The World-Famous Hair Loss and Weight Loss Treatments in Korea.
The number of foreign patients coming to Korea for treatments are increasing by more than 30% yearly. Korea, known for its meticulous surgical technique and advanced technology, has recently been in the spotlight for innovative treatments on "hair loss" and "obesity", both in the East and the West. On behalf of the 14% of the world's population suffering from hair loss and 2.1 billion people living with obesity, we met with two doctors in each field to address these concerns.
Q. CEO Park Bo-hyun of B&H Korea (hereinafter referred to as Park Bo-hyun): Is there a safe and effective way to remove belly fat?
A. Park Jae-woo, director of BIO Plastic Surgery Clinic (hereinafter referred to as Park Jae-woo): If you are on a tight schedule, laser liposuction is recommended. The needle is small and it is known to be effective with only a few scars and side effects. But the current trend is to combine methods of treatments such as Accusculpt Laser, Waterjet, and high frequency treatments to cater to individual need. Unlike conventional liposuction, skin tightening equipment is used to retain the elasticity of the skin after surgery.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: I wonder if it’s safety has been verified.
A. Park Jae-woo: Accusculpt was recognized in the world by FDA (US) and CE (EU) certification. It's been 7 years since I first introduced this technology to Korea. We currently have 30 lectures a year, attracting foreign medical professionals from China, Japan, Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Poland, and Iran to come to Korea and learn about Accusculpt. Foreigners get treatment and introduce these methods back to their home countries. They are usually referred by their embassies to study from us. There are not many people who can teach Accusculpt in the world.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: I heard that there are lots of speculation on whether the procedure is painful.
A. Park Jae-woo: If your bleeding is limited, you won’t be in too much pain. Therefore, it is necessary to operate carefully and meticulously to reduce bleeding, swelling, and other side effects. You need to put your heart into it, and it takes a lot of time to hard work, so that’s why I don't have many surgeries a day.
Q. Park Bohyun: what is the most important thing to consider when you decide to do a liposuction?
A. Park Jae-woo: When a patient chooses a hospital, consultation is very important. New machines, new methods are not necessarily the best case for them, because new technology needs time to stabilize. There is no one size fits all solutions, treatment done on one patient does not mean it is suitable for another, thus we need to modify treatment plans based on individual needs of the patient. Liposuction isn't just about pulling out fat from your body, and even with a successful procedure, it is still stressful to see a scar. So the key is to make the line prettier rather than just to pull out a lot of content at once. That’s why it's called “Fat sculpturing”.
Q. Park Bo-hyun: Lastly, would you like to add anything else?
A. Park Jae-woo: I still remembers all the patients whom I needed to re-operate on due to other’s surgical errors, which resulted in horrible scars here and there. The purpose of liposuction is not only about pulling out fat. Rather than having immediate results, it is better to have progressing results in the next 1,2 or 5 years of time, we are aiming for long term result.
Asians and Westerners have different needs, and to cater to foreign customers, we need to understand those differences. Consultation time for foreigners usually takes an hour or more. In one case where we treated a foreigner, I spent 6 months discussing the treatment plan before the actual surgery, and the results are fantastic.
Let us help to restore our youthful through liposuction by solving belly fat issue which could not be solved with dieting.