases in a single institute
Ryu1, SM; Lee, JI; Park, K; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Jeong, HS; Cho, YS; Seol, HJ

WORLD NEUROSURG 2017 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.04.141
Outcome of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery for Acromegaly
Kim1, JH; Hur, KY; Lee, JH; Lee, JH; Se, YB; Kim, HI; Lee, SH; Nam, DH; Kim, SY; Kim, KW; Kong, DS; Kim, YH

J CLIN INVEST 2017 10.1172/JCI89092
Targeting NEK2 attenuates glioblastoma growth and radioresistance by destabilizing histone methyltransferase EZH2
Wang1, J; Cheng, P; Pavlyukov, MS; Yu, H; Zhang, Z; Kim, SH; Minata, M; Mohyeldin, A; Xie, WF; Chen, DQ; Goidts, V; Frett, B; Hu, WH; Li, HY; Shin, YJ; Lee, Y; Nam, DH; Kornblum, HI; Wang, MDD; Nakano, I

J NEURO-ONCOL 2017 10.1007/s11060-017-2478-9
MGMT promoter methylation status as a prognostic factor for the outcome of gamma knife radiosurgery for recurrent glioblastoma
Kim1, BS; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI

CANCER CELL 2017 10.1016/j.ccell.2017.06.003
Tumor Evolution of Glioma-Intrinsic Gene Expression Subtypes Associates with Immunological Changes in the Microenvironment
Wang1, QH; Hu, BL; Hu, X; Kim, H; Squatrito, M; Scarpace, L; deCarvalho, AC; Lyu, S; Li, PP; Li, Y; Barthel, F; Cho, HJ; Lin, YH; Satani, N; Martinez-Ledesma, E; Zheng, SY; Chang, E; Sauve, CEG; Olar, A; Lan, ZD; Finocchiaro, G; Phillips, JJ; Berger, MS; Gabrusiewicz, KR; Wang, GC; Eskilsson, E; Hu, J; Mikkelsen, T; DePinho, RA; Muller, F; Heimberger, AB; Sulman, EP; Nam, DH; Verhaak, RGW


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