Opening a New Horizon for Korean style integrated cancer treatment
Cancer is bound to require continuous management to prevent metastasis and recurrence in addition to treatment processes such as surgery and anti-cancer. I met with Yoo Hwa-seung, a professor at Seoul Oriental Medicine Hospital's Dongseo Cancer Center of Daejeon National University, who leads the "Korean-style integrated cancer treatment" that is essential for cancer patients and contributes to the development of oriental medicine by making various achievements.
Q) Hi, it's been three years. After taking office as the first director of Daejeon National University Seoul Oriental Medicine Hospital, you have served as the president of the Korean Association of Integrated Cancer (KISO) and were awarded a commendation by the Minister of Health and Welfare in 2022. I'm here again after hearing the news of your inauguration of the president of the Korean Association of Traditional Oncology
in February. Congratulations on your inauguration and please introduce the medical society and tell us your plans for the management of the society as a president.
A) Professor Yoo Hwa-seung of Daejeon National University Seoul Oriental Medicine Hospital (hereinafter referred to as Yoo Hwa-seung): The Korean Association of Traditional Oncology (KATO) was established in 1994 and is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. KATO continues its academic activities on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of cancer based on oriental medicine. In addition, it continues to make academic progress in line with the global trend of integrated oncology and is closely linked with related academic societies such as cancer centers, and various medical institutions at home and abroad. During my three years as president of the society, I will do my best to further advance patient-centered oriental cancer treatment and improve the health of cancer patients through an integrated approach by combining tradition, science, and innovative developments of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Q) I know that currently, you strive for treatment, research, education, and exchanges with the world's leading cancer centers, as the head of the East-West Cancer Center and Integrated Immunization Center at Daejeon National University Seoul Oriental Medicine Hospital. Among them, the Dongseo Cancer Center and the Integrated Immunization Center operate various clinics in addition to clinics for cancer patients. Please introduce them.
A) At the Dongseo Cancer Center of Daejeon National University Seoul Oriental Medicine Hospital, specialized clinics for each type of cancer such as respiratory cancer, digestive cancer, women's cancer, gallbladder cancer, and urological cancer are opened to provide specialized treatment. In addition, the Dongseo Cancer Center develops and uses oriental anti-tumor drugs for clinical trials to enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatment in cancer patients, improve immune function by dealing with various side effects, and inhibit the metastasis and recurrence of cancer in the course of surgery, anticancer, and radiation Finally, cancer patients suffer a lot physically and psychologically. To deal with this, we operate a session of conversation with cancer patients, a mental and physical healing program, and run various programs such as lectures on cancer patient life management, panflute music performances, ribbon crafts, hand massage, and breathing meditation every Tuesday.
Q) I heard that recently the current status of Korean traditional medicine cancer treatment was introduced to local oriental doctors in the United States, which achieved good results. I wonder if cancer treatments with oriental medicine are being conducted a lot in the medical field in advanced countries such as the United States and Europe.
A) The top three cancer centers in the United States, Harvard Dana–Farber Cancer Institute
, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, have been conducting evidence-based research on acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments to help cancer patients for 20 years ago. The International Society for Integrated Cancer (SIO) was established to share academic achievements with medical professionals around the world. Recently, the world-renowned American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recommends high levels of acupuncture for cancer pain (cancer-induced pain) based on international guidelines. Acupuncture is already frequently used in clinical sites with insurance coverage in general hospitals in the United States and acupuncture, homeopathic treatment thermal treatments, and natural medicines are actively used in Europe, especially for the treatment of cancer patients.
Q) Despite the difficult times, Seoul Oriental Medicine Hospital of Daejeon National University has achieved 80% of the bed utilization rate. Please tell me the secret behind this result.
A) Recently, integrated medicine has already become a trend among cancer patients. Seoul Oriental Medicine Hospital is located in Munjeong-dong in Songpa-gu, known as the legal town. As it is close to SRT Suseo Station, it has the best geographical conditions for cancer patients who come to large cancer centers such as Samsung Medical Center and Asan Medical Center. The cancer patients have the optimal geographical conditions for surgery, anticancer, and radiation treatment at our hospital while receiving integrated treatment at the same time. As a result, patients recognized the know-how of a competitive integrated care program for cancer patients called "wheeled cancer treatment" operated by the Dongseo Cancer Center of Daejeon National University Oriental Medicine Hospital. In addition, we have excellent medical staff who are university professors equipped with skills to perform first aid for patients who are difficult to manage in nearby nursing hospitals, which I think created the foundation for a system in which patients can trust our hospital.
Q) It is still known to the general public that integrated cancer treatment is a postoperative recovery treatment, which improves the quality of life or relieves symptoms of patients. What are the actual results in terms of treatment effects for cancer patients? And I wonder which patients, in particular, need it.
A) Integrated cancer treatment not only improves the quality of life and relieves the symptoms, but also contributes to enhancing survival rates. A recent large-scale clinical study of 3,483 hepatocellular cancer patients found that the pre-survival rate and progression-free survival rate of the oriental medicine-treated group increased significantly compared to the control group. In particular, the higher the stage, and the longer the treatment period, the more different the survival rate. In other words, in the case of advanced cancer, oriental medicine treatment, characterized by multicomponent and multi-target, supplements the limitations of the therapeutic effect of modern medicine by suppressing drug resistance and recurrence of metastasis.
Q) In addition to patient care and research, you do various volunteer activities, so please let me know if you have any plans or goals.
A) The goal is to actively develop excellent oriental cancer treatment technologies aimed at managing symptoms of cancer patients, improving quality of life, extending survival, and suppressing recurrence and metastasis. And we want to lay the foundation for evidence-oriented oriental cancer treatment through research. To this end, we plan to actively work for the establishment of a clinical basis for oriental cancer treatment, the development of cancer-related oriental medicine clinical treatment guidelines, research and development of anticancer herbal medicine, a compilation of integrated oriental medicine oncology textbooks, holding international-level academic conferences, and enhancing the status of academic journals.