Restoring nose function and overcoming complexes can be solved at the same time
The nose, located in the center of the face, is an important respiratory organ and also an aesthetically important organ. Samsung Dream Otolaryngology Clinic (Samsung Branch) is a nose surgery hospital that has undergone more than 88,000 nose surgeries since its opening in 2009. With a professional understanding of the anatomy of the nose, restoring the function of the nose from rhinitis to nose fracture surgery is basic, and it is a hospital that corrects the patient's "nose complex" through aesthetically balanced nose shape correction after surgery.
Q) What differentiates Samsung Dream ENT from other hospitals?
A) Unlike other otolaryngology clinics, Samsung Dream not only improves rhinitis, non-septical curvature (symptoms of the inner wall of the nose being bent), and sinusitis (inflammation in bone space around the nose) but also plays a role in solving aesthetic problems by simultaneously performing nose plastic surgery that corrects deformed externalities such as the curved nose and falcon nose.
Q) The most common chronic diseases in the nose are sinusitis and rhinitis. With the recent increase in fine dust, the number of patients suffering is expected to increase. I wonder if the actual number of rhinitis patients is increasing and what the trend of nose surgery.
A) Yes. Recently, the number of bronchial patients is increasing due to the worsening of fine dust. Since the nose is also an anatomically important part of the upper respiratory tract (a respiratory organ in the upper part of the larynx), nose diseases have also increased as fine dust occurs severely. As the number of patients with nasal congestion increases and continues due to mucosal edema caused by fine dust, there is a growing demand for nasal congestion surgery.
Q) Even if rhinitis worsens, I think many people do not think about the treatment itself because they are reluctant to have nose surgery due to the long recovery period after surgery or because they cannot be completely treated even after surgery. In which case is surgical therapy recommended?
A) In the case of rhinitis, the most uncomfortable symptoms for patients are nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. In the case of rhinitis and sinusitis, the primary treatment is usually medication. However, structural problems of the nose, which cannot be solved by medication, can be good through surgical treatment.
Of course, nose surgery does not improve all rhinitis symptoms. By solving structural problems, nasal congestion symptoms can be significantly improved, but the symptoms of runny nose or sneezing vary depending on the patient because surgery cannot eliminate allergies or remove all mucous membranes of the nose. In this case, continuous medication or immunotherapy may be required.
Q) In the case of rhinitis, you feel uncomfortable in your daily life, but snoring and sleep apnea in sleep are often neglected with the idea that they are not serious diseases. What are the causes of snoring and the additional problems that occur when you leave it alone?
A) Rhinitis or sinusitis is often accompanied by snoring or sleep apnea. However, the two diseases are indeed technically separate. Substantial snoring is caused by shaking of the Adam's apple rather than by the nose. If mouth breathing occurs due to nasal congestion, cervical shivers occur, so improving snoring requires resolving nasal congestion first, and further correction of Adam's apple and expansion of the narrowed airway may be required.
Q) I heard that the cartilage in the nose is easily bent and transformed only by touching it often. I'm wondering what are the actual factors that cause the nose to bend, and what are the problems that occur when the nose is deformed.
A) In fact, after growing up over the age of 18, simply touching it often does not make nose deformation. However, if you often touch your nose due to rhinitis symptoms at a young age and if the cartilage deformation occurs due to any shock to the nose, which can lead to septal curvature or external deformation. This can result in severe nasal congestion or a curved nose shape.
Q) Please tell me if there are any issues that Samsung Dream's otolaryngology is planning or what you are aiming for in the future.
A) Actually, I don't have a big goal. Our hospital mainly treats patients through surgery but surgery doesn't always work without problems. There can be many side effects, and we can't meet patients' needs 100%. Just as I have done my best so far, I will continue to try my best to treat each patient with an attitude that does not lose its original intention.