Hair loss, we need to find the cause and treat it
Instead of simply prescribing drugs that suppress certain hormones, he finds and treats the cause of hair loss.
"In addition to hair loss, our hospital has also made it possible to find solutions for those who have concerns about their hair or scalps."
It is the principle since the start of this hospital.
Let's find out the story of Director Lee Moon-won who has stuck to his principles and concentrated on treating patients with hair loss, and hair and scalp concerns.
Q. Park Bo-hyun, CEO of B&H Korea (hereinafter referred to as Park Bo-hyun): What is the difference between a hair loss clinic and your oriental medicine clinic?
A. Lee Moon-won, CEO of Oriental Medicine Clinic (hereinafter referred to as Lee Moon-won): The biggest difference is the ingredient of the treatments used. Prescriptions are issued using herbal medicines and ingredients extracted from them, and another difference is that the effects of those treatments may differ in terms of the cause. For example, my treatments are targeted more toward the root of the problem. In the case of male hair loss, it is often caused by a particular set of male hormones, so the treatment plan is targeted toward the cause of the hormonal transformation.
So far, western medicine has been treating from the perspective of "It is not clear what caused this, but since there's a change, let's try and suppress the hormone itself,", However, "Why did this change occur? "If it's close to the starting point of this change, wouldn't it be naturally controlled without suppressing this hormone?"’ In this difference, you can say that the concept of using medicine is different. In addition, in the case of hair loss among females, there are no drugs that can actively treat hormones, which can be interesting for oriental medicine.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: You said you were going to find the cause of hair loss and treat it, but I think there are many reasons. Could you please share a few?
A. Lee Moon-won: I don't think all the causes of hair loss have been revealed yet. But you can find some patterns when you see a patient. There are cases where hair loss occurs due to a lot of mental and physical consumption, and such symptoms as temporary hyperventilation of blood collection due to excessive stress, and temporary loss of function in the body.
Another reason is due to immune dysfunction, and the cells surrounding the follicles are destroyed by your immune cells. Furthermore, symptoms may occur due to nutrient imbalance caused by diets. Symptoms are usually divided into these categories and are addressed with appropriate treatments.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: Oriental medicine usually requires longer treatment, but is there a difference between the effect of oriental medicine and western medicine?
A. Lee Moon-won: In fact, I don't think the duration of treatment is much different. The treatment period may vary slightly depending on the degree of hair loss and the cause. However, oriental medicine does not change the treatment period. As for male hair loss, western medicine is usually effective only during the period when patients are undergoing treatments. So, if the goal is to continue for the rest of their life, patients then have to take medication for the rest of their life.
On the other hand, in oriental medicine, the treatments are periodic. As I said earlier, the effectiveness of the treatment continues even after the treatment is done. Although it doesn't mean it will last forever, it depends on how well you take care of your body afterward. Therefore, oriental medicine is more advantageous in terms of continuity of the treatment effect.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: I know that your hospital develops your own treatment plan A, so please tell me in detail.
A. Lee Moon-won: The treatments used here are the ones I researched and developed myself. In the case of hair loss caused by physical changes, the physical function is controlled through medicine. In the case where the problem is the scalp, treatment is targeted with herbal medicine extract, and acupuncture onto the scalp. There's also a head spa program to target hair loss where patients can get skin care done comfortably. Our method is not only traditional acupuncture but a modern way of combining various treatment methods and applying them according to the cause.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: I heard there are a lot of requests from the press regarding the head spa that you mentioned.
A. Lee Moon-won: Patients can receive a head spa comfortably. In fact, people these days are very stressed, and this method can relax them by giving comfort during treatment. It seems that the media likes the fact that patients lie down and rest, and our staff apply and inject treatments directly to the scalp.
Particularly, when foreigners come to Korea, they want to address their hair loss problems by getting a head spa, just like when we go to Southeast Asia, we often get a massage while resting comfortably.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: When it comes to “hair loss”, men are the main target, but I heard that women and children's hair loss is also increasing.
A. Lee Moon-won: In fact, when you think of hair loss, men are usually the victim, but in our hospital, the ratio of patients between male and female patients is 6:4. The modern way of living has created a stressful environment, as well as the dietary habits makes it easier for women to experience hair loss these days. Since it's a part of appearance, there are strong initiatives to seek treatments. In the case of children, competition has been fierce since they were young, so they complain of hair loss due to stress while attending academies.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: What are some scalp care tips you can do at home?
A. Lee Moon-won: In fact, I tell my patients that the first thing is to get a good night's sleep. And I’d recommend combing your hair frequently. Korean used to pay a lot of attention to their hair, and one of the ways was to brush their hair frequently. Combing often helps blood circulation and makes the hair healthier. Next is drinking a lot of water. Drinking water usually reduces stress hormones and stabilizes mood. Drinking water makes people feel stable and comfortable, as well as has many advantages of boosting metabolism.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: Lastly, do you have anything you would like to add regarding the future plan for running the hospital?
A. Lee Moon-won: When I first created the hospital, the motto was "Everything about hair, everything about hair loss!" However, I discovered that my patients not only have concerns about hair loss but also about problems with the scalp, and they try to resolve them by going to hair salons or self-treatments. In Moon-won Oriental Clinic, we combine both traditional and modern methods to provide the best solution for patients. Therefore, our wish is to become a world-class hospital specializing in hair loss, expand into the hair salon business and develop perm or dye methods to keep the hair healthy, furthermore, commercialize hair loss treatment products for patients to use at home.