Dementia, brain cell rehabilitation that combines Western and Chinese medicine
The number of dementia patients in Korea is rapidly increasing to the extent that one in 10 elderly people is said to suffer from dementia, and the rate of increase is the fastest in the world. Dementia is an important disease not only for patients but also for the role of family to carry with it. In order to know how to prevent dementia and continue a healthy daily life when life expectancy is increasing every year, I met and talked with Doctor Kim Si-yo a family medicine specialist and oriental medicine doctor who also is a director of Kim’s Family Clinic and Oriental medicine clinic.
Q. Medieus Queen: Hello, it's an honor to meet you, a renowned doctor for dementia. You are well-known as "the first medical doctor who became an oriental medicine doctor." Currently, you are running the Kim's Family Clinic and Oriental Medicine Clinic, which are trying to integrate both oriental medicines and try new treatments, so please introduce yourself and the clinic.
A. Kim's Family, Director Kim Si-hyo of Oriental Medicine (hereinafter referred to as Kim Si-hyo): I graduated from oriental medicine in 2000 and became an oriental medicine doctor while I was practicing as a family medicine specialist. As an oriental and western medicine doctor, I have been solving incurable diseases such as dementia, cancer, LouisGehrig disease, atopy, rheumatism, chronic shingles, and infertility with a new perspective that combines medical knowledge and oriental medical wisdom for more than 20 years.
Q. Medieus Queen: You have written many books related to dementia, including "Your Mother-in-law's Pretty Dementia" and "It is possible to treat dementia through brain cell rehabilitation," and is actively engaged in interviews, columns, and lectures to prevent dementia. In particular, I wonder why you took the lead in the treatment of various incurable diseases and brain diseases including dementia.
A. Kim Si-hyo: This was because I had experienced great effects in treating incurable diseases like dementia with Chinese medicine. There are many cases difficult to understand or accept the theory of oriental medicine from modern medicine, but using oriental medicine according to the theory of oriental medicine often produces dramatic effects. Here, I realized that there was another side of medical perception which is not perceived medically.
Medicine is perceived based on evidence. Where there is no evidence, the scope of perception can be broadened through metaphors and reasoning, which are perspectives of oriental medicine. Treatment is possible only when it is recognized as a disease. Most incurable diseases are diseases that are not well-recognized in medical thinking. In particular, brain diseases and intractable diseases have many other aspects of medical awareness. It was my mother-in-law who turned this realization into certainty. At the age of 79, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia at a university hospital and took medicine, but after a little over three years, she worsened to medium-term dementia. I took her home and treated her with only oriental medicine, and then, she experienced better effects than expected. Based on this, I published “My Mother-in-law's Pretty Dementia”. In 2021, I published a book titled "The Story of People Who Overcome Dementia" by analyzing dementia patients who were well treated with oriental medicine to give hope to patients and their families.
The reason why oriental medicine has a good treatment effect is that, unlike medicine, oriental medicine embraces various paradigms that understand diseases. It doesn’t cling to the evidence. The other side of perception is not a world of knowledge that anyone can know the same way as this side of perception. It is a world where various perceptions are possible for each person as recognizes it, and a world that can be approached with wisdom. Oriental medicine wisdom helps.
Q. Medieus Queen: As parents and children live separately with recent lifestyle changes, they often pass by without knowing their parents' initial changes, which worsens the disease. Usually, it is difficult to distinguish between forgetfulness and dementia, but what are the initial symptoms that can be detected and suspected as dementia early?
A. Kim Si-hyo: Symptoms that appear in the early stages of dementia appear even before dementia. There is only a difference between the severity and the frequency of occurrence. If the symptom is so severe that it decreases the ability to work or social life, it is dementia. For this reason, it is important to know the symptoms that appear in the early stages of dementia.
First, memory is severely impaired. If you have poor memory, you can't remember what you've experienced recently. It's often described as "blinking." Relatively important memories are intact, but trivial memories often disappear. After you just talked on the phone, you got angry that you didn't call, or you don't remember what was said or asked, so you keep saying repeatedly the same thing. You can eat again and again, and you may experience paranoia such as continuing to buy the same thing or brushing repeatedly your teeth. You can leave an item in the wrong place and forget it completely. So you may keep searching for it all night, or think it was stolen by someone else. Sometimes you can completely forget what you've done and it might seem like you didn’t do it because you don't remember it.
Second, as they don't know the passage of time, so they wear clothes that don't suit the season or don’t distinguish between morning and evening.
Third, it is easy to get lost due to poor spatial memory. If you have dementia, you may not be able to come back home from the elderly home. Even before dementia, you can get lost on the first or long road.
Fourth, language ability gets lowered with poor understanding and communication skills. They often watch entertainment programs on TV rather than dramas that require understanding. Even before dementia, there is a signal that language ability is decreased. It starts with the condition where the name of an object or a person is hard to come up with. Starting from language-related skills, the ability of computational, economy, thinking, and concentration reduce.
Fifth, the ability to understand space-time decreases with a poor ability to understand visible space. This can cause a missing step, a fall, or a traffic accident. In general, this phenomenon often occurs as dementia progresses rather than in the early stages.
Sixth, the ability to live a daily life gets poor. It becomes difficult to clean the dishes or the house they used to.
Seventh, the personality gets worse. They can't control the urge and get angry easily, or follow their own impulse.
Eighth, with senile depression worsening, they do not suddenly go outside, or their will or motivation decreases.
Ninth, they do not know what to do since they can’t deal with the situation and can't improvise.
Tenth, the action gets slowed down or often takes short and quick steps walk.
However, this symptom does not mean dementia. We call it dementia when it greatly hinders productive activities for himself or his family. Even if you don't know these details, you should suspect dementia if there is anything that has changed or worsened compared to before.
Q. Medieus Queen: There is a perception that dementia is an incurable disease. There are many kinds of dementia. Is it impossible to cure all of them? I'm curious about the treatment method that is carried out in Kim's Family and Oriental Medicine Clinic.
A. Kim Si-hyo: Dementia is not an incurable disease, but a disease this is difficult to cure. Other dementia that is caused by other diseases or causes can be completely cured by removing the causative disease. Vascular dementia does not worsen anymore if you manage vascular diseases well. Kim's Family Clinic and Oriental Clinic provide brain cell rehabilitation with various herbal medicines. Brain cell rehabilitation treatment is not a medical concept, but a treatment developed by Kim's Family Oriental Clinic from a new perspective that combines medical knowledge and oriental medical wisdom.
The reason why brain cell rehabilitation is medically difficult is due to the concept of treating one or two bases like as beta-amyloid, the main cause of dementia, or tau protein, the residue component in the cell. On the other hand, brain cell rehabilitation treatment with Chinese medicine is the concept of treating various and numerous minor objects. Let me liken the brain cells to home. As the brain ages to the point of dementia, more brain cells die like demolished houses, more zombie brain cells like abandoned houses that are hard to live in, and more brain cells that have lost vitality like old houses. No new brain cells are created to replace the dead brain cells. In other words, brain cells rarely regenerate. Zombie brain cells like abandoned houses cannot be repaired or rehabilitated. However, just as an old house can be changed into a house that can be used if you repair it here and there, even a brain cell that has lost vitality can be restored by treating it little by little. Brain supplements are needed not only to treat dementia but also to prevent dementia.
Q. Medieus Queen: There are a lot of people in the family who are suffering from dementia. In order to live as a family with dementia patients, please let me know if there are any ways or useful information to manage the daily life of dementia patients, such as housework, belongings organization, meals, communication, and emotional management.
A. Kim Si-hyo: You have to be sincere. Even if various cognitive functions are poor, pride often remains the same, so you should not treat patients harshly. If their self-esteem is hurt or dissatisfied, they can show bad behavior without sleeping, or the symptoms can suddenly worsen. Don't criticize the patient. In a situation where everything is unfamiliar and anxious, if they are scolded, they lose confidence and their symptoms worsen. It is recommended to reduce environmental changes and maintain daily patterns. If friends or relatives come to visit or focus a lot on changes in the environment, the symptoms may suddenly worsen. So, there should be as little change as possible in the environment and daily life.
Q. Medieus Queen: Currently, the rate of increase in dementia patients in Korea is the fastest in the world. As the population ages, the number of dementia patients is increasing so rapidly that one in 10 elderly people is said to have dementia. What are foods or methods that are most important for early prevention?
A. Kim Si-hyo: The sooner you start trying to prevent dementia, the better. What is important to prevent dementia is to improve blood circulation in the head, use the head hard, quickly remove the active oxygen or toxins that occur, and clean up the unnecessary electrical excitement in the brain. To do this, you need to eat well, sleep well, excrete well, exercise hard, avoid alcohol, and cigarettes, avoid hurting your brain with physical damage, and reduce excessive physical and mental stress. Among them, eating well is very important. Eating well doesn't mean eating all kinds of delicacies. It is better to eat evenly so that you do not lack the necessary nutrients, and it is better to eat a little less than eating a lot.
Q. Medieus Queen: You have been writing steadily and provides dementia-related information as well as various health information through the YouTube channel "Kim Si-hyo Western and Oriental Medicine TV,". Finally, I'm curious about what you're aiming for or what you're planning to do in the future.
A. Kim Si-hyo: I want to find a good way to treat dementia and other incurable diseases. Stereotypes make incurable diseases. No basis for the disease does not mean that there is no disease or is not a disease. There is a way to treat incurable diseases by understanding that you have to treat diseases in advance that is not disease yet, and it is often caused by weakening many parts of the body like old houses rather than one or two wrong causes. Treating a small but many therapeutic targets is a supplement. On the other hand, hospitals treat one major target. Old houses are not fixed by changing a pillar or changing a rafter or a window frame.