Chang-Sik Yu, Seoul Asan Medical Center is well known as ‘Anus Protecting Doctor’. In the past, it was inevitable that rectal cancer patients had to remove an anus but Seoul Asan Medical Center improves the quality of patients’ life with an individually specialized surgery and keeping anal sphincter muscles through the organized and multidisciplinary medical system.
If the case is more difficult, he says, they treat cancer patients with more sense of duty and Seoul Asan Cancer Center has the standard that patients who need a surgery are scheduled from the consult to the surgery within 2 to 3 weeks. We admire that Dr. Yu constantly asks himself that what the best choice is for his patients and when he decides the procedures and the surgery methods, he takes it into account. He is a humanitarian and that is why we have chosen him to introduce to overseas patients.
Recent treatment trend in colorectal cancer
If possible, we approach cancer patients with the least invasive surgeries such as laparoscopic, endoscopic and robotic surgery. Less incision, less pain and faster recovery, less hospitalization. It shortens a patient time to go back to his/her daily life so that cancer patients prefer these methods. Moreover, Seoul Asan Cancer Center gets warmed into work of ‘the individualized cancer treatment’ based on world-class clinical cases.
Seoul Asan Medical Center first opened Human Genome Sequencing Center and built up the platform for the individually specialized cancer treatment associated with Harvard Medical School, USA and gives an official status to the development of the Korean individually specialized cancer treatment.
What surgeons have to have is ‘Diligence’ and ‘Sympathy’
I think the most important factor for surgeons is diligence. Especially, in the department of surgery, patients ‘conditions change every moment and pre- and post-surgery managements are fundamental. Unlikely other departments, we have extra jobs such as wound dressing while surgery itself takes a lot of energy. So surgeons need to try to save their own time and to do their best to keep good body and mental conditions. Recent surgery paradigms have rapidly changed so surgeons need to adapt new trend, technology and equipment and discern which of all those is the best choice for their patients. This is also diligence, I believe. Another thing I would want to mention is sympathy. Loving hearts. When patients are struggling, to have aching heart and to want to help patients as a human-being are very much needed for surgeons. If the surgery went bad or the cancer recurred after the surgery, sympathy that shares hurt feelings with patients is very important.
Special Programs in Asan Cancer Center
After rectal cancer surgery, everyone experiences bowel movement changes, which are very hard to adapt. During this period, we provide cancer patients with education programs such as rehabilitation and recurrence prevention programs. These programs are very well set-up and helpful for cancer patients and advanced cancer treatments such as multidisciplinary and individually specialized cancer treatment are first commenced in Seoul Asan Medical Center.
Best attractions are multidisciplinary system and best customer satisfaction level.
Providing various programs such as ‘4 special clinics (cancer lifelong management, cancer stress, cancer pain, cancer rehabilitation) for cancer survivors
World No.1 Surgery Cases
Korean doctor–patient ratio is low, which means consultation hours are short. This means we cannot compete against other countries such as Thailand and Singapore with consultation hours but we see our own core fact, Technology. It is important that you can compare the results of surgeries done in Seoul Asan Medical Center and Thailand or Singapore. We are the world best class and are very proud of it.
Colorectal cancer surgery cases in Seoul Asan Medical Center performed over 20,000 cases (till 2013) and cure rate in an early stage of rectal cancer is 94% and progressing rectal cancer is 80%, which are the world-class records.
Seoul Asan Medical Center has 58,000 surgery cases (including 17,467 cancer surgery cases) with 2,700 beds compared to MD Anderson Cancer Center has 8,764 surgery cases with 660 beds, which was selected No.1 surgery cases by ‘Best Hospitals Ranking 2013-2014’, US News & World Report